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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by Volutional

  1. Time to be investigating Duck Watson again >:D

  2. Rogash II, yes sir.

  3. Use your brain. That is all.

  4. Dat Signature Shop ;p

  5. Gonna install Skype on my new Computer now... I expect spam.

  6. To link Dante's tinychat, or not to...

  7. Remember kids, always go on the sea at night. NO pirates live there, it is all folly. You WONT be harmed or harassed for your minas or die.

  8. Since when do Ducks become FMs?

  9. I can really see a lot of improvement as of today. Good work guys!

  10. My LoTC Skype; Volutional, feel free to add me, and / or ask anything on there.

  11. What's on your mind?

  12. Gonna watch GoT from the start. I am one with the taint

  13. Quality over Quantity.

  14. I've just watched E3 of Game of Thrones. "Dance Master, Syrio Forel" Alright... there is a wall, and you just wee'd off it :l

  15. The night is dark and full of terrors

  16. What is a Pumpkin_Eaters?

  17. Why didn't Lym share to Vol? HUH

  18. Battlefield 3 is pretty intense..

  19. Great, now we have Schwan and Seventh. Both confusingly similar in sound.

  20. Welp, Time to awaken dat Aengul blood.

  21. I think more people should be aware of this:

  22. What is dead may never die? Pfft, Even in death I still surf

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