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Posts posted by GrimBeard

  1. world-war-1.png

    1919 (Early Months)


    War in Asia! The Netherlands was reeling from several Japanese dealt blows. Their VOC and Regular army was decayed to a point of being useless. They by and large pull out, heading home. This however leaves a major power vacuum. In the west a strong and motivated Caliphate supplied by the Ottomans seizes power. In the middle island chains, the Tanoist Republic and Japanese take power. And to the east, it was a brewing mess os Socialist, Royalist, Muslims, Natives, and more.


    In China her armies yet again mobilize. Former French Indochina was a seething mess of atrocities and War Lords. The People’s Liberation Army and Socialist Regime seek to put an end to the messy matters. Student Councils appoint their generals, mainly former Warlords themselves, though now loyal. And army rumored to be millions strong begins to clash with Laos, Cambodian, and Vietnamese forces.




    In Spain more and more settlers begin to take up residence in former French colonies. With such utter chaos and plague in France, it is a move that is hardly noticed. Spain for her part sits in an armored ring, and controls the Straights of Gibraltar. 


    In the Ottoman Empire a growing radical Turk movement is gaining traction. In response to the Baku bombings, they wanted revenge. Teams of men start to travel through Armenia. They resume the slaughters, and escalate matters. The whole of the region is becoming bloody sectarian war.




    In Europe a growing war over Corsica begins. Italian and Austrian navyies begin to clash, as all out land offensives are launched.

    Persia begins a series of reforms, shifting towards more Islamic policy. In Afghanistan Great Britain is setting up shop, having already been established.


    Brazil earns the ire of her Socialist neighbours [and own members] for the blatant Imperialism. To sail ships around the world, attack shipping, and fight Europeans. It made for bad policy, and a growing anti Imperial movement was gaining traction thanks to the 2nd Int.


    The United States after over a half decade of turmoil is still shattered. The Republican party had little support, and was losing the Progressives again. Growing movements against linear party lines was apparent. Socialism and Fascism were on the rise.




    In Mexico Carranza’s former Federal Army finally strikes against the new Regime. Supported by a Right wing coalition, they wage war in southern Mexico. Fighting is bloody, but not conventional. Roaming bands of veteran troops hunt down Government levies.


    Another 20 million die from the Dutch Flu. By now most of Europe was hard hit, and industry and army numbers are plummeting. In America the U.S is paralyzed by government shutdown and plague. Mexico is in a growing civil war, and many are turning blue, coughing their lungs up. In South America entire communities are devastated. In Russia death is now commonplace, by bullet, or flu.




    The army of Ukraine is formed into a true fighting force. Primarily staffed with cossacks and zealous Unionist.


    Ukraine begins fortifying the border. However for now it is no Western in depth defense.


    Romania accepts the defensive aid, already quite a fortress in her own right.


    With Russian backing this naval group focuses on building capable shipyards in Crimea. IT will be a long and arduous task.


    Work on this new Cruiser and Dreadnought begins as they begin to figure out how to lay it. By next [turn] they will be able to start actual work on a preliminary model.


    New guns will complement these ships.


    Cruiser conscription is slow, with too much else going on.


    The Oversight Board begins naval reforms. Not many Russians are sailors.






    Madagascar is seized with little resistance. However it becomes a plague hotspot, killing most of the troops outright. They sit in the unseasonal heat, and suffer. But the island is Italian now!


    The Blackshirt march ends in everyone’s shirts becoming red. From blood. This highly zealous and rather unorganized union was not doing well to buy the right wing’s love. Italian socialism was practically non existent. There was no tangent threat to rally behind. Instead they had been following a government and king that led to through a war into Empire. Government loyalist and Kingsmen ambush the march, gunning down or imprisoning many. The march is deemed illegal though the party is not outlawed.






    Greek shipyards are now capable of building just under Japanese standard ships. Used as a comparison to European standard, or British/German. Japanese ships are roughly 2nd tier. 


    Submarine work nears completion but needs to have a few kinks worked out.


    Greece begins a ‘desperate entrenchment’ style fortification.


    It doesn't help much as the virus could incubate for weeks before becoming active. Greece rots just as much as any of her neighbours. If not feeling it more, with such a low population.


    Without conscription Greece was only able to raise her army from two hundred to three hundred fifty thousand. However these Greeks are highly motivated, and mostly veterans of the Balkan and Great War.


    Industry continues, but a bit slower than planned. Propaganda continues as planned.


    Education reforms are enacted, as more artillery rolls out.


    King Constantine recovers from his illness, and is starting to take a more active part in government!




    Roger Casement’s body is returned.


    By now Irish industry had grown by a ⅓ of it’s former size. It was employing and educating more workers, as Ireland shifted on a domestic economy. With relative peace across the whole island, industry and life was growing. Primarily around Ulster and Dublin, the jewels of Irish industry.


    The non existent Irish navy now numbers; 1 Armored Cruiser, 3 Light Cruisers, 10 Destroyers.


    Using mostly volunteers or former IRB members, the Irish army reaches eighty thousand.


    Gaelic revival continues, many non Ulster schools teach it. In Ulster they allow funding, and the right to learn it. But they do not encourage it or recognize it in court.


    Ireland begins to learn from her mistakes, but is still racked with flu.


    Other growth continues slower than planned.






    The Austrian industry begins mobilizing for total war.


    The Dutch Flu runs rampant through Austria, killing tens of thousands.


    Instead of Recon class, and actual “Fighter” airplane is made. It will be geared towards to sole purpose of engaging other aircraft.


    The Austrian army now reaches a total of six million men under arms, with more to come. After so many years of mobilizations and war, her army was relatively intact, besides the plague.


    War begins in earnest…..




    The Dutch flu runs rampant in Japan, killing tens of thousands. Hysteric communities even shoot plague victims trying to enter their neighborhoods. 


    Japanese ship production and capability continues to expand. 


    This new economic and railroad era is praised in all three states, and begins work.






    The announcement of elections was met joy all around. Many Socialist campaigning for months now had an official platform. All sorts of parties were lobbying for power. The Dumas itself had strong power blocs, but seemed to not be the sole party.


    After dropping the leaflets, Russians see scattered bands of Soviet soldiers leave their trenches, or try to. They are either bayoneted, or killed with grenades, not worth the bullets. Some defectors reach the Russian line, Speaking of Stalin and his cabinet’s Iron Control, and of the armies grip.


    Who knows what happened, what kind of assassins and bounty hunters Stalin is dodging or purging. 


    And so Rasputin dies, raising ire amongst some of the Empress’s circle.


    This ambitious Dreadnought plan begins. First they must draft the resources and shipyards needed. Work will begin in June to start this big project.


    Though not exactly in a position to export, France can import some Russian goods, though hardly able to even pay for it.


    In tandem with Poland these Union automobile industries continue work on basic cars. Not many but the elite or cities have the capability to make them even viable. 


    Work begins on a preliminary truck design.






    With all this naval reform, the bill was rapidly growing. To almost double her smaller ships size in a few years was appearing to be more and more a growing issue. Brazil will have to let go plans elsewhere, to begin producing he rnavy more. The amount of light cruisers and torpedo boats is limited, and work first begins on the heavier ships. They continue to plan for a ‘21 date.


    The Army begins it’s reforms and crack downs on discipline. They become a more organized and led force.


    Work begins on connecting the coast to the inland.


    Columbia and Peru for now are not keen on the deal. Peru agrees, but Colombia sights the little need for paying to protect peaceful shipping. Bolivia agrees, on the terms of use to more then just one limited port.


    The Dutch and French settlers continue to resist, though increasingly hunted down and killed or deported.


    A very far reaching concept, Brazil instead focuses on what is the realistic era anti tank weapons. Such as German or Austrian ones. Static artillery positions, and infantry anti tank rounds. Adapted field artillery was unviable to pierce the amount of armor any tank had.




    France is almost the hardest hit Dutch Fly victim. For years her army and populace has suffered, and starved. Throughout France hundreds of thousands are dead, or infected. Paired with debt, the civil war, and navy/military cost, France was nearing a crippled state.


    Most of the former 3rd Republic soldiers go home, leaving the increasingly communist N.L.A in power. This helps reduce the economic strain somewhat.

    Any Stahlhelm esque helmet is utterly rejected. They stick with the adriatic. The army itself begins reforming into a smaller army. It was mainly the NLA Socialist guard, and Foreign Legion volunteers.


    The Semi Auto rifle is rejected, having almost zero use in trench warfare.


    Copying the useful tactics of Serbia, an official French logistic corp is founded. For now they work on gathering all the skilled labor needed.


    Work begins on an improved French Heavy Tank. They work on making it less prone to breaking down.


    And so 1920 elections will happen. The Socialist under Jaures who had merged with the more moderate 3rd republicans seemed to be a dominant power. With the army, propaganda, and tools, the Socialist seemed likely to win the most seats. 


    Now slightly opposed to Jaures who was also running, Charles begins his less popular campaign.  He however begins growing a support base.






    And so the first class of the War Academy begins.


    The Dutch Flu runs rampant through Sebira, killing tens of thousands.


    Serbia will debut her first dedicated fighter model in June.


    Work begins on perfecting/finishing the Serbian’s new automobile model.


    Work begins on heavy cruisers, 3 will be done in a year.


    The Navy and Airforce report a entrenched Greek army, numbering roughly half a million.




    Many see that the Socialist are doing the same thing and working with the Nationalist party, if not suggesting even more radical social reforms.


    Not really serving a massive use with few Polish roads capable of automobile travel, some foreign investment is still procured. It helps boost the industry temporarily.


    Agriculture, and Industry/Arms plans continue.


    The army is mostly going home now with little threat. The volunteers that remain become more disciplined and are mostly veterans. Or dying of plague. The ‘Hussars’ as they style themselves begin training.


    Work begins on the first ever Polish automobile.




    The Netherlands thanks the German Empire, and increases trade routes into the Empire as a return of thanks.


    The Germans are soon enough retrofitting another battleship. She will soon have to ships comparable to the Initial Argus design.


    With such looming threats many feel the need for conscription. However they do begin to try and focus on volunteer drives over blunt conscription.


    Germany will debut her first ever tank in June.



  2. WVAMap_feat.jpg?cb=ecd1c4258df7aaa3975f4

    Commonwealth of Virginia


    Across West Virginia tales are told of the glorious raids into Maryland. They had hardly responded, and were whipped good and proper. However the fun was not to last. A few of Stuart’s best men had died. They did not let it sadden them though. They had all gotten some good and proper revenge. The Union and Maryland alike had submitted to Virginia’s will. However Lee recalls both men, as more interesting ventures arise.


    In Virginia proper the higher government is forced to reroute their plans. Quite the ambitious lot, they had thrown too much into the naval expansion. Regardless it was still a year’s worth of work, alongside the next six months. However they did not try to dedicate the budget instead. They stick to using excess revenue, and whatever money Admiral Farragut can raise. This continued need for high finance raises a new issue. The British Pound is working great, but Virginia wanted a official source. Great Britain is invited to build a bank in Richmond.


    In general the budget is balanced back to normal. Slow growth and taxation will continue to better Virginia’s industry. The slaves continue to work, rails continue to be laid, and seeds continue to be planted. The officers sent to assist the French spread tales of their battle, and continue aiding the French campaign. It is even suggested a Virginian regiment could be sent.


    In other news it is announced Virginia and it’s main trading partner New York will host a war parade. Here men will march and drill side by side, to better train the armies. It is in light of recent militarization in the North. Some states had completely renounced slavery, and offered haven. Places like Indiana, or further west. Many southerners were worried, and New York was too. And so they will make a display of power. Two corps are sent, the 4th West Virginian and 1st Virginian. Lee himself commands, landing in New York City. He keeps a close eye on the men, with his officer cadre. They will ensure no fighting ensues. The 4th were Westerners anyway, and non slave owners. The 1st were well disciplined and veterans.


    In the Congo the fort garrison begins to patrol nearby areas to project their power. However when encountering Tribal land they do not posture. They instead offer good trade deals, and access to Virginian markets. In respect to European law no slave trade is practiced. Brigadier General Ewell and the minted ‘6th Congo Regiment’ retain control.




    1.5 years currently put into Ironclad Squadron project. (2 under construction)


    Offering British to build bank in Richmond.


    Balancing of budget and continued growth.


    War Parades in New York.


    Congo expansion.


    In Other News


    Recruitment begins on a 5th Corp for the Virginian Armed Forces. They will be under the 2nd Army group. Leadership will be determined as more men come in.





  3. ua.gif

    Your Discord’s name: DirtyHary#9364


    Your Nation: Republic of Ukraine


    Short background of nation: Ever since the beginning of the century, Ukraine was plagued with troubles. In the early 2000’s they had known nothing but global collapse and debt. And then the Russians decided to be their next tormentor. To this day Crimea is Russian. The Republic does not rally it’s members and arm every last man. They largely ignored Russia, and now the USSR. Besides the Donetsk Separatist, Ukraine had many friends. The Republic sticks to it’s democratic ideals, and has been more and more western capitalist. This has hopefully led to increased wealth, and fortune. Western Ukraine and Kiev were still pearls in many hearts.


    Government type: Democracy


    Suggestions/Feedback: More explanation into systems, particularly combat.


    Nations standing army/navy. https://www.globalfirepower.com/country-military-strength-detail.asp?country_id=ukraine




  4. WVAMap_feat.jpg?cb=ecd1c4258df7aaa3975f4

    Commonwealth of Virginia


    *Outrage had ensued with the Union failure to help pay for the damages they had done in Virginia. But Lee and Letcher were not looking to force them to pay. Instead they take the apology with grace, and maintain their end of the bargain. They respect D.C’s territory, and the Union army within it. And that was that for the higher up elites of Virginia. But more and more less powerful men were becoming outraged at this chain of events.


    *Men like JEB Stuart, or Fitzhugh Lee. They had spent the past year helping West Virginia rebuild. They saw the devastation and death first hand. Many shattered homes, or burnt farmsteads. They were not so easy to forgive. No money, just empty words. Robert Lee and the Northern Army were in Virginia proper. But here the 2nd Volunteer Army was embedded in West Virginia under Henry Thomas. He opted to remain in Virginia, and lead through Brigadier General John Mosby, until the army was properly formed.


    *Mosby, Stuart, and Fitzhgh all met one dark night in Harper’s Ferry. The moon was blotted from the sky. With several prominent W. Virginians, they decided to take matters into their own hands. They don Union standard issue uniforms, and wear cloaks and caps. Many daub their faces in black, or wear cloth or more elaborate mask. And they are armed to maim, whips, torches, pistols, blunderbusses. JEB uses him and his veteran cavalry to scout a path into Maryland. There the riders will conduct quick raids on the Marylanders, under the guise of Union Troops.





    **The Virginia Ironclad launches from her dock in Richmond. She was the first of her class, and deadly. Admiral Farragut had spared no expense. The hull was all steel, and had a strong enough motor. It had required two smoke stacks, for the amount of steam pressure needed. She will begin her maiden voyage with quite the test. Her, and the rest of the Virginian fleet, will make an arduous sail. 


    **They are headed to Africa, to establish a military fort. Numerous supply ships and barges will go with the fleet, to carry troops, and supplies. They will aim to establish a fort in a suitable harbor south of the Portuguese lands in the mysterious congo. They will not sail in one massive fleet. The Virginia and her fellow ships of the line will spear head the fleet with some troops. In increasing waves over a few months the colonist and extra supplies will follow up.


    ***Virginia praises the French intervention in Mexico, and offers several of her Generals to assist in operations, them being veterans of the Mexican-American war. She denounces the northern notion of enforcing the Monroe doctrine. It was the start of an increasingly clear Virginian shift towards supporting European powers.





    In other news over the past year, Virginia continues to manage her economy and slaves carefully. Industry will continue to slowly grow, the government not wasting extra money trying to subsidize it. However thanks to the wealth of local aristocrats, the main government did have somewhat of a surplus budget. The Army was paid by the Commonwealth as a whole, and supplied themselves.


    As a result this year will see a good portion of Virginian mines, industry, and shipyards dedicated to forming her first Ironclad squadron. Most of Virginia is left to it’s self {as confederates love over Gov intervention} as the main government focusses on building the Virginia two sister ships.







