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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by Volutional

  1. Just found out I can access LoC via PSvita.

  2. I just made the biggest makeover on my GM app; It will be worth it one day :]

    1. SparehoeCakes
    2. Volutional


      Thank you Sparrow, you also :D

    3. Vanus


      Good Luck Vol!

  3. Bloody Pirates!

    1. KarmaDelta


      You are a PIRATE!

    2. Religious_Pie


      And a pirate is free!

  4. Ahh Fable The Lost Chapters, it has been a while, hasn't it?

  5. Hmm... I think we need a more Lord of the Rings styled storyline. Lucky... we have Mordor then.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Volutional


      If we did have Mordor, do you think people would RP having Rings? :P

      T'is a joke, in a way.

    3. Eledyr


      No idea... suddenly there would be 10 one rings I think xD

    4. xFrozt


      and then more single ladies happen.

      if you get what I mean :3

  6. Girl asks for my coke in class today: Me: "I don't have any coke" *holds Coke in his mouth whilst taking dramatic gulps from it.

    1. Danny


      I do this... Then I give in, and give them it... :/

    2. Dash_Rogers


      I usually drink it, then with the last swig, i tell them if they want this they got to get it from my tongue. *take last gulp holding it in my mouth*

  7. Don't worry! Be happy!

  8. Grrr... