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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by Volutional

  1. The tales that really matter, the people that are there to point the way. The journey, which one day, you'll look back on. But not today. Today you embrace that, and you make it your own.

  2. Revision? Pffft.... I will regret saying that in 5 years time like.. but still... pffft.

  3. Time to make Minathael shine.

  4. Apologies for recent absence. Trying to fix internet for my silly Vista laptop...

  5. Yey, fixed ma' laptop :p

  6. Decisions, decisions...

  7. 5000+ Views. Har har :P

  8. Auzem, we still love you, here in the Status Updates :P

  9. Might Download EVE Online's trial, just for when I get a new computer. Played it before and all, but never liked it, but now I do :o

  10. Last person who bullied me deserved everything he got in return. Don't mess with the Vol, especially when he has had no Coca Cola.

  11. The Wiki is in my brain.

  12. >.> My laptop stopped working entirely. A week before I get a new Computer. I guess... that's good news?

  13. Gonna stream some Mount and Blade LoTR ;p http://www.livestream.com/volutional

  14. Livestreaming Mount and Blade LoTR again :p http://www.livestream.com/volutional

  15. Well, that was fun :}

  16. Ascended Roleplay is very interesting I must admit.

  17. This guy beats the ES Skyrim Soundtrack
  18. Definitley urge you Nation Leaders to build Massive / Epic structures. We need more amazing builds like Krugmar Prison ;p

  19. That was... poor.

  20. Yo ho, all hand, hoist the colours high..

  21. Idriel got scared today ;o

  22. And so the first steps of Idriel's journey begin. She is now to find artifacts of ancient times.

  23. No sleep yet. For you GMTers, feel my pain

  24. If anybody -1s my posts, my message to you is this "It fits my colour scheme perfectly!"

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