    *Raids into Maryland


    **Trying to establish military fort in congo


    ***Supporting French in Mexico


    Continues natural industrial growth


    Bending resources to Ironclad squadron





  5. 20180917_055922_Flu-1_400.jpg

    1918 (Later Months)


    Outrage ripples across France in light of Germany’s alleged Bavarian scandal. Though it can’t really be confirmed, it eerily lines up to present day events. OHl had clearly used two French wars (regardless of how they started) to crack down on internal factions. King Rupprecht of Bavaria himself orders all Bavarians back to the Kingdom. Outraged the Kaiser had used his father’s death, and so many dead Bavarians due to it.




    In Baku and Azerbaijan as a whole, all is flames. The Ottomans had [as expected] finally lost the will to keep their finders out of the honey pot. The Transcaucasian Federation at this point was a dictatorship under a Stalin backed man [though none would know]. They had kept quiet, but now all cards were on the table. The 2nd Internationale promptly boots them from the party, and condemns their actions that follow.


    But they did not play by nation’s rules. As the Ottomans advanced, across Azerbaijan, they strike. Dozens of guerrillas mixed in with populaces, or even working, hit the oil fields. The drills, and even within the well burn. It was too late to stop what had clearly been planned for over three years. The wells shot out flames for days, the drills completely burnt. Baku itself was a blistered ruin. Her shipyards, drills, and city razed. The Ottomans conquer a city of dust, and lose temporary control on oil production. The federation remains aloof in the mountains.




    Spain fully recovers her former borders, and stabilizes as a socialist republic.


    In Indonesia bloody sectarian violence continues.


    In China the last of the rebels are consumed, and join the shining Republic. Her industry and shipping continues to grow, as Japan is lax in trade. Socialist Tanosim and anti west rhetoric dominate.


    Suspects in the Chicago Restaurant Poisonings are arrested, and more than 100 waiters are taken into custody, for poisoning restaurant customers with a lethal powder called Mickey Finn.


    he Imperial Japanese Navy battleship Kawachi blows up off Tokuyama, Yamaguchi, western Honshu, Japan, killing at least 621.




    Across the world what is now known as the DUTCH FLU is first recorded in Amsterdam. No one knew where it originated from, or how deadly it was. Was it one disease, one strain? No one knew what it really was. But they did start to learn one thing. If you had it, you were more than likely dead. People across the WORLD begin to drown in their own fluids, and turn blue. Across the world 15 million deaths are recorded. Not one nation can say they lost no one. Global Trade formed a web-way across the world, that anything could travel. Who knew what was next? Many don’t even publicize the plague, out of fear. Doctors have no clue what to do, or are too busy coughing their lungs out.






    Industry continues back on track after several hiccups.


    Irish Shipyards already capable of building modern ships begin to make Ireland’s Merchant Marine force, and several destroyers, and one armored cruiser.

    The IRB begins to permeate the growing Irish army. Many Protestants, moderates, and Ulsters increasingly do not sign on after their term is over. Instead unofficial militia groups form. The main movement is an Ulster Federal Army as they call themselves. They work with the Irish police to track down the radicals.


    Gaelic Revival continues, with Ulster opposition. They do allow the option to learn gaelic.


    The health clinic is not exactly advanced, and flounders. Not too mention everyone dying of plague!


    The official Federal government and King grow closer as they hunt down the extremist.


    The Protestants agree.


    French Republic


    More and more the French people agree with it’s rhetoric. The paranoia and hunger and plague were getting to them all. Jaures and Charles are their shining beacon.


    With all the new land, more conscripts pour in. However many are plague riddled or too young and green.


    The economy shifts to total mobilization.


    Stockpiles begin.


    The new Junta begins to pick up the reigns of state.




    United Kingdoms of Austria


    The marriage proceeds with full Imperial splendor. The vows are followed up with actions.


    Many support the idea of home based parliaments for the low. Some even jump the gun and begin planning theirs, in accordance to Austrian law.


    Work reforms pass and industry growth continues as planned.


    The new students begin to learn Franz’s ideals, and literacy is rising.


    Austria begins to lock her borders under army control.


    Work begins on an anti tank weapon. For now they can only muster static guns or anti tank rifles. Work is very preliminary as most if not all Austrians have never even seen a tank.


    Napoleon begins receiving the shipments.


    In disgust at Germany’s treatment of government, Albert Einstein moves to Vienna to live in a Jewish community.


    Greater Serbia


    This peculiar trade takes place. Many Serbians however are no where near capable of jungle war which dominates Brazil. They focus on simplistic help.


    This war academy is founded, and begins construction. Many veterans join as teachers and staff.


    The Shipyards continue expansion, with the ships themselves being delayed. The hulls of the light cruisers are laid and work begins.


    Men stream to Germany to assist in the fight.


    Conscription begins, as the police and in some cases the army retain order. Many ethnic bulgars refuse to join, but do not riot. The new Serbian army will exceed all former numbers. (Roughly 1 million)


    The Serbs retake their new ports.


    Work begins on a new serbian motor specifically designed for their war machines.


    The Serbian Air FORCE forms.






    The Greek subs were largely coastal defense, and not made for deep water. The main navy however begins drilling and patrolling the waters.


    For years now Greek industry has been on the rise! They have eclipsed states like Bulgaria, and former Albania/Montenegro. Serbia however remains the dominant Balkan industrial power. Shipyards are also expanded, capable of building relatively modern ships.


    Byzantine propaganda and Greek nationalism continue to rise. The rhetoric is increasingly fiery. Bulgaria and Romania fully support this move.


    Quite the ambitious naval plan, Greece starts the subs, cruisers, and sweepers. They will take a year to produce, but will be almost modern. The question is now, coal, or oil?


    The Greek conscript system expands, as the army nears a peacetime number of 200k, with another 100k reserves.


    Some Greek supported join the network. But most have no interest in a war for Cyprus.


    Work begins on making Subs capable of more than defense. Offensive Deep Water Submarines. 


    Any further research falls flat.


    This new standardized military begins it’s reform and training process. 


    Greece continues to improve slowly.






    Medical development falls flat in the face of the flu. In the army a small doctor corp is formed.


    The Japanese naval expansion begins, but will cut Brazil’s production by a wide margin.


    A more educated and landed class begins to from a higher echelon of Japanese thinking. The RnD crew grows as a result.

    Japan begins to focus on a fully modern standard. Her ships will have compartments, night time ability, run on oil, and have better range finders.


    Ottoman Empire


    Continues Arab inclusion well continues! The Empire was becoming more and more a Muslim nation, not a Turkish one.

    More and more return to Cyprus.


    The Ottoman archaeologist begin several new projects. One is a revitalization of the Giza pyramid hit by Italian shells.


    Ottomans begin a actual naval construction in Italian shipyards.


    And so the Pasha’s seize Baku. At what cost?


    Many disgustingly ignore the Sultan. Russia was slaughtering anything in it’s path.


    The fortress ring continues.


    Progress in Baku is halted as there is only bodies, melted steel, and burning oil.


    The Ottoman advance into French Africa is halted as settlers and army units halt their highly uncoordinated plans.





    The Berlin Baghdad Railway is completed after over a decade’s worth of work. Besides a few bumps, one can now move from Berlin to Baghdad in a matter of 20 days or less. Zeppelins can do it in a few hours.


    Next year the Germans counter to the British carrier will arrive. The British for their part are already working on improving the first model Argus.


    Through plague, conscription riots, and political opposition, the German conscription fails in flames. However hundreds of thousands  of volunteers and old army units loyal to the Kaiser above all else join. The War Hawks merrily continue to purge opposition, smoothing the gears of German war. (+2.5 million men)


    Work begins on making a dedicated German bomber.


    Work begins into this new machine.




    This more right wing coalition under Pilsudski forms to counter the majority socialist party.


    Education and political campaigning continue as planned.


    Polish agriculture begins to feed grizzled soldiers and frayed citizens. Poland begins to gain more Russian attention, eclipsing Finland and Ukraine in popularity.


    The 4 year plan continues, as planned!


    Polish industry continues to solidify. Around Warsaw and near Danzig Polish factories are constructed. Though trained labor is hard to come by, Poland begins producing her very own small arms and equipment. It’s quality is questionable.


    Work begins on a fortress ring. It may prove costly, as Poles have to improvise on making proper forts. No where near a German or British defensive line.

    Work begins to reform the fledgling and wounded army.


    Poland must first have the industry to make tractors, let alone automobiles, let alone armored military ones. Poland’s first automobile factory begins construction. 






    Morale sky rockets with the victory and food!


    Work continues to repair what was damaged. The Rails start to regularly ship supplies again.


    The project for a Russian fighter prototype by 1920 seems tangible, as work begins.


    Russian automobile industry slowly grows, but is not very popular.


    Mainly conscripts if not all are pulled into the Russian army.



  6. 7 hours ago, Praetor said:

    Discord Name; You got it 


    Nation of Choice (and why?); Byzantium Greece 


    Nation’s historical background leading up to 1912:

    The nation has had a turbulent history. For the most part, it has been under the influence of great power over the past decades. Starting as a Kingdom in the early 1800’s under the Bavarian Otto, it has been shaken by a series of revolutions and upheavals. The first established a constitution, the others did little more than spiral the country into debt, and a series of failed wars against the Ottomans. 


    This changed after the Cretian Venizelos was asked by military members of a coup to come in as their political advisor in 1909. By 1912 he had reformed the political scene, the economy, the education system, purchased weapons and brought the British and French into the fold to help with training his military. Indeed, by 1912, Venizelos has turned the nation around, and prepared it for the chaos that was to come.


    Nation’s Government Type and Leader/Party;

    Greece is currently a Kingdom, under George I. The prime minister is Eleftherios Venizelos, of the Liberal Party.


    Any special characters you made and want to introduce?;

    Constantine of Epirus, the right hand man of Eleftherios Venizelos and the General of the Hellenic Army. He is a zealous nationalist and behind many of the major military reforms brought forth by Eleftherios throughout the past few years. About 45, he still has a few years ahead of him, and definitely has ambitions for power, once Eleftherios is out of the picture.


    Nation’s relative army/navy statistics (If you can’t find any pm me);

    As of 1912

    125k standing army

    140k national guard + reserves

    The army has faced significant reforms in past years, and has received training from French missions.


    22 ships

    The navy adopted a british style of fleet management & strategy in 1909, and once again received significant amounts of training from the Royal Navy.


    Did you read all the information?; Yes


    Suggestions or feedback?; Yes



    Anyone else wishing to join may still apply

  7. 1447244033_751019_1447245067_noticia_nor

    1918 (Early Months)


    Swedish civil war ends! Using their previous offensives gains, the Democrats negotiate a fair treaty with the Socialist. They will campaign until december, when elections will be held. Who knows which part would come out on top in 1919!?


    In Spain the civil war also ends. The ruling conservative party had gradually been deposed. A coalition of socialist, anarchist, unionist, republicans, democrats, monarchist, foreigners, army deserters, catalonians, naval mutineers, and many others had now seized victory. Catalonia was in her prime, and rich from all the unrest. Parliament is established, as elections are held. Unsurprisingly the Socialist and Anarchist/Unionist take power under a coalition. The King is reduced to ceremonial rule. In Navarre the  Basque people keep opposing the Spanish Socialist, supported by Napoleon V.




    In France the war enters a new phase! Angered by so many failed deals, a RIght Wing coalition had formed to end the Socialist and Republicans. Championed by the Bonaparte’s, they enter the world stage again. Current Failed French Treaty Count; Four.


    Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Madagascar all become nations in open rebellion against the French.


    In China the Socialist have consolidated their power. Industrial growth and investment continues. The remaining rebel factions are holed up in geographically unreachable areas. By and large, the Socialist now ruled. A mixed blend of Trotsky and Tanosim, it was led by the Student and Worker committees from every province. With relative peace they are now establishing an actual government. Germany is asked to hand the stolen Chinese ships back over, from before the Great War.


    Battle of Bear Valley: U.S. troops engage Yaqui Indian warriors in a minor skirmish in Arizona


    The Historic Concert for the Benefit of Widows and Orphans of Austrian and Hungarian Soldiers is held at the Konzerthaus, Vienna.


    Russia switches from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar; the date skips from January 31 to February 14.


    The last captive Carolina parakeet (the last breed of parrot native to the eastern United States) dies at the Cincinnati Zoo.


    The small town of Codell, Kansas is hit for the third year in a row, on the same date, by a tornado.


    Perhaps it started in China. Relatively malnourished peasants were the perfect host. Or maybe it started in Canada, from the cheap imported chinese labor. No one knows. No one knows it even exist. But it begins to spread. The world was connected. Trade was the veins of it’s human existence. Other things now travel over this web way. As some get sick, no one even registers it. Most believe measles or other diseases are more severe then a flu. 






    Mexican Government officials begin to take back the countries wealth. U.S officials and industrialists were angered, but could do little but lobby. The government begins to acquire more funds.


    Work into the more exotic plant industry begins. Agriculture in the valleys and southern mexico are fertile. Up north it is mostly tobacco and hemp.


    Some Mexicans in american immigrate back, but not many. However more and more migrants from U.S occupied latin america are pouring in.


    Villa assumes his old rank.


    The South begins to consolidate. However in some areas Carranza’s former Federal army sit. They are not rebelling, but neither are they cooperating.


    Small arms, field artillery, and ammo from Austria-Hungary arrive in Veracruz.




    Industry Slowly Grows.


    Work into merchant marine ships and two destroyers begins, the start of Ireland’s trade fleet!


    The Gaelic revival and fund raising are both successful. However protestant Ulster sticks to banning it. They have no wish to follow this Gaelic revival, and longingly look to a union. 


    Norway begins investment in Irish shipping.


    Work begins on building the big textile factory.


    Irish whisky and alcohol in general starts to meet the global market.


    Several parties of Catholic IRB and Protestant Ulster men begin to clash in foothills. In several rolling battles dozens are killed and many more wounded. The Ulster Federal Guard is dispatched. They rounded both sides up and treated them the same. However this inflames the violence as now IRB and more radical protestants rally against the ‘docile’ government.






    Italy was unable to reach the French or Swedish factions she wished to back. One by treaty, the other by geography.


    The Blackshirt movement is growing. However many moderate and liberal Italians (And the ones still in power) condemned this fascist activity.


    The call form the Blackshirts for a new vote was seen as violate. Contrary to their myths Giolittie had done much in his long rule. They had secure Italy’s natural borders [almost] from Austria and France. She had also gained lard tracts of colonies from Germans, Dutch, French, and natives. Furthermore most Italians wanted peace, not fascist uprisings. Tensions grow as the PM remains in power.


    Work begins on the advanced Italian Air Force.


    With lots of cheap african and peasant labor, and the materials, and funds, the Italian industry begins to explode at a rapid post war economy pace.




    All of Japan occupied China now has it’s major cities connected. One can go from Korea to Beijing.


    Japanese photos of the sectarian violence [on both sides but mainly the dutch] Fuels a wave of anti imperialist hate. Across asia Tanoist societies are rapidly forming and condemning the “White Man’s Burden”


    The Blockade takes effect, but the Dutch soon Challenges it. (See More Later)


    The Volunteer division forms mostly of Korean veterans, and lands. They begin to fight the Dutch in brutal, quick battles. Across the isle chain hundreds die.

    Education Reform continues


    The bill passes, with the Imperialist having previously opposed it now silent. They perhaps did not wish to risk losing their honor, over power.






    With the Great War victory aristocracy was becoming a defining feature again. This United Kingdom's model was accepted by many as their Kings began forming committees to list their grievances and wishes to Austria.


    Using many tactics via money or illicit means, the Emperor flexed his diplomatic muscle. Also driven by pure need, the U.K will begin connecting her major cities with modern rails.


    work on more remote infrastructure also begins. Hundreds of thousands of local troops are employed to help develop their own regions.


    One growing problem the auditioners see is the lack of communication. Perhaps what they mean is the voice of the common man is little heard up top. U.K parliament was a sham. Other problems were the differing ethnic and ideological views. Growing Socialist and Democrat movements though not violent, protested for more industry/globalization.


    The Austrian ports become mini bastions.


    Thanks to the Gendarmerie it is relatively peaceful. Many new police organizations are formed.


    Though seen as an act of war, many do not respond by mobilizing as well. Little wanted war. But Austria’s army ramping up would lead to further development. This increasingly reformed army is becoming an actual entity. The industry is doing the same.






