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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by Volutional

  1. Well, if no mage can bare to actually RP teaching somebody who will be evil in the future, then I guess I'll have to make up lore and get denied, berb, wasting my time.

  2. Grrr, Avatar won't update.

  3. So, I come back to see my name scattered around. Volutional.

  4. And just like that I'm in love with the Harry Potter films again Q-Q, it's lucky I have the boxset

  5. Damn it Freya, I had a date with Zalm..

  6. Hmm. I've got a competition in mind, just need some resources as a prize :P

  7. Red is such a lovely colour q-q Make a red forum theme now! :p

  8. Happy birthday Femshift! :D

  9. Cheer up guys, go out and make do. You'll have fun. T'is just a game, but were a great family.

  10. MC is having issues again :(

  11. VA reinstated. Time to repay the blood once lost.

  12. There are too many people accessing this file right now. Some functionality may be disabled

  13. Finally got Medieval Total War II. LoTR mod, here we god damn come :D

  14. >.> <. i made another... href="http://soundcloud.com/volutional/lotc-a-dance-for-metztli" rel="external nofollow">http://soundcloud.com/volutional/lotc-a-dance-for-metztli

  15. Spread the love, not the rumors.

  16. I love those nights you feel full of life :D

  17. Media Team, where is those trailers and videos we were promised months ago? Work harder *cracks whip*

  18. Thanks to Cappy for being a cool GM. For now..

  19. It seems the Family of Nightscar like their hair dye..

  20. Absolute pests the lot of you. Peasants.

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