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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by Volutional

  1. Ben, just a little message from me.

    I would first like to say, look up. Your reputation is almost intact. People clearly still like you. You can recover from this. If anything you can buy an alt account and start a new. Nobody needs to know. Though obviously, its up to you. I enjoy seeing your nice posts, like "PM me for a paragraph about you", just being nice. I still don...

  2. Finally, I have found out how to make cool backgrounds...

    "After years of trials, attempts, and failures, the young tiger finally is ready for his birth, his reunion with his pride.

    The tiger shall become one with the Forums, and one with the tide, as the lion has learnt..."

  3. Inb4 Fan girls

  4. Dat be a creeper Zarsies :>

  5. Thats a very nice signature you have there...

  6. Yes you have my permission :>

  7. It reminds me of when Ellser witnessed me falling into a hole without knowing ^o^

  8. Meuza, don't you mean, Thu'ums up?

  9. You are now my favourite, congratulations.

    *passes Coconut to Freya*

  10. You caused the lightning storm!

    *throws Coconut*

  11. Do you think you could compose a Piratey Tune for me and ma' buddies?

    *holds Coconut steady, preparing to throw it*

  12. *throws Coconut*

    Thats for the Trolly signature :D

    No but seriously, keep up the great work.

  13. *hands Coconut to Nero*

    That ship will be used soon.... This coconut will show the thanks I give to you for the hull.

  14. *hands Coconut to Alan*

    Thanks for doing those sails, they will be put to use soon

  15. It entirely depends on what your capable of, if you think you could do a Pirates of the Caribbean styled piece that would be great. But I'd settle for a fiddle any day :>

  16. *girl screams!*

  17. Something more dark, like Davy Jones as you said. But also with hints of mystery if you can, like loud part with sudden quiet sections also. Make it your own though :>

  18. Get to bed, naughty... *slaps Danny's head lightly*

  19. Aww Pretty background :}

  20. Dat Turian dancing. I lol'd

  21. Why is Jingeh not my Buddy on the forums, what is this blasphemy?

  22. You share my birthday o.o

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