    Though not yet a major automobile industry, small quantities of trucks are shipped.


    People from all across Serbia move to differing areas to work and meet new people. This growing sense of moving work is tightening bonds in the country.


    Industrial growth continues as planned.


    Being flung back into a state of war for the fourth time, many Serbian’s protest. A disheartened loser of the previous elections and his liberal party refuse.

    Though it is clear Romania is under threat, they see the Fascist as expendable. This is part of the growing counter movement to Balkan Fascism. Regardless 250k are deployed [with more coming], and work begins on defense.


    Serbia begins to have the logistics corp make actual infrastructure networks.


    Though not good besides on main roads, Serbia makes several armored cars. The quality of the Serbian car itself is dubious, who knew how they’d work. They begin to strive for better measures. Work begins on making vulcanized rubber tires. However Serbian supply of that is threatened by the growing Indonesians strife.




    The announcement of a proposed vote on monarchy stirs man Poles hearts. There was various views, most not being inclined. However most wanted some form of it. They begin to take a more active part in politics as a result. The National Party doesn't garner much royalist sympathy from it however. There was already one Polish King with Imperial backing.


    Women’s Suffrage is passed in Poland! Many Socialist had championed this, and worked together with the Nat. party.


    Good mannered debates in Parliament begin as various Poles try to move for various positions. Within Poland proper there were plenty of conservative and nationalist parties. But most of them only saw the Socialist, Pilsudki and his “30 seat” party were seen as the minority. They had no desire to support them.  This however galvanized others to help them. Political campaigning is bigger than ever. Moderates are more leaning towards the center.


    The Four Year Plan continues with some minor hiccups.


    A committee begins working on streamlining/improving growth plans.


    Industry in Poland was scare, but is now growing markedly. Around Warsaw the arms industry will soon be able to arm it’s own units. However the matter of quality is another matter.


    Yet again the Poles mobilize. They had no love for Austria. Many Socialist who had no desire to help Fascist in Romania still joined. They saw it as an opportunity for other ventures.


    A rag-tag band of highly motivated volunteers form the reserves. The army if needed could reach and support [with help] 600k men.


    Little can be gleaned from Tanks. Polock engineers scratch their heads in vexation. Building tractors was hard enough.




    Great Britain 


    Convoys were still not a concept that the RN had ever developed. In fact they had very little experience of saving shipping from U-Boats. The Germans had been incredibly docile with their subs. The Skilled RN crews and ships however helped negate losses. Destroyers begin to hunt down the more inexperienced French sub  crews.


    War is declared and by and large supported. More Socialist and Union supported in Britain were not as pleased. Many also did not want war, even if it was only at sea. There are several good mannered strikes and talkie reels addressing it.


    Napoleon V graciously thanks the Empire for it’s help.


    For now Britain is busy testing the new Argus, and learning from it. They will take the results and begin working on a better model.


    1924 is set the mark for a turreted tank. For now work continues on making a reliable MK III tank. However they were by and large relics from the Great War. Massive beast, mainly meant for countering trench breakthroughs. Though work has begun to make them more offensive, many are starting to see them as unreliable beast. 


    The British in the east rally as planned. Many Indian veterans re-enlist and are shipped out. They grimly hoped they wouldn’t be forced to fight until the last again.


    Other Baldwinian machinations happen.


    4th French Republic


    Jean Jaures begins his personal tour. He was a massively respected man by both sides. Actually seeing him begins to bing the Socialist closer together under him.


    Propaganda ramps up. Many are starting to listen to the 4th newspapers.


    The Lion of Paris begins to ruthlessly purge Paris of the fascist uprisings. They scatter  into hiding.

    For now recruitment and formation of the agency begins.


    Hard nosed police crackdowns are efficient, as industry resumes. Many saw it as meeting the Monarchist force with force.

    The first prototype of a French tank will debut in 1919.


    The conscription effort begins to rope in more and more French men. Most French males were now fighting or involved in the civil war.






    The invasions are a relative pain to Brazil. Though victorious in every battle, French and Dutch army units had gone underground. The whole settler base would welcome Brazil columns, then stab them in the back as they left. Growing unrest and violence was leading to a full blown sectarian violence. Both provinces are ‘occupied’ however, but with heavy resistance.


    Industry continues as planned.


    Frontinisim continues to rise amongst the more conservative Brazilians. However the Socialist and Republican coalition were not keen on letting this movement steal their seats. They begin to counter campaign, championing the rights of the union, and rural communities. The moderate party stuck in the middle was losing more and more seats to both sides.




    The plan works well as many out of work Russians flock to take the labor. Soon Russia would have more workers then she does projects.


    Russia begins gathering some of her sharper minds to improve her own research departments. They begin to work with other Russian officials.

    An updated model of a fighter plane begins. Not exactly a pioneer in the aviation area, Russia will struggle to make a proper dogfighter. For now they work on updating current recon models.


    More of Russia’s private industry is allocated to war. By now after four years of hard fought battles, she was not in her previous prime. Many men and equipment had been lost in the various wars. But the Duma was still in full power.






    Fortification in European land begins.


    Istanbul reforms begin.


    Oil production continues.


    The volunteer division begins forming. It is primarily ex janissaries. 


    Ottomans struggle to make tractors, tank research is not feasible currently.


    The Ottomans focus first on expanding the shipyards. Then they will be able to produce modern ships.


    The marriage garners more Arab support.


    Pan Islam gains some support in Persia, but is not unified.


    Rail artillery though not new will take time, work begins.


    The Indonesians graciously accept the aid, while the Dutch condemn it.


    United States


    The Four Year Plan continues, as planned!


    The Manufacturing belt though with investment is struggling to keep up the pace. As they expand the need for more and more skilled labor is needed. A uni or two even pop up to help supplement the growing working classes here.


    Immigration continues in relatively large numbers. Plenty of Chinese, Indonesians, and Indochinese make up this newest wave in the west.


    Blimp work continues as the U.S focuses on a reliant domestic model.


    Though still torn in civil war, the Russian/American treaty is passed.


    The new monument begins work.


    Norfolk Shipyards begin increased upgrades.


    The tank program slowly continues. Many were losing faith in the ability of these ponderous beast.


    Agriculture plan continues as more farmers buy tractors.


    West Elizabeth denies statehood.






    The German army begins mobilization. Many democrats, Socialist, and average Germans protested this move. They wanted peace. However the War Hawks and Generals turned politicians champion it. They use it to tighten their grip. King Ruprecht of Bavaria mobilizes his Bavarians reluctantly.


    The first German anti-tank rifle premiers. It is ungainly but is proven to penetrate weaker points in tank armor.


    Support for a final war for France passes by a decent margin. Though many wanted peace, the politicians and war hawks smelled opportunity. The Kaiser for his part wanted to end his socialist mistakes. But would the War Hawks stop at that?


    Work into a German counter to the HMS Argus begins. 



  8. 22 hours ago, Sagittarian99 said:

    I heard someone needs a Jackie Fisher!



    T H E  R E P U B L I C  O F  U K R A I N E




    Ukraine is a prosperous state as one of Europe's newest nations. It is one of Europe’s most poignant agricultural centers, inhabited by a large population of Slavs and Poles who had no concept of such a state until very recently. With the rise of Romantic Nationalism however, upon the backdrop of odious foreign rule and stagnation, the idea of a unified Ukraine was born. From the Gallican mountains to the Crimea, a new Nationalist movement expressed this idea. Now, its independence and membership in the Russian Union (a crucial relationship) gave the Ukrainian people what they wanted- nationhood. Emboldened with a representative democratic government established by the Kiev Constitution of 1915, the Ukrainian people elected the Nationalist President Stanislav Illich Ivanchenko, a former general who promised his constituents decisive land reform to replace older traditional systems left over from Imperial rule, the establishment of an independent economy and most decisively, the promise of a new democratic culture in Ukraine. Ukraine has represented a clean slate- a gigantic state with large tracts of agricultural land, left relatively undeveloped over time, its peoples generally unfamiliar with concepts like freedom of expression, voting and capitalism.


    G O V E R N M E N T

    Ukraine, per the Union’s constitution, is a democracy, established by the 1915 Kiev Constitution. The Government of the Republic of Ukraine is composed of two institutions: that of the PRESIDENT, and the NATIONAL ASSEMBLY, which rule jointly with a system of checks and balances.


    Political freedoms are generous: Ukraine is a liberal democracy. However, power is heavily centralized in Kiev, local rule is minimal spare for the election of mayors in major cities.


    P O P U L A T I O N

    Total: 31,000,000 people

    -Ukrainians: 80%

    -Russians: 11%

    -Poles: 5%

    -Others: 4%


    E C O N O M Y

    Ukraine is a major producer of agricultural goods as the breadbasket of the Russian Union, and to a significant extent the rest of Europe. Ukraine is also a major producer of coal, which primarily goes to fuel domestic and Russian industries whilst the Urals remain the site of bloody fighting, but the coal and foodstuffs trade continues to dominate Ukraine’s economy.


    The civil war has compelled Ukraine to industrialize quickly, mainly through Russian investors. Military factories in industrial centers have been used solely as means to supply the Unionist armies, funneling supplies to the fronts as they have moved. President Ivanchenko has been compelled to throw most of Ukraine’s capital into the military, and it shows in Ukraine’s armaments industries which produce Russian models. Ukraine owes recent industrialization to Russia and the Union.


    M I L I T A R Y

    Active: 550,000 men

    -Infantry: 480,000

    -Calvary: 70,000

    Equipment: Based on same stockpile as Russia.


    Ukraine has been involved in the world’s fiercest fighting in the civil war- it has killed thousands, but has also endowed valuable insight on modern warfare to its leadership. Necessity has compelled the Ukrainian military to experiment and expand. Ukrainian recruitment, in order to fill in the bloody holes in Ukrainian armies, has been fast, but over time refined to improve their quality. Rail networks were requisitioned by the government almost immediately into its tenure.





  9. WVAMap_feat.jpg?cb=ecd1c4258df7aaa3975f4

    Commonwealth of Virginia


    Jeb Stuart and Fitzhugh Lee heeled their horses hard, making them rear. The two gain controls of their mounts, and pause. They take out field glasses from their kits, and survey the land. They had ridden long and hard to get here, at the head of five hundred good Virginian cavalrymen. Under Robert Lee’s strict orders to not engage, they scouted the Union troops. Governor Letcher was trying to appease the Union in Washington. They had made a deal, and the honor of Virginia was at stake. Those Yankees were under Virginia’s oath of safe passage to D.C. So even while they burned Virginia, she had kept her honor and let them continue.


    I) However with the troops now in D.C, the terms of safe passage were now over. But Letcher and Lee were statesmen, and had been Union. Virginian honor is worth more than Virginian glory. However they could not let this matter rest. Letcher, Farragut, Hunter, Bowden, and other notable politicians convened. In the new government of the Commonwealth, power lay with the Elite. Across the state wealthy land and slave owning white males were in control of the local level. The state’s higher body was more flexible though. Free black’s are allowed the vote, and option to buy family member’s that are still in slavery [only if the owner consents, and may set the price.] Yeoman farmer’s and West Virginians may also vote/send electives. But Letcher, and the most rich/powerful land owners controlled the Governorship and cabinet.


    II) The Commonwealth took pride in it’s heritage, but also flexibility. She would bend with the collapse of the Union, and remain strong. The government agreed the Union federalist and army in Washington D.C must pay. They do not demand the price of blood though. Instead a formal draft [quite like the declaration of independence sent to King George] is sent to Lincoln. Virginia, on behalf of Robert E. Lee, a massively respected man in the Union, ask for help. They want the Union to pay, or compensate, for the large damage to Harper’s Ferry, and West Virginia, alongside reparations and an official apology.





    III) In Virginia itself the impact is felt much harder. The Union had razed a West Virginian city, Harper’s Ferry very well could of supported the Union. But now it seemed that was at an end. Jeb Stuart and Fitzhugh Lee begin to tour the Appalachian folks abode. Their five hundred horse, and a further three thousand foot under Brigadier General William Hays arrive to help. They symbolically put bayonets on their rifles, and stick them stock up in the dirt. They then are equipped shovels and picks, and begin to help rebuild Harper’s Ferry.


    IV) Fitzhugh Lee begins to meet with the newly elected West Virginian officials. They were allowed their own body and militia. On the more political side Lee and Virginian newspapers tell the accurate tale of the razing of Harper’s Ferry. The newspapers of Virginia proper are censored, to tell the truth. They did not want radicals inflating the numbers or destruction. They use the Union raid though as a moral point to justify a continued united Virginia, alongside the increasing rights for West Virginians and non whites.


    V) On the more military side Jeb Stuart and a dozen officers meet with West Virginian militias. With Virginia’s state body approving, they would begin to raise ten thousand men for the Army of Virginia. The West Virginians added a “conscience” rider, which was approved. It detailed any man not wanting to serve who lives in West Virginia would not be obligated to do so. Those Jeb does recruit he takes back to Robert Lee and the growing Army.





    VI) In Virginia proper the land owning elite are outraged at the damage of north Virginian property. Out of their own pockets the richer Virginians who supported the Union deal are made to pay for the damage. But it united them more in their resolution. The Union was still the enemy, the election of Lincoln and the consequent events had proven that. The 1st Virginian Corps is dispatched to the razed land. They will maintain order, and help rebuild. The border will be lightly manned, to ensure no Union sorties damage more land. The 2nd and 3rd Corp remain training in Virginia. This was the official 1st Army of Virginia, and nicknamed the “Army of Northern Virginia” after the recent events.


    The 2nd Army of Virginia is formed. Entirely out of West Virginian and North Virginian volunteers. For now the “Army” will only have the 4th Corp comprising twenty six thousand men. Major General George Henry Thomas will assume command of the new army. Colonel John Mosby is promoted to Brigadier General and put in direct command of the 4th Corp. They begin assembling at Harper’s Ferry to train, and assist in repairs.


    VII) In other news Farragut continues a slow accumulation policy for his desired two million pound. The wealth of Virginia, Northern loans, and British loans will be the backbone. However he runs fundraisers, and other projects to get wealth from the landowners. He reveals the ultimate project. To build a ship of iron! The details are told to enthrall Virginians of their new potential super weapon. The Engineers hired months ago are put together to begin designs.


    VIII) Virginian mines and railroads are the major employers. The government seeks to bind the Commonwealth closer, and have proper infrastructure. Trade with Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York also continues. Raw resources are exported from Virginia. Textiles, manufactured goods, and guns/canons come back down. Virginian industry is also receiving attention from her government, and NY investors.







    1. Formation of Government


    1. Asking U.S for reparations


    1. Rebuilding of Harper’s Ferry
    1. Outrage in West Virginia
    1. Recruiting men in West Virginia
    1. Army movement of Virginia
    1. Farraguts continued 2 million pound policy, plans revealed to investors
    1. Continued Industrial expansion


    In other news men from across the South are called to join the Army of Northern Virginia to defend Southern clay against U.S aggression. (Mod and Players Please)













  10. RussianRevolution-58f5256a3df78ca159c85f

    1917 (Later Months)


    In Spain the civil war continues to rage. By now the Catalonia and the Republicans were seizing the initiative, and beating back Spanish armies. The war continues.


    In China the Socialist continue their sweeping reforms and persecution of civil war. By now they are almost entirely in power.


    The Balkan Fascist all stand behind Romania, as does Russia. Emboldened by such support, Romania severs oil trade to Austria, and officially mans her border.


    In Indonesia open revolution breaks out. It was not as clean as hoped however. Across the isles pockets of fighters occupy Dutch post. The VOC retaliates with mass killing, and it becomes all out war. On every island Dutch and natives begin to clash. Japanese arms caches are discovered in several rebel towns.


     Death in Caucasuia and the support of Sweden was leading to discontent with Socialist in the Rusian Union. They begin to campaign for post war elections.


    The State of France;


    In France the war is still raging. Trenches dot the country, and armies trample the fields into mud. The 3rd Republic was suffering the most. Her army was in outright mutiny, and mauled from several offensives. Perhaps 1 million men still served, with another 2 million conscripts. Many of her best men were dead or wounded. Petain can only clamp down on the worst of the mutiny, as committees form calling for an end to the war. The trea barring foreign intervention leaves a sour taste in their mouths. Her Air Force however was rapidly organizing, and becoming more effective.


