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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by Volutional

  1. Omg. Your up too Q_Q

  2. Help Liri! I have to go to school with like, two hours of sleep Q_Q

  3. You make me giggle, I got no sleep. Q_Q

  4. Hi.


  5. You have proven yourself of acknowledgement.

    Assassin, Italian.

  6. No problem at all!

    If you have any questions feel free to ask anybody on the forums, we're all family.

  7. As a Prime of the Geth, I broadcast the most networks. Your files have slight corrupt, join us, and we'll help remain that corruption.

  8. Geth cannot fall, it has been calculated.

    The consensus proves that all organic life shall fall, and the Geth, the synthetic shall live.

  9. Geth has acknowledged your fellowship. But no fellowship is as strong as the networking Geth. We have uncountable numbers of Platforms integrated into ours ships, your race shall be purged with quick succession.

  10. Computers aren't what Geth are. Geth are collective synthetic platforms.

    Your people call us robots.

  11. Where is your Cape topic gone?

  12. You... just... accepted someone using a Simon Cowell "It's bad new, your going through" technique, and also using an epic smiling dancing GIF. You my friend, have Ascended.

  13. I believe it is mandatory for us to fight, therefore we should take it to profile comments to do so:

    *Breathes a fresh breath, through her beautiful nasal, and a blue aura surrounds her*


  14. "I amar prestar sen: han mathon ne nen, han mathon ne chae...a han noston ned wilith."

    The world is changed: I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, I smell it in the air...Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it.

    - Lady Galadriel

    I remember dat Melon Shop

  15. Floating. Symbols. Which. Make. Room. Smell. Gooood.

  16. The Thu'um is present in this one.

  17. Meow.

    *prods Liri*

  18. And to you, Kal Derra, I gift thee with the light of Elendil, our most beloved star.


  19. *notices he isn't the only lover in Zaries' life*

    *is okay with this*

  20. Gotta be some sexy Goblin out there.

  21. Hur hur. Hey dur Jarkarll o/

  22. Congrats on a positive Rep. Been trying to even our your posts.

  23. How dare you use my graphics, you shall burn.

  24. *pokes his head through the door*

    "Birthday in two days, ready the presents or else.

    *runs off giggling*

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