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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by Volutional

  1. Achievement get! - Match King Syrio's Beard.

  2. Derren brown is prettty clever

  3. Power is no longer curious - It is demand that is worthy of attention.

  4. So media team, what have you been doing the past... always?

  5. Each time you use that big complicated word in the middle of your sentence, you confuse a wild Vol and hurt it's brain.

  6. I dislike it highly when you put the same thing in every chat you are apart of. I happens so often - Because I'm likely in half of them :(

  7. This is my league music;

  8. Now that I look closer at it, the soundtrack of LoTR is so much more in depth that I first thought, and I thought highly to begin with.

  9. Does anybody happen to have a cool ass link to the old wiki?

  10. Just remember, it's for the betterment of RP. Think of it like a new map.

  11. Happy Birthday Freya! :D

  12. PLEASE RP in default if you aren't emoting or using speech marks. :)

  13. Thank you, for your consideration.

  14. To relieve stress. I shall flip tables and change my forum avatar and signature.

  15. Thank you Native, so much

  16. There is a Q&A on Teamspeak, head on over; Ts.lordofthecraft.net

  17. I want Idriel back :(

  18. Okay. Got SwToR sub, meaning - BYE FOR NOW (I'll still lurk and moderate, be vigilant my apprentices)

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