    The Socialist armies numbered more around 2.5 million men. However they were more motivated, and typically volunteers. They were better equipped thanks to holding most of the Industry. However they were also sick of war and demanding peace. Many wanted an end to the fight, and saw both governments as being stubborn. The divide between North and South is growing.





    Continued growth in Ireland mostly thanks to British benevolence continues. Several rich Irish Americans begin to invest in the larger companies in Ireland.

    This Gaelic Revival is having mixed reviews to the public. The average Irishmen praised it, but plenty saw it as far too liberal. However it’s reform begin. They are yet again denied in Ulster and their federal capital however. It is not a requirement, and they do not fund it in their areas.


    More countries begin to flood into the open irish market. Though this way they gain no income on tariffs, growth does happen faster.


    Public works programs are falling short. Ireland was not rich enough for all these ambitious social programs. She can not simply create jobs and finance it all. Instead it is left to private enterprise to handle employment.


    The same goes for agriculture reform. Though advanced, Ireland struggles to keep improving. Her farmer’s focus on not costly reform.


    Again it’d be hard to create hospitals and jobs just through legislation. For now Ireland begins to form a medical board to start hiring and securing funds.




    Rail works continues as planned.


    Though many Chinese are not ‘converted’, Tanoisim begins to blend with their own growing ideologies. Socialist Students were working towards a proper Chinese state. For now relations with Japan are kept pristine, they having reached an coord.


    The Indonesian begins to organize and arm further…


    In China steel mills begin, but Japan has trouble hiring skilled local labor. She must import hired hands for now.




    Though opposed by the large body of conservative aristocrats, the groundwork for women suffrage is laid.


    Infrastructure would be a very hard process in the Empire. In Austria itself work continues as planned. But each separate state such as Hungary had their own rules and regulations. Most rails ended right before the next province. It’d be a logistical and political nightmare to sway everyone’s minds.


    Work begins to copy German schooling and French ‘Air Forces’. Recon planes are now designated Fighters or Bombers. Training begins at aerial academies, focusing on reteaching the students the basics.


    Romania having been the one to ask for reparations in the first place is fuming. They deny it and sever ties with Austria-Hungary. Allied to Bulgaria, Greece, and potentially Serbia, she would sit within her vast fort ring.


    Work begins on making a communications corp dedicated to laying and improving telegram wire. Accompanying them is an official Austrian messenger pigeon corp.






    The Students of Argentina in various cities begin to form hubs of the revolution.


    Shifting towards socialist parties, major trade unions and other organizations extend the helping hand. They begin to work on a more reformed and united system.


    It’ll take more time to properly re equip the army, train and recruit, and try to mass produce ships. For now Argentina focuses on arming what she already has, and recruiting. Work into three destroyers begins, and should be done within a year.


    Without any foreign aid progress on the aerial wing is low. For now they focus on amassing the needed funds and equipment. Any pre existing planes are used to teach new cadets.


    Argentine shipments begin reaching their comrades, helping greatly.




    Education reform begins in Poland’s bigger cities, supported by all parties.


    Though it may take longer than four years for a true industry revolution, the plans Poland lays begins. She focuses on her agriculture and rails first, with Russia needing much food.


    Foreign aid and advisors begin to focus on Poland’s fledgling production capability. In order to ever want to arm her own armies and not rely on Imports she needed more factories. Work begins.


    All parties begin to campaign for the 1920 elections. The Socialist still seem to hold the majority in the house.

    Work on drafting the constitution begins.


    Judges from across Poland volunteer to join this new institution. 


    The Soldiers agree with the plan.




    4th French Republic


    This work into Pioneer implementation into army tactics will be very slow to implement. Currently the 4th Republic armies were busy enough trying to stay alive. The seeds are planted though.


    Preferring to drink it, they regardless follow the instruction.


    Though AA isn’t exactly in existence, heavier emplacements, watch towers, and machine gun nest are established.


    The French industrialist can only focus on one, for now they begin preliminary works into making a working French tank.


    Copying the Entente, the 4th Republic begins following an in depth defense strategy. They solidify supply routes.


    Many wanted peace, and the new treaty is ill suited for both sides.


    Great Britain


    The British market begins to recover as the austerity lessens.


    The HMS Argus is premiered to launch next year!


    Tank research for now was still stuck on improving the Mk II. U.S work will be painfully slow to develop anything lighter and faster that still works. Development on an improved Mk II begins, alongside better general function. The Mk III will debut in 1918.




    Zapata and this new regime were stepping into a relatively stable Mexico. However the abrupt transition of power was leading to a growing problem. Zapata and his party ruled by the people, and were popular. But rich industrialist and conservatives feared this new turn. They begin to form societies, and arm themself out of defense.


    In Parliament itself Zapata and his party adapt and begin to win the votes. Most MPs simply wanted a stable house.

    The new Districts are put into place.


    After the shame of the U.S border, Villa is back in! He begins work on reforming the Mexico army, using knowledge from the Cow Boy battles. Carranza’s former federal army remains aloof of the defense department.


    Mexico begins studying and gathering old state records.






    The armies begin to entrench.


    With nothing but poor land access to Norway and a strip of FInland, the Capitalist Swedes begin to lose the power to import.


    The Latin aid begins to lift morale, and ease the stress of war.


    A through conscription begins, as for nor 70k more recruits are sworn in. They begin training, unless they are deployed.


    The propaganda begins to win over some of the more moderate Swedes.


    3rd French Republic


    Petain would discover as a whole the army was in poor condition. (See Above) Regardless he begins to try and turn around the army.


    Some applaud the victory at bescanon. But many question about all the other offensives, ever since 1914. 


    Foreign Investors are reluctant to invest in a state in the middle of civil war.


    A little advanced for a country with no tanks, France has several different companies compete with designs. They will be drawn up and presented in 1918.

    However industry was hard pressed to keep up with the army, air force, and navy, let alone a tank force.


    United States


    Four Year Plan continues and Rust belt continue as planned.


    Many from states in civil war or changing government begin to come to the U.S, in a second wave.


    Work begins into actually manufacturing these air blimps.


    Columbia takes the money and apology.


    Work begins on ensuring bigger cities could maintain public services to her houses. It may be more costly then expected however.


    The Sleeper Act is passed, though it may take time to fully implement.


    Trade with asian markets begins.


    It will take time to make proper ‘cruiser’ tanks, as the engineers are still struggling to make an efficient tank in general.


    Agriculture reform may fall a little more behind, with funding already elsewhere. Progress slowly begins.


    These CSZ zones begin building.


    Many capitalist protested Tesla’s rise. They did not agree with him, and his name was slurred. However the company begins.






    Many Spanish aren’t eager to move to Brazil. They are focused on securing or winning assets in Spain, and profiting off the war.


    Though not gaining power this National Unity Party certainly caught everyone’s attention. To call any Brazilian a “war hero” from the Great War is a bit of a stretch. However they gain many of the less socialist Pan Latin parties. Seats remain roughly the same, with more moderates taken by both sides.

    A growing movement but not exactly popular on a national level, these various movements begin to grow.


    All Military and Economic developments continue.




    Non lethal goods begin to flow into France.


    Socialist campaigning for themselves and well funded continue doing just that. Feeling emboldened from France, and Germany’s support of her, they gained traction. Red flags flocked Berlin as parades were held. They even clashed with extremist Army regulars, stomping them for the Kaiser. The growing divide in Germany was becoming more clear as elections arrived. They would be announced at the start of the year. Tirpitz begins campaigning, quite popular.


    Work continues on expanding the navy and Berlin rail line.


    Work also begins into finding a counter to tanks. For now hope is penned on static positions along trench lines, and anti-tank infantry rifles.




    The new city name is a popular one.


    Work into an improved bomber continues. Russian bombers were now comparable to the modern French or German bombers.


    Though not exactly popular a film academy is formed.


    Romania graciously accepts the Russian offer of protection.


    Greater Serbia


    Serbians begin taking the arms they had once lent.


    Work begins on refitting car tires, and building rail lines. A resurgent Serbian economy means progress is fast.


    The Serbian army begins to reform yet again and become smaller, yet more modern and well led.


    Retrofitted trucks or armored cars are the start of this project. The Serbians can makese theese armored trucks, but were limited to main roads.


    The Balkans stand firm behind Romania.


    Montenegro officially merges with Serbia.


    The new Serbian state was almost double it’s original population.


  11. WVAMap_feat.jpg?cb=ecd1c4258df7aaa3975f4

    Commonwealth of Virginia


    Rain was pouring overhead, incessantly drumming on roofs. Some darkly joked the U.S would drown in rain before it does blood. Across Virginia families huddled in their houses. Slaves bedded where they could, in a stable or pen if lucky, out under the stars if not. Various politicians and generals of Virginia also uneasily waited in the rain. Up in the mountains, the West Virginian’s were demoralized. The U.S had been their only chance at secession. Now they knew Governor Letcher and his “lap dog lee” would come a-knockin. In Richmond rich industrialist and politicians meet, scared.


    As the rain pours, the hour of midnight is reached. A small deer is grazing on the side of the road, eating grass. Suddenly a clamorous THUM-THUMP-THUMP can be heard. It curiously lifts it’s head up, still chewing. Robert E. Lee and his staff were trying to make good time in the night. They had been riding for days, to get to Mount Vernon. There the power of Virginia was assembling, to discuss matters abroad and at home. The column of cavalry flashes past the deer, the sounds of laughter, whips, and speech coming and fading just as quickly. Mud flies into the air, but the column eventually fades back into the dark, and no more noise is heard. The Deer simply goes back to grazing.





    A din of laughter, clinking glass, and cutlery on china can be heard. Outside Mount Vernon a ring of Virginian regulars wait to check all. Lee runs through the motions, before riding up the house itself. Dismounting, he hands his horse off to a slave. Walking up to the door, he can hear the clamor of a party. Lee was soaked to the bone, and tired. He idly reflected on his days as an Engineer in the Mexican-American war. When times were simpler, eh? Hee pushes the great doors open, and strides into the house where George Washington used to reside.




    “Ah Mr. Lee! I didn’t think you’d make it. Get in here before you catch a cold from all that rain! My do you have a heavy enough jacket? Here let me take it, I’ll put it by the fire. Come, come! They are in the saloon, just finished dining. I’m afraid I’ll have to have the slave’s fix you up something proper, they ate all the supper!”


    Lee allows Letcher’s wife to chatter amiably and lead him to the Saloon. The faint noise of a harmonica and banjo can be heard. Lee shares a smile with himself, even now Virginian troops must play music. He knew Jackson and Baxtonne were out there now, him not needing his staff for the meeting. The Frenchmen Baxtonne was his newest addition. The lad was young, but had served in the French dragoons in their colonies. Finally Lee reaches the Saloon, where his life will change forever.


    Arranged in the room were the most powerful men of Virginia, and perhaps even the Union. Governor John Letcher raised his glass to Lee as he walked in. Admiral David Farragut nodded, as other men like Joseph E.Johnston, or A.P Hill smiled and welcomed him. Lee and Thomas Jackson were the last to arrive, having been busy seeing to the Virginian militia. Now the men sat in a circle, smoking, and drinking. A Slaved popped in every so often to refresh drinks, and clear trays.




    “Gentlemen you have all been called here under the most dire of assemblies.” Letcher begins, sipping whisky, and clearing his throat audibly. “As you all know the Union is in a desperate state. As far as we can tell from recent news, it may be dead.” At this muttering and curses can be heard. Virginia supported the Union, provided she never harmed her. But now all U.S legitimacy was lost. These giants of a potentially new Nation weep like women, at the loss of liberty. It was up to them to pursue their own happiness now, whatever it may be.


    Over the night several important topics were discussed. It was agreed the Commonwealth of Virginia will be officially formed. She will have her own independent Governance, military, foreign, and trade plans. Her constitution is similar to the U.S. It was ironic, only 13 miles north north lay D.C. Lee himself champions the armies cause, having just seen it’s state. Overall several matters are decided, and men pour out of Mount Vernon to get back to work.



    “ATTENTION” Thomas Jackson screams. Row upon row of shoddily dressed Virginians snapped into battle formation, somewhat sloppily. They were a motley crew, these men. Besides the veterans of the Mexican-American war, the average troop was a poor conscripted farmer in Virginia. Most of them wore blue uniforms, their old ones. Or blue armbands. Others have begun a recent trend however. They wear Grey, to show their true split from the U.S. Most men were young, sickly, or just stupid. 


    Robert E. Lee saw this all as he inspected his men. This would be Virginia’s 1st Commonwealth Regiment. Maybe one day under Lee they will all become true soilders, and win glory. But for now they are simply what Lee knows to be true. Gorsh Darn Militia. The lowest of the low, and not reliable. Together Lee and Admiral Farragut had begged the new Commonwealth for funds. Virginia would need to defend herself, and her territories. 


    Lee would start with these men, and turn them into a proper army. Him and his staff, Thomas Jackson, Joe Johnston, and J.E.B Stuart would all dedicate themselves to training the army. They would work tirelessly, near Richmond. They plan to establish a twenty five thousand strong Regular army. Half again that number will serve as militia and reserves. They begin acquiring funds, arms, and proper uniforms. Lee chose the uniform himself, and seamstresses begin to churn them out.




    Farragut for his part was more financially busy then physically. In Richmond he begins to coddle Industrialist for money. He also would take loans from New York and NYC itself. His goal was to begin raising 2.5 million [old] U.S dollars, for an ambitious naval project. They also begin to amass European engineers and equipment.





    The set up of the Commonwealth itself is hotly debated. The issue of Slavery is of course still a large issue. West Virginia is asked to send their own delegation to Richmond, to represent and rule for their counties. When they arrive they bring word of a U.S remnant holding out in Harper’s Ferry. But as more men arrive, the heated debates continue. It was clear many were just straight up afraid of the U.S collapse.


    There was no time for fear however, and the Commonwealth enacts several new policies. She would allow West Virginia to govern itself, provided it’s body of government remained within the Commonwealth. She would also offer the U.S faction in D.C money, protection, and official support. In return Virginia merely ask D.C to recall the Harper’s Ferry garrison, who could travel through Virginia peacefully.


    Trade is also established with Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York. Raw goods, foods, and minerals from Virginia will go up. Manufactured goods and armaments will come down.







    Forming Commonwealth of Virginia


    Formation of the Army of Virginia. Staffing it with officers, and beginning training. 


    Admiral Farragut begins acquiring money with an eventual goal of $2.5 million.


    Offering West Virginia more autonomy, provided they follow new Commonwealth law and prerogative.


    Offering Washington D.C a deal.


    Forming trade pact with Ohio and New York. 












  12. Application

    Desired State; Commonwealth of Virginia

    History of said State’s history, leadership, and government; Virginia has for a while now been the lone “North State in the South” Meaning she was the South’s sole industrial power. With railroads, forts, and mines, she blossomed.A vast array of former presidents and generals came from this land. Why Washington himself lived here! Virginia was also the first American colony established by the British.

    Currently she is upset with both the deep south and north. She had voted for a minority in the elections, and was displeased to be beat by both Beckenridge and Lincoln. Now Virginia will forge her own path….

    Nominal Leader/President/Governor/etc.; John letcher

    Do you want a Custom Character? If so what’s their name and background? (Can only start in low level positions of power); Yes. “Henry Baxton”. A 19 year old Brit from London. Having served in the British Dragoons, he left to find wealth in America. Currently an attache to Lee’s staff.

  13. 10 hours ago, Hanrahan said:

    Discord Name; Hanrahan4886


    Nation of Choice (and why?); Mexico! I know a good deal about the historical background, as well as the geography, layout, culture, and political scene of this time period.


    Nation’s historical background leading up to 1912 (Would like a paragraph + here giving a full account of your nation's state at the moment. Particularly important if you want to apply for one of the Greater Powers); Already discussed?


    Nation’s Government Type and Leader/Party; Socialist-Democratic, Carranza – Emiliano Zapata


    Any special characters you made and want to introduce?; Nupe


    Nation’s relative army/navy statistics (If you can’t find any pm me); 80k Soldiers, 15m People, 15k Miles of Railway, 130,000,000 worth of Exports


    Did you read all the information?; Yep


    Suggestions or feedback?; All good!


