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Posts posted by GrimBeard

  1. We'll crush them,but be warned. they have lava traps,fire traps,slaves and many devoted men. once we beat them back they have a keep to ocupy that well cost us more men,be ready to spend youre lifes dearly we'll need all the swords we can get.

  2. There is civil un rest blazing through oren. Edmund sheffield one of the best kings if trying his best to quell the pereas,the undead, and all the other thorns in his "arse" this is a voting booth for you to se what you thinks hapening in oren. This vote is not leaning to any side! this is just out of what is mostly being said now a days.

    ( sorry for the spelling,etc)

  3. whats bogging you down is to many guards are in it for the money,back with the old guards we did it for hounour and pride,also the gate duty is another problem,i suggest hireing a ***** or having a few dice games get started at the gate house. And you need to keep your boys active, like wilderness hikes,drills,and to see how fast they man the defenses. Start arm and armoring every single guard and have a parade,is they march in step in full suits of mail they will look wonderful,thats a knights and former captains advice.

  4. Hello i am GrimBeard knight of al khazar,my old squire faramir is gone after alstion fell, so i need a new one. heres the benifts,im usually always in the fights so yuoll earn much glory. some battles ive been is were, the siege of alstion the rebelions of ben powell and many more fights, youll have glory with me. if you want to become my squire write so on this parchment

  5. As GrimBeards corpse is taken away the head healers start to study it. As they study the body they found out it's some corpse of a dwarf with a dyed beard. There's a small note the next day that states * I heard you found out well yes i am alive. i did that so i could study the undead folowers in peace. i now live in talun but will make my way back -singned GrimBeard*

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