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Status Updates posted by Volutional

  1. Wait one hour for my WorldPainter creation to render, and BAM. I notice I forgot to do the Biomes.

    1. Old Man Boiendl

      Old Man Boiendl

      <--- is making some sexy wor

      ld painter stuffs

  2. Meuza, don't you mean, Thu'ums up?

  3. My parents have went town, they haven't told me what they are getting. They'll come home saying they have my Mass Effect 3, but you know. They won't have it.

    1. Ever


      But ME3 is a bad game developed by a bad company and published by a terrible publisher.


    2. KarmaDelta


      The only correct statement is the publisher.....

  4. I can't cope with thinking each topic is a troll >.>

    1. Distuth


      Oh. They aren't. Each suggestion is serious, if you know the proper codewords to remove from the sentences. We built them just so we could confound you. Have fun!

  5. I can't wait for Lord of the Craft to build Star Destroyers and start blowing up it's neighbour planets... Lord of the Stars, I will be one day.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Danny


      Foolish Pirate.

    3. Salamandra


      Lord of the Craft's RP becomes so advance, we turn into the 2nd star wars.

      Yes :D

    4. Volutional


      Omg. Space Pirates

  6. It reminds me of when Ellser witnessed me falling into a hole without knowing ^o^

  7. Why is it, when I have the most time, I feel useless?

    1. Eledyr


      Wait untill our on the AIc...BYe bye time xD (I hope)

  8. Yes you have my permission :>

  9. Almost one with the Forum Taint....

  10. "I Will Bot Be Silenced" - Erm, apparently you will be. And for the record, you could of at least stole all our Diamond in our cove, but no, your not even good enough of a troll to do so.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Minst


      I say, tht one is a disgrace to Troll kind. Also, he seems to stink of a foul odor.

    3. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      lol Can't be silenced? Challegne accepted *bans from forums*

    4. danic


      I do hope it is a Ip ban:)

  11. Fixing up Danny's forums

  12. 11 Anonymous users? Sneaky... sneaky...

    1. xmrsmoothx


      Never saw the point o' that.

    2. Volutional
  13. Thats a very nice signature you have there...

  14. That feel when you type up a long topic post, and it goes all crazy and decides to de-code itself *facedesk*

  15. Our Forums has broke it's record, yesterday. I am proud :>

  16. Has something glitched on the Forums, it's either that or we have all became nocturnal o.O

    1. Neri


      Saturday night fever? It's always quiet on Sunday morning >_>

  17. Time to convene a certain... gathering, so they say..

  18. Remember, don't Update your Minecraft as Lord of the Craft's server hasn't updated at this time ~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Viper3X


      To 1.2.4, yes.

    3. everblue2er101


      Mostly bugfixes it seems, although the chat features are nice.

    4. Skippy


      Another update...? :/

  19. Hmmm have we updated... let's see...

  20. Sudden urge to turn Rogash into a cat...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Reader


      You can turn your old one into one but the priests have to RP a ritual

    3. KarmaDelta


      Yepp. Screw dat, new kitteh fo me!

      And you shall all be my pride members!

    4. Jarkarll


      I think i'm going to have to skin you like a pig

  21. Make the firwt Pirate crew, check. Participate in several RPevents which has caused fear amongst the seas, check. Name those seas after the fools who fell into them, still to do....

    1. KarmaDelta


      Name one "Native's Twig"

  22. There shall be some Pirate conflict soon... And the result shall be fatal >:D

    1. Danny


      TeamSpeak. Now.

    2. Dash_Rogers


      Oh? how many pirate groups are there even?

    3. Volutional


      Around two or three.

  23. In the mood for inspiring and intriguing RP... Time to play The Blind Birdkeeper

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