  14. 2 minutes ago, Will (TauFirewarrior) said:



    Discord Name; You have it


    Nation of Choice (and why?); State of Poland (Under the Russian Union)


    Nation’s historical background leading up to 1912 (Would like a paragraph + here giving a full account of your nation's state at the moment. Particularly important if you want to apply for one of the Greater Powers); The State of Poland makes up an Autonomous region of the Russian Union, currently under the protection and Guidence of Russia. Currently holding a fraction of historic ethnic Polish Territory, many Poles from Germany and Austria have migrated, though significant populations of Poles live outside of Poland. The regions not controlled by the State of Poland at present are Galicia, Silesia, Posen and the Prussia’s. Currently the State of Poland is attempting to build itself up into a functioning State as it were, focusing on establishing its Parliament, industrial base, agriculture base and sorting out its economy at large.


    Nation’s Government Type and Leader/Party; Chief of State, Prime Minister Józef Piłsudski


    Any special characters you made and want to introduce?; TBA


    Nation’s relative army/navy statistics (If you can’t find any pm me); 500,000 Strong Army, comprised of Infantry and Hussar Cavalry. No airforce or armour.


    Did you read all the information?; Yes


    Suggestions or feedback?; Yes


  15. 10 hours ago, max. said:

    Discord Name; max#1211


    Nation of Choice (and why?); Argentina


    Nation’s historical background leading up to 1912 (Would like a paragraph + here giving a full account of your nation's state at the moment. Particularly important if you want to apply for one of the Greater Powers);


    Argentina is a freshly socialist country, having only just won over the country after decades of conservative rule, under the leadership of Hipólito Yrigoyen and his Radical Civic Union. Known to many as “el padre de los pobres” (the father of the poor). An outspoken socialist and reformist, he is leading a sweeping set of social reforms aimed at repairing wealth inequality, voting rights, and university reform. There is staunch opposition to his rule from the wealthy, though he is loved and adored by the middle class. Recent Argentine history has been marked by a period of major economic growth, and Yrigoyen’s regime seems to be making no change to that trend. Argentina is one of the world’s top food exporters, making it in return one of the wealthiest countries in the entire world; its’ neutrality in the Great War allowed this wealth to grow even larger. it has a substantial military and a powerful navy, and the new government’s industrialization policies are ensuring that Argentina will remain a powerful, wealthy, and modern country for decades to come.


    Nation’s Government Type and Leader/Party;     

    Hipólito Yrigoyen of the Radical Civic Union leads the nation of Argentina with a newly elected socialist government.



    Any special characters you made and want to introduce?; nope


    Nation’s relative army/navy statistics (If you can’t find any pm me); will pm


    Did you read all the information?; ya


    Suggestions or feedback?; nope



    ((Except your response to Did you read all the Information is wrong.))


    For anyone else wishing to apply there’s still options. PM me first.

  16. American+Soldiers+Returning+Home+on+the+

    1917 (Early Months)


    Fascism on the rise! In Italy a growing movement of aristocrats and monarchs start calling themselves under that name. They wanted to seize power from the Liberal government. Opting by way of peace, they begin to campaign vigorously. The Liberals for their part were still popular, and had restored Italy to her full border splendor. It seemed likely they would stay in the majority.


    In Romania outrage at Austria is at an all time high. While Austria places troops on her border, Romania does not do the same. Since 1912 she had focused on a neutral entrenchment as they call it. Rings of forts, bunkers, artillery post, and other surprises keep the nation safe. Growing Fascist movements use this Austrian fear to gain power rapidly, perhaps supported by a certain Balkan Tsar and King.


    In other areas the changes are more dramatic. In Bulgaria an autocratic Tsar Boris III seizes power. Under the ideal of fascism, he had swayed the people of Bulgaria. Humiliated by their neighbors, they wanted to rise. He did not press military means however. Bulgaria would instead focus on herself. Intense control through Royal Police ensures peace. Many Bulgars leave the Serbian army or occupied Balkan land to immigrate back in.


    In Greece the pro Central Powers King and his coterie maintain power. Through crackdowns and use of nationalist parties they hold power. May Greek democrats and republicans flee to Italy or France. A coalition of right wingers, nationalist, fascist, and others were forming in reaction to Greek socialism. It seemed likely Bulgaria would support the King.




    In China the Socialist party makes a more lasting peace treaty with Japan. Mainly led by young idealist and students, they were a vast ring of Communes with their own committees. Education and industry was paramount, unions, syndicates, and business growing rapidly. In more military matters the ‘People’s Liberation Army’ is formed. It will be the most veteran divisions, some even coming from the former Beiyang armies. The civil war continues, against the democrats and others. But the Socialist are making steady gains, and increasing her factories.


    In Sweden outright civil war ensues. After seizing the capital, the provisional Socialist government of Stockholm forms. Army defectors, citizens, and 2nd International fighters begin on expanding, and entrenching their gains. The navy was defecting, while the Swedish army and Democratic government fled to establish a base elsewhere. There was much discontent and poverty after the stagnation of the Great War.  Sweden was suffering, and the inspiration [and motivation] of the Socialist movement was strong.


    In Spain the anarchist state of Catalonia continues its armed independence. They have already clashed numerous times with Spanish Republican troops. But Republic was a loose term nowadays. It was led by the King, Catholic Church, Generals, and Conservative Aristocrats. The more moderate and radical Republicans, Democrats, Socialist, and soldiers were in open revolt. Across Spain sectarian violence ensues. But Catalonia becomes the true focus of an actual war.


    Growing Independence movements in Indonesia as in the Netherlands socialist begin to gain the majority.




    Continued outrage at the U.S in all of Latin America is growing. The failed invasion of El Salvador used in various propaganda mills.


    Poland formally reenters the Russian Union.


    A blast at a munitions factory in London kills 73 and injures over 400; the resulting fire causes over £2,000,000 worth of damage.


    An anti-prostitution drive in San Francisco occurs, and police close about 200 prostitution houses.


    Hjalmar Hammarskjöld steps down as Prime Minister of Sweden; he is replaced by right-wing businessman and politician Carl Swartz.


    The Commissioned Officer Corps of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey is established.


    A tornado strikes Mattoon, Illinois, causing devastation and killing 101 people.





    Though still going through the process of separation from the Empire, Ireland begins her economic reforms. Many foreign and domestic investors cash in, with the Federated Ireland being far more lax than the British in taxes for now. However a dependence on imports is soon apparent for many more complex or lacking resources in Ireland.


    The Gaelic Reform act is passed in the higher Government and King. However many English or Anglo-Irish citizens were not too keen on having to learn these languages and abide by them. The Ulster province and Belfast federal cty draft into their legislature, with all this freedom given them, to block the bill from passing in their provinces. 


    With open ports and low taxes, the Irish enter the Global market.


    With the need on so much reliance on themselves instead of England, Irish jobs and companies form and begin to employ the populace.


    For now agriculture reform falls flat. Ireland was already very busy with other bills.


    Though many Unionist do leave Ireland, plenty more stay. They had land, or finance in Ireland, and were tied to it. Plenty still saw it as English, or Protestant land. Some were even moving in, such as Scots. The Irish Republican Brotherhood was also a major dissenting faction. They wanted more radical goals, and justice for the easter rising. These Ulster and Republican factions were at odds, and even clashing. This was all under the guise of a new Monarchical and Federal government. They had dissent in their own ranks, and are in a precarious position.






    The Conscript armies return home, flush with the victories won from the war. The core Austrian army, and some recent volunteers, all opt to remain. The Recruitment offices also sweep in many more men. Plenty of minorities wanted to be under Franz’s reforming army. The German language initiative was also taken as a necessity, many having experienced the lack of communication on the field.


    The formation of these ‘Shock Troops’ begins. For now few had very little idea of just how big they should be, or how to use them. Besides increased training, and trench raid tactics, the concepts of specialized infantry were very new. 


    Imperial Academies begin, and hundreds of nobles and some commoners attend. The victories of the Central powers has emboldened the aristocrats of the Empire. They see this new non-conscript army (A first in modern continental Europe) as the Empire’s jewel. Many join the navy as well.


    Radios do not exist yet, they instead focus on better telegram wiring, and smarter pigeons.


    The Science University construction and gathering of Austria’s minds will be ready for work by 1918.


    The condemnation of Socialism was not a popular one in Austria. It gained Franz some traction with the aristocrats, but plenty of average Imperial citizens sympathized with the 2nd International. Many unions and trade guilds followed some form of it, and had profitable results. In government itself there were socialist MPs, now blocked from their work. It leads to growing discontentment.


    Soldiers out of work begin to repair Galicia, ironically paid with the spoils of war taken from Russia.


    Coffee, wood, and other exotic Brazil goods begin to fill aristocrats manses.






    Though not exactly keen on handing power over, the German Generals had to. The Imperial army was defanged with post war demobilization. Instead they shed a good light on themselves, and entered Reichstag politics. Men like Moltke, Falkenheim, Ludendorff, Hindenburg, they were all becoming political animals. On the other hand a growing caste of civilian industrialist, democrats, and socialist were also rising stars. Elections for the entirety of Germany will be announced as 1918 begins. Women will also have the right to vote, making matters more interesting. Women's suffrage is passed under the current Reichstag.

    Socialist, Democrats, and Unions form a broad coalition to flip the house from their opposition. Elections will be in 1918 as Germans start to do large political campaigns [opposition does the same]. Many socialist want peace, and are admirers of the 4th French Republic.

    Shifting from military to domestic goals, DELAG begins it’s expanded Zeppelin works. Already having similar concepts of carrying things in mind, plans are made for cargo zeppelins. They begin work on a model which can hold a large bay to store goods, and increased fuel range. Passenger transport is put aside for now.


    Germany’s portion of the Berlin-Baghdad rail-way resumes work. The entire rail is estimated to be done in two years.


    The veteran German divisions are kept in service, as the conscripts are sent home. Many had shell shock, or were several unhinged. Others had picked up quite radical ideas in France, or Russia. Many others simply returned home, to start or re-join family.


    A little low reaching, regardless Richtofen becomes leader of Germany’s air wing. He had been a massive star, but was relatively low rank. Now his talents are writing documents, and appointing staff. He begins to copy France’s newest tactics of an actual ‘Air Force’.


    Having been a massive goal since 1912, Germany once again begins building up her navy. The U-Boat element was kept is, and the High Seas Fleet receives the attention. The fleet by now was fully repaired after the North Sea battle. But Germany will not focus on shifting her ships over to oil from coal. A small blessing was she had lost many of her outdated ships in the battle. She begins work on the newest German class of Dreadnought, one that ran on oil over coal, and had better range.


    Arms are shipped off to Brazil, who know who they’ll end up killing.


    From pilot to dictator of a colony, Goring rises in relevance. Him and a caste of German soldiers are incredibly racist to the populace. The only thing keeping them in check was the Kaiser, and Reichstag. German East Africa had been receiving improvements for years. There German settlers (after geocoding the natives for some years) had learned to live in peace. They were perhaps Germany’s only example of democracy in Africa.






    The Speech garners some favor to the Emperor and Brazil. They are seen as founders of the ATP and Latin stability.


    With Japan leasing most of her ship yards, the Brazil navy plan can go ahead a little faster. However the bill is enormous, perhaps too much so. Most nations far more powerful than Brazil like France or Austria only employed three or four. To build and maintain 5 battleships, alongside cruisers, and a doubling of lower ships was too much. Instead they focus on a smaller version of the 5-6 Plan.


    The articles are an ironic copy of the U.S Wilson scandal days. They have the same affect, as many Latin newspapers republish the story and it begins to spread. A victorious El Salvador remains quiet however.


    German arms begin to pour in. Used mostly, they had seen their share of battle and death. And that will likely continue.

    Industry continues slightly slower than planned, mainly along the coast. 


    The rainforest continues to shrink, as villages pop up in its place. Mainly ex soldiers, or socialist working in forester unions. It was like the wild west in some ways. Throngs of men with different ideas, all working side by side. Profits roll in.


    Mainly having to focus on herself, Greedy Brazilian generals hoard the German arms. Lesser or outdated Brazilian and German equipment reaches Brazil's other partners.


    With little experience or aircraft factories, Brazil was entirely dependent on foreign aid for this. Clumsy training begins on forming a recon caste of Brazil pilots. The one problem was, seeing past all the jungle. Regardless training and purchasing of equipment begins.


    Newspapers begin and start stories.


    3rd French Republic


    Though her debt is growing, France gains the finance needed to continue funding herself.

    The increased wages help a bit with morale, most men grimly saying at least they can die a little richer. Truth of the matter though every nation’s army was extremely low paid. Even 10% made French soldiers quite well paid by these days standards. It helps calm the less radical troops.


    The French navy battered from her Great War fights returns to Republic hands. It helps morale somewhat. But after the disastrous naval invasion of Le Havre, lost much respect.


    Propaganda continues to spread, becoming quite the ideological war with Socialist leaflets. Many French citizens have already made up their mind. Plenty others sit on the fence, swayed by both sides.


    Whilst in the chaos of offensives and reform, Army brothels and healthcare is slow to take effect. The ideas are there however and the basic work begins.






    The shift towards a more moderate Empire of Japan begins. Many die hard traditionalist oppose it, but are getting outnumbered more and more. With encouragement, the people of Japan call for another vote on the old bill proposing more voting rights.

    Using Japanese curriculum schools begin to pop up in Occupied Chinese cities.  

    Work begins on the rail lines as well.


    The word of Tanoisim continues to spread. In China this resonates with many of the educated men leading the Socialist Chinese. They were only too well aware of their nations history. Citizens were more skeptical, sticking to old chinese ways. 


    In Indonesia the results are more instant of volatile. Already having heard of Tanosim, many Indonesians were basing their own ideals now. Swayed by arriving Japanese prophets, the island begins to seethe.


    With a shift back to domestic affairs, the Japanese army will receive less attention. But post war Japanese markets, industry, and steel are all thriving. 


    Great Britain


    Many of the more minded Ulster parties agree with Baldwin, and welcome his support. All the Unionist do, but some might want to take matters in their own hands. However many Unionist rally behind Baldwin as a sot of national hero.


    The less restricted Irish-Anglo trade begins to boom. GB begins to import a lot of her foods from Ireland now. The Investment pays off as the markets expand.


    Many follow the newspapers and talkie reels of the upcoming Highbury Cup. It will be the first to be recorded with audio.


    Portugal accepts every proposal, and begins nervously working on reforms as Spain burns.


    Elsewhere in the Empire the new government’s reforms and plans continue.




    United States


    A plan lauded by many, the United States once more focused inward. Passed through the house, the four year plan is implemented. U.S markets already growing, will become a global entity.


    Investments also begin on the Rust Belt industrial strips. The cities will be the first focus, as incentive leads to more immigrants/americans moving in to work. U.S industry will grow at a steady pace.


    Across America the hundreds of thousands of volunteers and conscripts remain in service. As the recruitment drive is ended, these men are the leftover. Across America they will now go to big training camps, and continue their process of joining the army.


    More and more people arrive at Ellis Island. Particularly Greeks, French, and Italians.


    After so many other nations allowing it, Women’s Suffrage is passed.


    Zeppelin Programs begin in the U.S, as they must choose domestic or military pursuits with them.


    President Carranza and his government graciously accept the American recognition. For their part they had been busy on industrializing their nation, and forming an actual government. 


    Paraguay eager to take a paper shield against the U.S signs the act.


    Many were wounded, or dead from the grand French offensive. They return to the U.S and recount horror stories of the Trench Warfare. They had gained little, and lost much.


    The Sleeper act is debated in congress but not much is done for now. It would have to sit, but is not outright refused. Many socialist parties champion the bill.




    Socialist Transcaucasia


    Continued drafting and training of the Federation’s people’s continues. (+25k Men +5k 2nd Int. Fighters)


    Using funds from Baku, the Federation is able to stay afloat, and import many post Great War materials and guns.


    Entrenchment of the mountain ranges continue.




    Ethnic violence and communist run rampant in Russia’s newly regained territory. Many citizens have no choice but to obey, and order is gained. However the main Caucasian army remains aloof, most likely in their namesake mountains.


    Some newly made teachers and older ones head to more rural estates. In more peaceful areas of Russia education begins, The Literacy rate was slowly but steadily rising.


