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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by Volutional

  1. "Look at that Beard!"

  2. We're all going on a, summer holiday ~

  3. Long time no see Availer :)

  4. So many old timers coming back :O

  5. Bored, in English, alone, on a crappy laptop... should have gone on that Geography trip ¬_¬

  6. I enter to school;

  7. There is a supreme lack of War Horns, I'll try my hand at designing them.

  8. Now that the server is up, I'm unsure what to do :s

  9. For anybody doing Music Exams and composition gradings, I recommend getting practice, dat getz u A's n stuff

  10. Oh no, adverts with sound. The bane of all life. I shall endure, for you. Server.

  11. My feathers have indeed been rustled.

  12. I'm off for the night, I do hope all are enjoying the ME FRP :D

  13. If you're having trouble making a character, it is a lot easier to base it off of another. That is fine up to the point of obvious un-creativity.

  14. Nah, I'm not logging on until those mobs are gone.

  15. You have no idea how much I envy the composer of this; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLSDG4VAAdY&feature=related

  16. O horn of Plenty!

  17. Halo Cadet Forum RP + Halo ODST Soundtrack - Yes sir

  18. Stuck in a game of League at 3am.... hurry up you noobs I wanna sleep

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