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Posts posted by GrimBeard

  1. ((Confused 'cos your spelling is terrible...))

    *Acknowledges the Voices. They are shouts from a tormented soul in the Nether*

    Ahh... I see Iblees did not go lightly on you as you are a bringer of chaos... And to answer your mistakes... The Undead do not live. Being sacrificed, is how the Undead are born. Dost that answer thy foolish rants?

    We are acknowledged by the Undead as a great ally. We do protect them with out lives, but don't you for your foolish king?

    *the voice resumes*

    Har har! dont make me laugh my soul out. you no great allies you are dogs to the undead, they use you to be cannon fodder and distractions. you would be undead rejects but you werent even considered to join there society. youre dogs to them.

    *the voice fades away*

  2. *ryder hears a voice saying in his head*

    The black hand are dogs and whelps, their sole pupose is to die so the undead may live. The undead are your masters and treat you like a special vermin. once they win theyll sacrficed you for iblees. so i hope you have fun vermin if you want to talk back leave a note by my corpse

    *the voice fades away*

  3. Grimbeard was a great man and kind freind , it was not his fault for the loss of alstion, it was doomed for a while

    Aegis just lost a great man , and a greater freind

    (making a new characer are you?)

    Yes its now a girl char named Lola thats a hunter please play along)

  4. As you step around a body by the cross you look harder, its GrimBeards corpse,and a book. the book says * Lads im sorry i let alstion fall i i promised to die if it dies so im going to jump. Please tell Gabriel that i love him and he was my greatest freind, tell cedric hes a brave lad, tell my squire i think he should be knighted, tell edmund that hes a great king and i woul serve him for ever. thats all good bye*

  5. Oren is falling. We don't need any pathetic former Oren Guard to help us with this. The Oren Guard are incompetent fools, the fact that you were once part of such a group says a lot to us. We have eyes and ears everywhere, we don't need another pair to tell us the same information.

    Begone, mortal, for we do not need your pathetic services.

    ( oh snap you told that guy off now hell have no freinds

  6. Lad you all know me,i was the oren captain for a damn good time. then i took a liking to the north. i pledged its suport to edmund,worked loyally for edmund, annd now i was Knighted by edmund. Some how i went from a mercnary to a Knight! sorry to gloat lads i was just stating

  7. Hello i GrimBeard lord of alstion while dans away just finished up reparing alstion. You can thank Edmund,alstions builders,kendrick,and all my other loyal citzens. Alstions back up again,with the plots and houses emphty im lowering the prices. Nows your chance to grab a house beacuse every day the prices get higher.


    Alstion is now rebuilt and is being turned into a miltary city. Winterfell still stands so i plan to use that to. Im going to use all my rangers and guards to defend alstion. Anyone looking for a temporary free house go to winterfell. the only requirment is to man it. with the undead in snowy i plan to bottle them up.

    I shall ask vardak for his perfered stratgey.

  8. Hello IM the curent Lord of alstion with daniel away. Anyone that was in the alstion army,or just a citzen come back to alstion i'm going to start rebuilding it.

    Also if you ever lived in winter fell or snowy come to alstion ill make housing for you. TO ALL NORTHMEN come to alstion houses will be rebuilt the fortifactions made beter and our men hardyer. any northerner who wants a house come to alstion we raise our banners for war soon and we need the norths strength.

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