    Though ‘Fighter or Bomber’ planes did not exist, Russian recon planes suited for bombing operations continues. Learning their lessons from previous wars, they work on updating their current models to have more range and tonnage capacity.


    The FSB though not allowed in Russian Union states begins in Russia itself. For now they begin to recruit and form operating procedure. More moderate or socialist factions are not to keen on the Duma’s “New Toy”.




    4th French Republic


    The Propaganda fights between Socialist and Republican France were at an all time high. With the recent failed offensives, the Socialist propaganda was beginning to take the most effect. Many dis heartened French just wanted respectable peace, not more offensives.


    As a result more and more French and global volunteers pour in. The NLA and Foreign Legion were becoming proper armies, and properly armed too. The survivors of the first fights have learned the lessons of Trench War the hard way.


    With much conscripted manpower and German aid Socialist Industry is now actually back to producing equipment and planes.


    Colonel Charles and his attaches continue traveling France, aiding her people. He was increasingly popular, and rumored to run in elections after the war.


    Ottoman Empire


    The Empire begins to set up a centralized state, focused on the Sultan and Istanbul. Egypt after European rule was seeing a resurgent nationalism and Muslim movements.


    The Ottoman shifts back to a peace time market, thankfully. Her nation had been feeling the strain, and needs time to heal. The more advanced weapon factories in Palestine continue.


    People flood back to Cyprus as it becomes officially Ottoman. The now minority populations there anxiously tend to their houses.


    Ibn Al Saud continues to consolidate power for his house, as he accepts Ottoman rule.


    Many begin to see the Sultan as a religious figure as his tours continue.


    Though not popular at home the Highbury cup does indeed bring revenue and Europeans. Everyone tries to ignore the shell hold in the pyramid.


    This ‘Goth Mosque’ begins construction.


    Work begins on connecting the closest major cities, but an entire rail network is some years off.


    Many see a Pan Islamic creed behind the sultan as worth of praise. Plenty however fear a resurgent Ottoman state. 


    Across the Empire cities and towns take in the veterans, and see to their wounds, be it physical or mental. 



  17. coat_of_arms_of_the_separatist_remnant_b

    Confederacy of Independent Systems


    The resurgent CIS was born in the fires of battle. Emerging from their hideout off the coast, Jan Muller had led his armies. Using their own loyalist Edich they had secured a pact with the local city. They would look the other way, and let the Separatist army land undetected. They carefully marched to the mountains, near the 501st lair. Taking their time to charge, the army reorganizes. Tanks, shuttles, droideka, STAPs, swarms of CIS robotics. They were led by Jan and his Edichi officer caste.


    The valiant 3rd “Bulwark” Cohort started the battle. Marching alone, they angled into the north of the 501st city. Accompanied by air support and vehicles, they pushed the 501st out of their outpost. They wrecked havoc, so much so the entire Legion responded. As they moved in, Jan and the true CIS army sprung from the mountains. Waves of droids marched under their officers, and died in great numbers. But the 501st was pushed back to the city. Jan Muller personally dueled the 501st Sith, but was unable to win.


    The battered remnants escaped, effectively ending 501st control so near the capital. In a cunning move Jan opted to consolidate to the Holdout. He offers the city instead to the “Red Hand” faction of Edichi. Militant in nature, they were the ones who let Jan’s armies pass. They were gifted the city, and merged with the already budding coaliton Jan had formed. They officially reformed the Confederacy of Independent Systems. They vouch to take Edichi back, and let the people rule themselves on this Rim-World. With their help, the CIS will reinvigorate it’s fringe system alliance.


    The newly named capital of Edos was the seat of Jan’s power. The growing Confederacy on the continent had their own province. But on the island the CIS aristocracy, and generals ruled. The city [the first to be taken in Jan’s name] was their official seat of power. Accompanied by their Droid facilitates, the CIS would focus here.


    In other parts of the new CIS, the fight is still on. Jan Muller lends his officer cadre and the 1st “Confederate” Cohort to the mainland CIS cities. They will begin to help stabilize the region, and remove any bandit or Imperial holdouts. They will also help patrol, and keep trade by sky and land safe. It will also help the officers continue to learn, the ones that survived that is.




    Continuing fortification of Edos island chain.


    Continuing of low tier Droid production.


    Lending CIS officers/1st Cohort to Edichi Confederates to maintain peace.


    Beginning to expand Droid Faculty.


    Jan establishes trade pact with Southern Mandalorian city-states.


    Recruiting men from new population (Roughly 1 million more) to replenish officer cadre, and maybe even form an Organic Cohort.





  18. vyntraskan_flag_by_ultimaweapon13-d6hni7

    Frontier Kolranate Affiliation


    Herr Tamas Klinghoffer surveyed the new world his people were laying claim to. It was massive, the only word able to describe it. Data showed it dwarfed old Earth by quite a margin. It even put Jatorak to shame. But sadly they were not to keep their lovely cities in the mountains. Instead it was a large oceanic world. It had a variety of islands, some being very fertile. The settlers had established a makeshift city on the largest island (almost a small continent) along the equator.


    Tamas and most of the alien community had responded with joy. They were the first to be offered a place amongst peers. They were not threatened to be forced vassals. It was an enormous honor from the Redon. They would become an official Kolranate in the Imperium. A duke was needed, and for many the obvious choice was Tamas. The Klinghoffer dynasty had always been a prominent family in Utopian politics. He was also a well trained Psionic, and educated. Duke Klinghoffer would be the ones to lead the survivors of Utopie to glory. Their new island city will of course be titled after it's name sake, Utopie.


    One day scans had picked up a massive fleet incoming. But it was not for war. It was a massive Redon logistics fleet. The promised aid to the new Duke to rebuild. It was the groundworks for all plans to come. 




    And the past two years had proven how vital that investment was. The F.K.A had opted to remain within their capital system. They would not expand any further, to consolidate power. Plenty of scattered Utopian communities were in the galaxy, testament to the old Regime’s mistakes. Herr Klinghoffer and his agents were mostly abroad. Touring the Empire, or most recently on the crusade. 


    At home life became more rooted. The Island’s city was filling up. It was mainly low laying buildings, to save the integrity from severe winds. In a riot of color, rows of terraces lined the mountains on the coast. Here the city was indeed the Kolranate. From here all power and orders came from. Work by and large is to improve the city and it’s industry. The other growing feature is the Psionic Academy. Here former Celestial Empire Jinyiwei teach the next generation.


    *In most recent news is the collapse of the Zyrka. The Utopians, who had plenty of personal history with the Eadni, saw their chance. The Eadni had tried to genocide the former Utopie and shatter the Affiliation. And for that they would never be forgiven. Alongside this the mines of the Eadni’s formal capital were vital. The Redon’s had left it to the Zyrka, but now was clearly the time to press those claims. The Duke petitions the new Redon to push said claims, and retake the former Eadni Capital.


    Expenditure (From last Turn)


    AP 41


    Continuing Industry (25 AP)


    Building Two Large Freighters (16 AP)


    Current Turn


    48 AP


    Continuing Industry (25 AP)


    Building 1 Heavy Cruiser (8 AP)


    Building 1 Light Cruiser (6 AP)


    Building 3 U-Boats (9 AP)


    Important; Surveying the records of the 4k Psionic graduates and roughly 6k draftees from the Imperial academy/Utopie Records for gifted members. Alongside assessment of Duke’s Psionic power.


    *Furthering Empire’s Claims


    Redon Investment (150 AP)


    Attempting to finish T3 Reactors. (25 AP + 12 AP From Power Of Utopie trait. 67 AP total into reactor research.)


    Beginning research into T5 Shielding. (125 AP + 62 AP From Power of Utopie trait. 187 total into T5 shielding)





  19. geneva-conference_12ff97788f_6995c64774.

    “Peace In Our Time?”


    January 1st, 1917. The summer offensives of the belligerent nations in the Great War had a tinge of desperation to them. While many stunning gains were made, peace was broached by Great Britain. They would not accept separate peace, instead a peace with the Entente as a body. The Central powers were inclined to agree. They were resting on some victories, but also starting to feel the blockade’s effects.


    Meeting in Geneva, the Titans of Europe and beyond convened. It was clear Great Britain, France, and Russia would support each other. The Central Powers meanwhile seemed a little more fragmented. More various agendas, and perspectives. Regardless, it was clear the Central powers was dictating the peace. 




    They secured control of the Mediterranean, Suez, but the British keep Gibraltar. Spain got minor concessions, and will be addressed later. In North Africa the Italians and Ottomans become the dominant powers. However a growing divide between natives and a mix of old French/English and new Italian/Turk settlers is a brewing conflict.


    Germany makes Belgium little more than an Imperial Puppet. She is stripped of her African colonies, and penned in to Europe. The King abdicates, leading to a growing Belgian succession crisis, many Socialist trying to grab control and instate a Republic under the German umbrella.




    The Ottomans also gain control of Azerbaijan, and all its wealth. However Baku firmly remains in the Transcaucasian Socialist Federation. Concessions are also made to Germany in Vietnam, and politically/economically to Austria-Hungary.


    In Poland Austria, Germany, and Russia agree to pull out and allow a referendum. It is a messy subject, as thousands of Poles had moved into the Republic in it’s short time. The options are also unsettling, join the Austrian-Hungarian Empire and face possible monarchy, or remain in the Russian Union. Pilsudski and his nationalist party were swaying more moderate socialist coalitions to the Russian fold, who had promised increased liberty. As a result it seems Poland will opt to shun Austria, and remain in the Russian Union.


    There were far more other smaller concessions each with their own array of effects. But the Treaty of Liege is signed by every belligerent nation, besides Japan who was little involved in the war.





    One might say up to 3.5 million soldiers died in combat alone. Not counting the millions of wounded, civil war victims, and civilian deaths. The effects of the war ending are pretty immediate. European markets hurt by the war are allowed to resume global trade. Imperial nations assume control of their new colonies. Large payments of Pound Sterling is transacted. Nation’s industries geared for war now have no target for these massive stockpiles of arms. One result of this is plenty of older Great War equipment is being sold off to minor powers.


    Millions of soldiers return home, with harrowing tales, disease, shell shock, missing limbs, and new ideas about the world. Nationalist, Socialist, and Fascist ideologies are spiking in numbers. The Central Powers comprised of almost entirely of Kings, Emperors, and Autocrats have kept their old ways of governance alive. Republics are a dying breed in Europe. As a result the social divide between landed nobility and royalist against worker unions and republicans is growing. Women's suffrage is a growing movement.






    Can it be said this was the war to end all wars? No. This form of total mobilization was never before seen. But it did not grind nations into dust. The powers of Europe had concluded the war before it had become all out global war. Many pillars of the military were the same. 


    Trench Warfare and Defense now seems a forgone conclusion in this new light. A nation being able to field most of her population available in a fight and keep it supplied seemed to be the winner. Combat doctrine is still by and large the same, just adapted around trenches. Things like air forces, combined arms, creeping barrages  and specialist infantry were never realized [or perfected], and now seem further away then before.






    The French Revolution of Socialist was becoming a global rallying call. From the 2nd Internationale’s ceremonial seat of Paris, spans an entire network of members. Leon Trotsky and his inner circle were busy in many sectors, always moving to stay safe.


    In France itself the two dominant powers are left to settle their own internal affairs. The Socialist 4th Republic in Paris and the 3rd Republic in Toulouse. It was an ideological conflict, and garnering global attention. In Caucus the Socialist federation also fights for the cause, against a Russian Duma.




    In South America things are entering a whole new level of Politics. In Brazil, Socialist have almost reached a rival number of seats to the Royalist. They were working together however, putting Brazil first. In Argentina the 1916 elections have ushered in the ‘Radical Civic Union’ party. Inspired by the French Revolution, they are members of the 2nd Internationale. Gaining control in Argentina they begin more liberal and welfare reforms.


    In Chile a more democratic parliament shadow led by Oligarchs remains in power. They continue their support in the ABC/ATP pacts. This year marks the beginning of a more firm Latin Coalition




    The American Trade Pact had many members, all gradually benefiting from it. This year Argentina, Brazil, and Chile reaffirm their stance against U.S aggression. Mexico is to be given aid in her domestic and military industry, and a defensive pact. Brazil herself guarantees Mexican sovereignty. Bolivia, and Peru also enter this new web, being promised mutual assistance and defense.


    Many in Latin America after seeing the European war wanted peace and stability. Reform was a big issue, as the 2nd Internationale based in Argentina and Brazil were rather busy.




    In Catalonia and Navarre Socialist and Anarchist movements have turned into actual rebellion. The King and Conservative Parliament were reeling from little gained in the war but African land. Relations with Portugal were ruined, and the Republic was offering aid and refuge to Spanish Republicans. The Mobilized Spanish army begins to disintegrate, while the core volunteer army under the King begin crack downs, and a surrounding of Catalonia land.


    A socialist revolt in Sweden takes place in 1917, and gains some traction. Soldiers occupy post offices, armories, and ports in the capital. An increased surge of revolutionaries had been sheltering in the city for weeks preparing.



    1916 (Later Months)


    The war grinds on as massive Centralist and Entente armies clash and position. In Portugal the British in a properly cheeky move proved they still ruled the waves. Led by her Queen Anne Dreadnoughts she retook a cordon of waters near Portuguese coast. Holding it for days against Centralist probes enough time is bought to send Jan Smuts an actual army. Tides turn in Iberia, and ebb elsewhere….


    The Russians push deeper into Russia, having all of Prussia. The rag-tag German conscript army could do nothing but hold. In the process however the tag team of Hindenburg and Ludendorff were Germany’s rising stars. It was through them (mainly Ludendorff) that the army stayed intact at all. The Austrians (As can be seen in the Global Times News) launched their own across the line offensive.




    In Spain the rising movements in Catalonia, Navarre, and political parties grows. The Draft, entry into war, and change of government is leading to dangerous Socialist, syndalict, unionist, and republican discontentment.

    Caucasians, Soviets, Italians, Austrians, Serbs, Ottomans they all push into Russia. Will the Duma survive, or put an end to it’s short but powerful story?


    Elsewhere a few global scandals are revealed. In Vladivostok a curious crew of americans were detained. They had claimed to be socialist supporters, and shipping oil to the port. Stalin taking them for their word recruited them, and detained the oil. Putting them in a detainment center for further questioning, almost all of them are reported as dead from cyanide pockets hidden in a fake tooth. No reports are made on if any survive….




    In Brazil the recent rebels admit to being funded by U.S representatives. Many see this paired with the Vladivostok scandal and invasion of El Salvador as justification to their anti U.S views. More members join the American Trade Pact.


    WWI: HMS Hampshire sinks, having hit a mine off the Orkney Islands, Scotland, with Lord Kitchener aboard.


    At least one shark attacks 5 swimmers along 80 miles of New Jersey coastline, resulting in 4 deaths and the survival of one youth, who requires limb amputation. The shark is rumored to be a socialist….


     In San Francisco, a bomb explodes on Market Street during a Preparedness Day parade, killing 10 and injuring 40


    In Ontario, Canada, a lightning strike ignites a forest fire that destroys the towns of Cochrane and Matheson, killing 233.



    Mary, a circus elephant, is hanged in the town of Erwin, Tennessee for killing her handler, Walter "Red" Eldridge.

    The first true self-service grocery store, Piggly Wiggly, is founded in Memphis, Tennessee, by Clarence Saunders, opening 5 days later


    Friedrich Adler shoots Count Karl von Stürgkh, Minister-President of Austria.




    An armed confrontation in Everett, Washington, between local authorities and members of the Industrial Workers of the World results in seven deaths.


    The British Sopwith Camel aircraft makes its maiden flight. It is designed to counter the German Fokker aircraft.




    Propaganda for a United Iberia is well received in the more Imperialist scions of Spain. However in Portugal it merely enrages them. Spain invaded THEM. This was not some “British Proxy War”. It was Portugal defending her Republicans values from Spanish invasion.


    For now no one is really inclined to care about the flag, there was still a war to win!


    The Football league begins but waits for peace.


    500k more men are conscripted, much to the outrage of Spanish liberals. By now in areas like Catalonia and Navarre people were in open revolt. This clearly conservative and Imperialist cabinet was a cause for much ire. These men will begin 6 month training and be ready by 1917, and will need to be properly armed.


