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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by Volutional

  1. That feel when you type up a long topic post, and it goes all crazy and decides to de-code itself *facedesk*

  2. Our Forums has broke it's record, yesterday. I am proud :>

  3. Fixing up Danny's forums

  4. Almost one with the Forum Taint....

  5. Giggling at Jack Sparrow Gifs... Tehee

  6. Bed time ~ Nu-night

  7. Quite liking making these Events.

  8. Qwib Qwib shall rule.

  9. Happy Easter! Enjoying myself a nice Chocolate Bunny :>

  10. *Definitely didn't add Auzem*

  11. If I can't win with conventional weaponry (ME) then I must win using alcohol and thumbsticks. COME AT ME REAPEARS

  12. Is making the Death Star on TS, come at me bro.

  13. Music revision, pfft, overrated.

  14. 1000th post, made on the guy below :]

  15. What to do... What to do... *waits for Coke*

  16. Fantastic way to spend saturday. Doing what all the Geth are doing, recalibrating their sniper rifles.

  17. Holy... Our record just got tripled..

  18. All your ships are belong to Vol.

  19. Don't loose who you are, in the blur of the stars ~

  20. Come 'ere Jessie J, make me feel better..

  21. Gonna host the Great Hunt for Minathael, should be fuuun.

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