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Posts posted by GrimBeard

  1. How is the Keep a luxury? What good is a Kingdom without a castle, and he's usually dealing with other things while it's being built by someone else. As for other things, lets see.. The new training grounds for the rebuilding of the guard that you managed to cripple into idiocy before your leadership was removed. The theatre, a bunch of houses, more shops, expansion of the city, oh wait it doesn't matter because you're an arrogant fool who only looks for little excuses to try to tarnish his image in anyway you can. You just cant accept that you messed up the guards, were replaced, and still haven't managed to help anywhere succeed. If Dan returns and decides he wants Alstion restored, we'll no doubt end up helping rebuild that too. It's hilarious to see that out've all my counter arguments to everything that people have said against Edmund the only rebuttal you can come up with is "Name 5 things Edmund Built besides your guys luxury keep?" Perhaps you should stop embarrassing yourself further.

    Very true but since you said edmund will help re build alstion ill order the rebuilding soon

  2. If you're truly convinced enough to believe that because the army isn't present for a single fight that we've somehow decided to throw away land and it's people and have no desire to aid anywhere but Alk'hazar, they you are as arrogant as you are foolish. The army is small, and poorly funded due to our decision to keep the people of Oren happy and reconsider taxing them, the King rides with his army whenever he can and even I come to the aid of Oren when it is needed.

    The King may not be a publicly open to people as Pampo, this is because he is always busy, busy building, busy creating laws, busy helping people setup new towns, busy guiding his advisors when I'm not around, busy aiding the military, he's always very busy. Pampo did not have the problems we have today. The undead were not on our doorstep. There was much less need for a constant and sizable army, the population was small, and people did not seek the luxuries of Alk'hazar or Oren as rapidly as they do today. Pampo had his own personal funds for the army and left none to aid King Edmund. We are starting essentially from scratch and a nation HAS to begin from it's capital, Alstion is not lost and we will see it restored, while I grieve for snowy fields, losses are not entirely preventable, we are mortals as you are. Nothing more, you are so ready to point a finger instead of asking how you can aid our nation that you throw away the knowledge I seek to give, and only look at a shallow vision of your surroundings.

    For now I grow tired of trying to become a teacher and have further duties to aid in the expansion of our army that you expect to come to your aid, and will not be replying to letters further, you may seek me out in person if your curiosity to learn of a way to help finally grasps hold of you.

    Name 5 things edmund Built besides your guys luxury keep?

  3. *As you walk down the streets of AL Khzar you notice a smal poster and quill. you read it and it says*

    Pampo was one of orens first king and a Damn good one. He loved his small folk and would tour orens streets.

    Edmund is the curent king. Hes fair but doesnt show because he hardly talks to people. His towns slowy die out. But yet he devotes hours to towns,he needs to re think the goverment but yet is a fair man

    *you notice the Ink and quil it says*

    Write down wheter you would have Pampo or edmund! its ok to say tis not treason unless edmund dosent want free speach!

  4. Hello its GrimBeard and im construtin a Guild and wall. I need brothers of the black to man the wall of the north. there meat and mead, and free housing in the wall. i just need you to keep watch of the north. To every small town if ya have crimnals or prisoners send em to the wall where theyll serve faithfully.

    -singed GrimBeard

  5. Hello its GrimBeard and im construtin a Guild and wall. I need brothers of the black to man the wall of the north. there meat and mead, and free housing in the wall. i just need you to keep watch of the north. To every small town if ya have crimnals or prisoners send em to the wall where theyll serve faithfully.

    -singed GrimBeard

  6. Soon enough Al Khzar will fall, the king grows fat and doesnt care aobut his fiefdome. There is to be a huge wall of evry sort of material built to block off the undead. The Black Watch is serious, if you join you drop what you were doing, but you may have leave at boring times. IF any city has bandits or Jailed persons send them to the wall where theyll serve fait fully. The ranks are

    Lord commader

    Ranger Commander




    If you wish to join post below if you wish to send any crimnals or bandits post below thank you

    ( p.s) theres free armor,minas,housing and meat and mead. you just have to keep watch during the night.

    ALso we need donations and a builder ill pay

    Allies are acepted

  7. Hello friends! have you ever wanted to become a hero that everyone loves! well now you can. heres the things you must do, be knighted be a worthy fighter and be fair. you must be aproved by your king to become a hero! g'day if yer aproved by yer king message me! (dirtryhary) then youll become an oficial hero!

  8. Aye when Alsitons time comes my axe will be ther...but i sugest maby a series of signal towers to light wehn they do come? (( have a massive redstone circuit that gos frim one nether rack to another unti it hits oren and when you hit the switch it lights all of them on fire so we know yer under atack?))

  9. If we atack there Fort well surly die the only thing we can do is contain them. Saint Daniel ill help you build a wall.......then perhaps we build a HUGE wall made of ice and cobble to case the undead in? and get bandits and crimnals to run it? containing is the only way. (( yes i knwo the walls from a song of fire and ice))

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