    POW camps improve, the Portuguese actually well received and treated.


    Portuguese reply to Great Britain


    They will HOLD and FIGHT, waiting for their ally to rescue her.






    Population, Industry, and Economics grow in slow fits and starts in Greece. Since 1912 she had almost raised her total industry by 15% a massive feat. 


    A bid to reimplement Latin is only taken seriously by the Royalist. At the King’s lavish parties they spoke in Latin, danced, drank, sang, and had o- oreos.


    Rebuilding plans are halted in cities as riots seem likely….


    Greece begins limited highway projects to connect her main cities.


    Train production falls flat.


    With the new King’s seizure of power things seemed RED in Greece. The Liberals, Entente supporters, and men who fought a pointless Greek war were angry. Now a Centralist King had taken over and was installing a Latin-Greco elite regime. To say the least it was unpopular amongst democrats. A broad band of Socialist, Democrats, and Liberals ally to start opposing the King in government. Elections will take place next year…..





    The General Elections were a hotly contested matter. Serbs wanted a ‘Greater Serbia’ and following the second candidates rhetoric would do not good. They were not a nation on its knees trying to appease. They were Serbs! Montenegrin-born Major-General Vasko Aleksic seemed like their last hope. He had a relatively clean record (He was good at hiding HIS Bulgarian genocides), and a wonderful military record. As a result he and his party's voted in. They face heavy opposition and are a minority party, but have a clean slate.


    Albanian resistance is cowed as Serbian veterans of four wars decimate them.


    The Serb revitalization of captured ports continues and thanks to the now peacetime Logistics Corps does so fast. However Serbia can only export as far as the CP navy controls. Her markets reach scant few besides in the Med sea.




    4th French Republic


    With the 4th Republic wanting and end to the war, and opening it’s arms to French, plenty join the new regime. Hundreds of thousands of French citizens pour in. Maybe not exactly all Socialist, they want peace, land and food.

    Following this declaration many socialist on the continent flock to Paris. Literally in the middle of a war zone, they leap to its defense.


    The propaganda begins to take root in many’s hearts. Support after such bad French defeats grow. However many are also mad with the new regime making deals with the Germans. This begins with the first wave of Republican counter propaganda.


    Mainly using workers from unions, Belgians, and French/English POWS the Socialist begin to repair the means of production so they can seize it.

    Up to almost one million men the army is in desperate need of reformation. The official foreign legion is made for the 4th Republic, where all 2nd international and other foreign volunteers from the globe go. The main NLA will be all French, and begins reforms.


    Plenty of pictures from Charle’s famous trip circulate the globe. Here a picture of him giving a speech to politicians from his train. There him helping an elderly french peasant repair her fence amidst the descturnio of a battlefield.






    Following recent improvements of ship hulls, and amphibious craft, the RnD is actually praised by the navy. The more hardline army rejects letting scientist and ‘godless men’ dictate their way of life. As a result the navy informally adopts the RnD, and begin to work on great things.


    Thanks to Chinese conscript labor the port is back up and running in no time. It will take six months to be fully running again.


    The not blatant Japanese propaganda in schools has great effect. Many chinese children were never taught the isolationist Qing way of life.


    This resurgent Pan-Asian ideas praised by the Japanese is massively popular. Many asian states to this day feel the European yoke. 


    Ironically this ideology is taking root in China. The Socialist were by no means a ravenous horde of commies. The


    Chinese people had spent hundreds of years being tinkered with (Granted by the **** as well). They wanted education, a chance to grow, and an empire that won’t fail them. The Rice Paddies grow…..




    With the brief civil war concluded, the Industrial, mining, and agriculture reforms continue mainly along the coast and cities.


    The National Guard Brigades form and become a great sense of pride for each region. Good natured rivalry forms as each province makes their own unique plumes and bands. However arming them alongside the logistical problem of finding and maintaining enough horses and roads for them to be effective is a harder problem. For now they will be semi armed foot.


    The shockingly liberal reforms to the Brazil governance upset some. But by and large the Trade Unions, Socialist, and others were happy. They had even narrowly passed women’s suffrage. As a result socialism and republicanism surge, ironically garnering more support for them then the revolt did.


    Brazilian cities under regulations begin to slowly help. However favelas in cities are a common thing.

    With the war done foreign investment trickles in.


    Ships begin being built.


    Education reform is very slow, and costly.


    Without the experienced pilots or airplanes, the aviation wing exist on paper.
    Repair of what is left of the navy begins. From original numbers of 2 Dreadnaughts, 2 Pre-Dreadnaughts, 6 Cruisers, 15 Destroyers, 24 Torpedo Boats, many were lost. The French had all suffered, but the slightly inferior Brazilians in a stand up fight preformed far less effective.


    1 Dreadnaught, 3 Cruisers, 9 Destroyers, 24 Torpedo Boats


    Election Results; Conservative Party - 180 Worker’s Party - 130  Liberal party - 65


    Conservative Party is by and large social by European Conservative standards. But they wish to retain the majority and power within the Portuguese and Aristocratic families.


    The Worker’s Party indeed has true bonafide socialist in it. The Trade Unions are a byproduct of it, while the Republicans were also opposed to monarchical rule.


    The Liberal party is faltering as the two polarizing ends of the Government recruit them from their moderate stand points.






    Bands accompany the streams of Austrians heading to the Eastern Front, where daily reports stream back of advance.

    The act of separating their troops by ethnicity helped the Battalions perform far better. The problems that arose were lack of communication between different battalions without translators to relay to the men over the din of battle.


    The deal with Serbia smoothly transitions. Though some Imperialist were irate at giving Serbia land, many had already swallowed a bitter pill. Austria had been given nothing. Sure maybe a billion or two pound sterling. But what was that to land? Buying peace with Serbia allowed Franz -the Man with the Plan as he is starting to be called- to focus Austria as a unified mass for more interesting foreign pursuit.


    Language Equality is one praised by the minority groups in Austria, who see little help. For now many suggest turning from languages to signals and colored flag sequences.


    Austria’s factories more and more shift to the cogs of war. She (with german help) is actually beginning to become industrialized in parts other than Austrian cores. Since 1912 Germany has pledged aid in many forms to Austria to compensate for her lack of territorial gain, will this treaty continue?


    Franz’s moves to alienate the Austrian elite and consolidate power in the army were worrying some. Paired with the assassination of a minister, the elitist were on edge.


    Romania lodges a formal protest of the Austrians moving troops through their land, and petitions for reparations from all the damage and casualties.






    Volunteers flood in as the Duma exerts it’s power in it’s own land. Thousands of men are also drafted to fight to fill the numbers. But they all knew what was at stake. The Duma’s core army of veteran armies were off fighting, as this new, rawer, volunteer/nationalist army takes shape to combat the Soviets.


    Russia in the midst of civil war and external falls short in forming the basis for actual corps like this. However women do begin to enlist and do volunteer work which helps to lay the foundation.


    The expensive work of modern trains continues, taking slightly away from other Infantry production. Factories continue to work on Russian models of planes. For now they are relatively limited to recon and light bombing roles.


    Food budgets tighten as the wars grind on. Many subsistence farmers were moving to cities, conscripted in the army, defected to the soviets, moving to Ukraine/Finland, or dead. The Duma more and more has to supplement her harvest with foreign import.


    The call to end the war gains support for the Duma. Granted she was the one who secretly plunged the Union into this war. But places like Finland and Ukraine were happy to compromise and end it now.


    Fear of Stalin and the Russian Soviets is growing, as they advance into the Ural mountains. Many even flee or leave the country. However it also stiffens many staunch Duma supporters resolve. They will fight until the end.


    Tank progress for now does not happen as the Duma is too busy fighting a 3 front war and arming it’s new armies.


    The Cities continue to become hubs of population, industry, learning, and filth! 




    Great Britain


    Talks of Independence for Ireland begins as a response is awaited to see what they think of the British offer.

    In a shocking 180 the British parliament shifts back to Baldwin and the Conservatives. He begins to steer the British Ship back on course!


    Canada is not exactly happy she lost land to the Americans for pounds in return, to shrug off the Empire’s debt. Great Britain was reaching a heightened state of political activism and her colonies were no exception. However most of this was positive for the Empire. They had all band together to fight in the war.


    Not at her budget capacity to begin with the army shrinks after being paid off. Wages as a soldier were dismal (in all of Europe) and many troops were shell shocked or discontent. These millions of men now came back looking for work, some of their work “stolen” by women. However the disabled soldier act made the army begin to feel while the Liberals would throw them into trench grinders, the conservatives looked out for them. Haig throws his lot in with Baldwin from the start, zealous denouncing Lloyd. 


    In a highly praised move the Taxes are cut as the Empire begins to relax and recover from the war.

    The plan should work as global trade resumes, 3 years it is!


    3rd French Republic


    The Lower Taxes help ease some civil discontentment. However the Republicans find the same problem the socialist have. With empty coffers both factions were importing in equipment at debt ridden rates! While the Socialist had more industry but needed food, the Republicans had more food but needed industry.


    The medal of motherhood is taken in good and bad light. Many with sons dead see it as ironic. Others actually want to grow the French family to recover.


    One of the last trusted French Republicans, the medal helps somewhat with morale.

    This No Retreat Doctrine is enacted.


    Republicans policing the Martial law were a little depressed treating their own people as occupied cities. It has it’s merits though, as plenty of Socialist guerrillas try to operate against them.




    Trans-Caucasian Socialist Federation



    The Caspian sea and Ottoman merchants were making a fortune while arming the Caucasians. The Oil in Baku helped pay for this, still in Caucasian hands. The army stockpiles equipment.


    A contingent of Caucasian delegates heady by way of rail to Paris, the seat of the 2nd Internationale. 

    Relatively organized the Federation begins a conscription campaign. Using their gains up to the Ukraine border as propaganda they recruit socialist, and draft conscripts. The armies swell with new recruits over the offensive. 




    The swirl of Italian politics was a tricky one. Nationalist were gaining ground but the Liberals in power allied with Socialist and Trade unions had conducted the war. The victors were under their belts. Elections would be held in 1917 to decide who gets power in Italy. Vigorous campaigning begins… fascism is indeed a rising ideology in Italy however.


    To upgrade their entire fleet just after repairs and add 5 more dreadnoughts and some cruisers into the mix was too much. Instead shipping committees delegate to star retrofitting the current fleet with newer technology.


    The Increased garrisons, tax cuts, and commercial incentive is leading to a growing Italian mainland, while the new colonies are in a sort of confused chaos.


    The vatican opts to remain silent. Italy alongside horde of Ottoman Turks had just spent three years trying their best (and succeeding) in killing British and French armies.


    Ottoman Oil paid for mostly by the raised Suez income fuels Italian….lamps! However as the navy retrofits it will soon have more use.




    United States


    Traction is gained as the splintered geo political landscape of american starts to recuperate. However all sides aren’t too eager to champion it right before elections. If they failed it could look bad in the polls. Women suffrage seems more looming however. Plenty of women were protesting, writing senators, and marching.


    Worrisome to some, the United States army keeps going. Though still a logistical bog, actual recruitment goes smoothly. One rising problem however is the unwillingness to enlist. Many americans did not want to volunteer or accept a draft. The war department was also scattered, only men of stature like Pershing getting anything done. Regardless the army grows step by weary step. The Lafayette Foot Division of volunteers heads to France on british ships!


    Largely national guard units besides the official 1st Caribbean Division, these units are small and neglected for now. Racism and class divides played a part. The effort to change though was there as many enlist in the 1st with good hopes for the future.


    The domestic rationing though not popular helps fuel the gears of a wartime economy. Reserves begin to crop up as the army uses it for their own means.


    The isle of San Domingo surrenders with little fight. However at this point the U.S heavy handed intervention was sparking discontent across the islands.


    El Salvador is a densely populated nation, and relatively unstable. As preliminary U.S forces advance, marines clash with Salvadorian irregulars. This foreign threat and blatant invasion was the rally call to band them together. The main army and the irregulars begin a desperate defense.


    With not much besides one battle, the MK I tanks only see a general improvement of function.


    Many Jamaican citizens opt to leave, or stay as British citizens. The U.S citizen deal was taken by the more practical or less stubborn residents. Overall the isle is a peaceful transition.


    With the progressive party lacking leadership, the Republicans managed to sway many back into the fold. Hughes properly supported by the RNC begins a series of fiery rhetoric and campaigns. Effective, he garners much support from sectors of the States. Wilson and his Democrats seem to be lagging behind, and likely to lose.




    Ottoman Empire



    The transition of Azerbaijan into the Empire goes smooth. However they stop short of Baku and it’s defenses. For the next five years it would be in Trans-Caucasian hands.


    The Mesopotamia drilling operations now under the UPC continue progress. Though making good stride, it is apparent they are reliant on foreign business to keep them afloat and up to date with technology. 


    A ‘Renaissance’ of muslim architecture starts to grow in the more prosperous cities. Pan-Arab movements and Islamic worship are at all time highs.


    Every Centralist nation works on their respective bit of the railroad, getting it ready for the final phase of completion.


    Pan Arab and Islamic movements are spreading throughout the empire. Many wanted a united Islamic Caliphate while not exactly keen on an Ottoman Turk dominated one. There is a treacherous road to walk, bewteen readclasimin, and united movements.




    MAD Project indeed does continue! Massive strides this year as the war grinds on.


    German units found the best way to counter the slow tanks was heavy artillery. If they broke down or got stuck they were especially vulnerable. 

  21. 18 minutes ago, wealthypiano said:




    Discord Name; you have it


    Nation of Choice (and why?);

    Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic
    I’m interested in Armenia and Armenian history, and it was open!

    Nation’s historical background leading up to 1912 (Would like a paragraph + here giving a full account of your nation's state at the moment. Particularly important if you want to apply for one of the Greater Powers);

    Following the collapse of the Russian Empire, the Caucus region, traditionally separatist, suddenly found itself without Russian Troops occupying its land, and simply declared independence. However, while Nationalist tempers flared for some time, in respect to the combined securities of the Caucus people, a Federalist, Socialist Republic to grant security and wellbeing to all of the Caucasian peoples.


    Nation’s Government Type and Leader/Party;

    A Federalist-Socialist Parliamentary Republic



    Any special characters you made and want to introduce?;


    Nation’s relative army/navy statistics (If you can’t find any pm me);

    Better discussed in PMs for many reasons

    Did you read all the information?;

    Yes, Michigan

    Suggestions or feedback?;



  22. 16180_your_chance_770.jpg


    Hello People! It is not too late to join “The biggest hit since onwards” Join our discord if you are curious, talk to some players! It has been quite the FRP already. IF you still wish to apply we have nations open;












    And many more[ish]!

  23. Image-4-for-unseen-ww1-pictures-in-the-t

    1916 (Early Months)


    Central Powers Meddling


    (Apologies if you did not post in time. However some ground breaking developments ensue in the later months of 1916. Start planning! And if you missed post PM me your actions for early months of 1916)


    Early 1916 marks the start of a whole new phase in this Great War. Brazil capitulates with barely a shot fired. Spain and Russia enter the war, on different sides. Portugal is in a desperate state, barely holding on. And still the war grinds on, though many plans come to a culmination this year……


    In Kent Naval Yards several German zeppelins are spotted. Most curiously, one has two German albatross attached to what looked like a retrofitted zeppelin. They begin to drop bombs on the facilities and ships, doing some damage. The two Albatros fliers detach, and make strafing runs. However a english pilot in their new SPADS beats both, making him a star in England. The curious German zeppelins withdraw.




    In France the army, navy, and civilian populace is at a breaking point. Verdun falls and Paris is under siege. Morale plummets as more army groups opt to desert, not fight, or mutiny.


    Russia marches into Germany, directly threatening her sovereignty in the East.


    The British Royal Army Medical Corps carries out the first successful blood transfusion, using blood that had been stored and cooled.


    The Romanian football club Sportul Studențesc is founded in Bucharest.


    In Munich, German automobile company BMW is founded.




    United States Marines invade the Dominican Republic.




    Memorial Day is passed! It will become a national holiday and time for remembering past great deeds.


    Supporting Alfonso and staunch catholics, the Conservative government is sworn in. They assume the majority, and begin to persecute the war. However many Republicanist, Entente supporters, and Socialist are outraged. They refuse to be drafted, and strike across Spain. It is no revolution or civil war, but they are discontented. In Catalonia the situation seems more dire.


