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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by Volutional

  1. The first 40 seconds of "Radagast the Brown"... omg. Howard Shore, stop impressing me.

  2. Disappointed I can't be anonymously logged in.. Let the "Ermagerd you stalk me" begin..

  3. I made a new soundtrack ^-^ I'd appreciate feedback. https://soundcloud.com/volutional/the-honour-to-come

  4. I'm starting to think there is no point in the status bar..

  5. I think being evil in game makes me nasty out of character :o *looks at VA with most evils* HNNNG

  6. Congratulations on Acting Server manager, I always thought you'd be the best for the job.

  7. Curion! I seen you in Candle's Vlogs, you've been here a while, shame, it looks like you haven't played much.

  8. Lets get this sorted, is it Reck-less or Reck-ulz

  9. This is a troll, ignore the troll as he trolls you, this is for having 500 posts, as this troll doesn't, and is unable to change his title to "Jack Sparrow Of Aegis"


  10. Baaaaaaaaaaaned.

  11. Vanus has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello?

  12. Super Seventh, TO THE RESCUE

  13. Dat lightning man.

  14. GET ON. DAT TS.

  15. Simon, it happened again.... Allen was reading it for 50 minutes, and BOOM he went offline.

  16. Oh my, that Cat joke in your member title = Pro.

  17. Can you please shorten your Signature?

  18. Admin... You have now reached the level of Krug, truly.

  19. Omg dat Avatar made me laugh abruptly in TS. Awkward..

  20. Dat avatar wus MINE!


  21. I didn't know cheese could talk?

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