    POW camps have the first flux of Portuguese prisoners. Conditions are squalid and the troops [mainly civilians] are relatively well treated.


    Great Britain


    The Boer Commandos are shipped to Portugal, and start to amass victories.


    Knowing her ally is coming, Portugal continues the fight. Mainly guerrilla bands led by Commando teams.


    Plans for the MK II proceed as planned. However the Mark I’s showed the many technical problems. It’s a headache for the British and Americans but work continues. The MK II will be improved in all fields, but will perform poorly in offensive actions besides offering good cover.


    British doctrine shifts to defense strategy. They begin to do an ‘In Depth Defense’ which is already proving it’s worth.


    The Conscript army and Pal Battalions are shipped out on time.






    Serbian army reforms go quite well, her army being modern, experienced, and well led.

    In a move Austria condemns Serbia buys back her rail lines!


    Though the head Government was attempting to look benign and reform, it was no use. The Bulgarian atrocities had left a bad stain. Many saw the King and conservatives as ruling by way of the sword.


    More Serbians and immigrated Montenegrins take the incentive.


    Trying to tidy up the armies fallacies fail. However recruitment goes well as many ex Bulgarian’s join, simply needing the money to survive. (+100k Recruits)

    Industry continues as planned.


    Though they assume control, the move for Albania is unpopular. Guerilla bands plague Serbian and Greek forces.


    United States


    The 2nd new deal had already been passed, with some areas not being voted before in the last voting cycle. This remains so, many refusing to budge.


    “New Hanover” officially becomes the new name of Nebraska.


    Mobilization continues, but shows the U.S unique problem. Every little pen pusher, colonel, or politician had their fingers in the army honey pot. With so much government shut down, and split parties, many orders were contradicted or ignored. Supplies never showed up, some divisions getting only socks, others nothing. All this confusion and mounting raw recruits and the need to train was compounding. Step by aching step the U.S army grows. The new administrations are new, and will take time to feel out their responsibilities.


    Discussion about involvement in The great war is hotly contested. Political Parties aside, nationality, religion, and opinion led to differing views. German migrants, conservatives, and others were inclined towards the CP. Many english speaking democrats wanted to rescue French, as she had done for them. No bloody or brutish German submarines had sunk or killed americans. And there was no reason to suspect German aggression. Many were not convinced however. It seemed some would not wait as American volunteers ship en masse to France, much to Centralist supporters ire, they retaliate by sending their own.






    The Speeches and attempts to reform had big effects on the more moderate rebels. The drifted back towards the Brazilian monarchy and governance. However to others they were offered free school lunches and other slight alterations and saw it as a joke. Perhaps egged on by outside sources, these groups remain persistent. (See Fiddle With Devil Doc)


    Central Powers trade deals, and a dissolving army lead to a surplus for the Emperor. As mentioned many army units upon returning from home desert, or demand disbandment. They did not want to be used to kill their own people. About 150k remain many not exactly keen on civil war.

    Industry plans continue slightly slower than planned, due to strikes and sabotage.


    The growing class of land owning farmers on the Jungle frontier grow, many opting to help in the defense of this new land from incursions.


    Thought not shooting to kill, radical Republicanism and Socialism groups are. Initial fights go their way, as docile Brazilian formations get whacked. The fighting in the jungles is cat and mouse, and increasingly bloody.


    The Orphanages and Hospitals from Emperor Pedro is loved by his followers and moderates. It will also help for all the wounded men and orphaned kids about to come in….




    The Socialist and Nationalist are both gathering propaganda about the war. Both twisted it to support their ideals, with conflicting reports of battles and heroic actions. More and more Poles flock to the republic.


    With such large demands on the Industry, Poland does actually being to make a surplus of equipment. But there was going to be harsh prices to pay. Rationing and lack of goods in Poland proper is now every day. As the army is sustained, it’s citizens are left to starve.


    Many recruits defect to the Poles, or otherwise make their way to join. (+30k Recruits)






    With no demand for resources for the navy, and allied shipping, Germany is managing to continue basic war production. THe blockade was becoming strangling but for now she remains afloat.


    The Brazilian deal is passed. If the Entente does not actively block Brazil trade ships the Central Powers will get a link to South American markets.

    More and more women fill the domestic roles of men and take pride in it.




    Reorganization of the army under european standards begin. The Ottomans having successfully employed a grand assault doctrine like the French. Their armies did good when large amounts of artillery and men worked in concert.


    Enforcing the new law is a hard matter, but is appreciated.


    Some muslim families take the incentive and grow, however there really isn’t the funds for it.


    A new class of Ottoman fliers begins, under their German planes and tutelage. They have much to learn.


    The Expansion of oil wells continues slower than ‘a thousand’ wells by summer. The Ottomans first work on improving the infrastructure.

    Work on the Berlin-Baghdad rail line begins again.



  24. russian-soldiers-wwi.jpg

    1915 (Later Months)


    Revolution abroad! The 2nd International had certainly been busy this year. Trotsky and his coterie were followers of Lenin. But they did not firmly believe in one nation. While Josef Stalin and his Soviet Councils fight the civil war, Trotsky looks outward. Soviets going into China begin to organize and contact local student and union bodies. And soon with the Beiyang/Japanese war, many were angry. The final straw was Japan Razing the Chinese coast, leading to outright revolts against the War Lord cadre of China.




    In the ‘Great War’ is it’s being called, many things shift. The Germans had successfully tricked the Entente around Paris. While they fortified the city, the Germans moves elsewhere. Combined German, Italian, and Austrian Army Groups all under German chief of staff Eric Von Falkenhein assaulted Verdun. The great fortress was now almost entirely surrounded, as France reeled from the blow.


    In Egypt the British Expeditionary Force makes a tactical retreat. They would fight to the last around the Suez, a more and more common policy amongst the BEF. The Centralist and Entente navies of the mediterranean stare at each other across a vast Centralist mine network.


    Bulgaria capitulates! Following relatively harsh terms, the Central Powers secures peace with the Bulgars. Germany and the Ottomans can now link up. The Serbians and Ottomans move to occupy their new land, and ensure Bulgarian compliance. Austria for her part received very little. Emperor Josef did not seem concerned however. With Franz Ferdinand alive, they had taken a true look at their empire. And it did not need more land nor people. The Austrian army marches home, and mans the Austrian borders. 1 Million Austrians are soon packed off to the Western Front.




    This Easter marks a very unfortunate one for christians world wide. An irish Republican Brotherhood faction decided to stage an uprising in Dublin. Despite Ormonde and his Irish volunteers, all the MP help, these radicals decided to not wait for reform. The revolt was from the onset a sad, confused affair. Many refused to take part, or were ordered not to, than ordered to. Communication was bad, but several key buildings were occupied. Snipers took potshots at Dublin police and garrison forces. After a week of siege like conditions and the BEF/Navy being called in, order is restored. Unlike against Germans, the BEF showed mercy. Many ring leaders are rounded up, and it is up to Britain on what to do next.


    Greece enters a time of uncertainty as Centralist and Entente followers clash. Will they follow Bulgaria?


     In aerial warfare, German fighter pilot Kurt Wintgens becomes the first person to shoot down another plane, using a machine gun equipped with synchronization gear.


    An extremely overloaded International Railway (New York–Ontario) trolley car with 157 passengers crashes near Queenston, Ontario, resulting in 15 casualties.


    The United States occupies Haiti!




    Serbian Army private Radoje Ljutovac became the first soldier in history to shoot down an enemy aircraft, with ground-to-air fire. Granted it was a shoddy outdated French nieuport bought by Bulgaria.


    William J. Simmons revives the American Civil War era Ku Klux Klan at Stone Mountain, Georgia. (Unfortunately) 


    Albert Einstein presents part of his theory of general relativity to the Prussian Academy of Sciences.


    The 1 millionth Ford car rolls off the assembly line, at the River Rouge Plant in Detroit, Michigan.



    The Women acceptance into medical staff is passed. However many are opposed to full on voting rights, etc.


    The Officers learn it rather poorly. Simply taking learned information from news of the war and it’s battles is not enough. The Spanish army is dated, and will take time to properly learn the rules of modern war. To be fair France and Germany had hardly begun either.


    Massed training go underway. Generals learn to move men in their formations, but not much else. Nothing compares to real war.


    Refugees and immigrants flood into spain. Mainly poor catholic French and Italian, they move to stay. City populations grow dramatically.






    For now Poland had very little men or experience that would result in an actual logistic corps.


    Polish Veterans from several wars and battles begin training the new Parliamentary army. Recruitment is high as Poles are more unified than before.


    Using independent engineers and Russian funds very slow progress is made on lines around Warsaw.


    Arms Industry sees a little spike in growth. But Polish industry was small and scattered. It will take more time.


    With the Warsaw leadership actually agreeing to open elections, Polish civil war halts. Instead people flock to vote, every man having the right. The results are not exactly what the former Regime could of wished for. Democratic, Moderate, and Socialist parties take a joint 70 seats. Though not one big party, Poles were not exactly keen on autocratic rule of this new Republic. 30 Seats go to the nationalist party, many distrusting them due to being Russian ‘puppets’. This will soon cause problems, as the Russian Union Duma had banned all Socialist parties, would they try to do the same in Poland? Consulship is disbanded in favor of a proper President or Prime Minister. The National Party barely manages to get Pilsudki in as President, but he is elected.




    The Army growth increases as the man power is tapped into. Their quality and arming them will soon raise their own problems as the army expands ever onward. In the next six months nearly 1 million men will enter training.


    Aircraft Research falls flat, many companies not wishing to invest in a Nation in Civil war.


    The Russian Arms Industry grows within Duma cities, adding to the potential to supply more men.


    Russia focuses on heavy trains, and will soon have two properly modern armored trains (by 1915 standards) ready to choo-choo!




    Great Britain


    British plans for tank go as planned. For now early on tanks are prone to breaking down, or other problems. But with every passing day they gain more knowledge on the subject. Funding is low as they focus on defense, but still continues.


    Though 6 may be too hard to reach while repairing the navy, and arming, 4 are settled to be produced by mid 1916. Bringing Queen anne class ships to a total of 8 (I think)


    Using Women and German POWs Great Britain's capability to produce LARGE amounts of supplies continues. However many are worried at the growing debt, as they struggle to keep to the gold standard.


    Though European armies have no actual specialized subunits of infantry, Jan’s “Commandos” works. South Africans were promised a vaunted position as these men. However the truth was they were just more line infantry. They are ready for immediate deployment.


    This strange Specialized units from colonies continues, as ANZAC troops and volunteers fill out these two divisions. They will be ready by 1916 April.

    The BEF is sadly well aware of their position. But British pride and Government propaganda made sure they knew how important this fight is. They would hold to the very last! (ideally)




    Though her economy was sagging (Exports were needed for guns not coffee) The American Trade Pact and new reforms ensured Brazil would stay in the green. Troops on the western front get to actually enjoy good coffee, improving morale. Several German trench raids were made just to retrieve these stores. The Kaiser even drank some!


    Industry slows down as a result to banning Socialism. Many democrats and socialist wanted unions, and actual representation. As a result the working class started several violent strikes, some rumored to be started by the Republican resistance.


    Brazil Police sent to round of known Socialist are the first to die in what seems a looming civil war. Republicans and Socialist militias who had been arming since last year make to support their party leaders. Successful, they melt into the jungles. However some are rounded up, many in the capital to slow to get out.


    Brazil finds a few new deposits of ores within the Jungles, but are constantly harassed by rebel factions.


    Slash and Burn is effective, as the Jungle is pushed back. However in several areas they uncover nest of Indigenous and Republican guerilla cells, fighting is bloody and one sided. Brazilian army regulars are forced to be deployed to protect any efforts. The Empire’s control of the coast and arable land however was rather firm.


    Steel mills and Industry expansion goes slowly, many scared to invest with brazil seemingly unstable.






    Industry and Civilians flee from Paris. The Germans could shell it, making it dangerous to live there. Only soldiers and stubborn citizens remain. The blow to morale is big, many see it as the Government fleeing from German armies.


    France continues her desperate entrenchment.


    Pulling almost 100k men from her colonies, France reinforces the western front.




    Recruitment and deployment continues as planned.


    Japan is still busy building her first and second orders of ships! (Keep track please)


    Korea continues to be tied closer into the Empire, their way of life largely unthreatened and they are allowed to live life as they please.


    Blockade continues as China is robbed of most of her export/import capability.


    Korean agriculture continues as planned.




    Serbia rallies around their new Monarch, outraged at the Greek audacity.


    With much German and Italian help the Serbs get to a point where they can produce their own shoddy recon planes.






    With success in the field, came success in politics. For the first time since before 1912, the Ottoman Empire was the one dictating results. Their soldiers carry back many stories that rallies the populace to the government. However the gruesome reality of modern war and the death it brings also come. Almost all the Sultan’s elite janissaries are dead.


    Dejamal Pasha disregards the Ottoman government’s command. By now he was already far too committed. His army of some 12,000 were pushing into Armenia. ‘Rumors’ of Armenian Genocide filter back. The minority populations rallies around the Government’s denouncing the whole act. However many staunch Turks and Islamist praised it. The army continues to march on Baku….


    Reprimanding the Phoenician events gave the Sultan some leniency. The Centralist Greeks were ready for now to accept the Sultan, so long as he helped get the Prince on the throne.


    Though the Sultan order’s their arrest, very little CPC members are actually found. By now they had gone silent, or fled the country.

    With direct routed open to the rest of the C.P now, Ottoman arms industry grows at faster rates in Palestine.

    Production begins of both Gas Mask and Heavy Artillery.






    Germany at this point has loosened all restrictions of recruitment. With a large manpower pool she recruited more than expected. At this point she now has nearly 6 million men under arms. 2 of that being the rawest, which the training focuses on. Many try to forget the almost 600,000 dead and 1.5 million wounded. But still, the Imperial army is healthy and growing.


    More and more U-Boats roll out, as Great Britain begins to feel the hurt around her isles. U-Boats preyed on warships, and merchant marines carrying weapons. This helps ease the blockade, which is strangling German import from the atlantic. Germany more and more looks to Imports from Russian Union states (if allowed), her allies, and abroad.


    The French spirit is still not broken. Many still support Poincare and the army. 


  25. coat_of_arms_of_the_separatist_remnant_b

    Separatist State (The Final Holdout)


    Three full Cohorts of Separatist set up occupancy in the city of Prosperity. Until recently it was governed by various Edichi dignitaries. However thanks to Jan’s daring and the commandos, it was now theirs. Little actual fighting had taken place. Instead the government had surrendered relatively fast. They would not be trod upon and enslaved. Instead the Dignitaries are allowed to keep their power, and integrate peacefully into the CIS. They would become yet another cog within the machinery of the Holdout.


    The city would still have to contribute however. Resources and manpower was needed to supplement the CIS armies. A tax is levied to go to the Droid facilities at the Holdout. The city of Prosperity would also have to provide a contingent of troops. These troops along side prospective CIS lords will enter training. They will work to become the next CIS officer cadre. These organic officers will gradually come to command the various Droid cohorts. As for the taxes, the Droid Facility would begin immediate production of more B2 Battle Droids. They were needed to increase the amount of heavy infantry in each Cohort.


    The City itself would become the de facto capital of the CIS Holdout. The bankers and nobility would move from the cramped Droid factory. They’d meet with the Edichi dignitaries, and begin cementing an actual government. It would equal parts be Edichi and CIS, though the Edichi are now recognized as being firmly under the CIS umbrella. A delegation is sent to the nearby city on the coast of the southern continent. They are given the generous offer to integrate into the Confederacy as a power in their own right. In return they’d be offered protection, investment, and freedom. Jan is absent during all this.


    Two Droid Cohorts begin landing on the mainland, in remote areas. Elsewhere Ernst Junger arranges a formal expedition. CIS vessels with mining equipment would follow up the recon operation. They will begin setting up mines on the asteroids for the resources. B1 droids and Edichi are levied to do the work.




    Levying Troop and Resource tax on Edichi


    Forming Organic Officer cadre


    Beginning construction of B2 Battle Droids


    Sending a Delegation to nearby city, inviting them into CIS


    Continuing Mining Operation







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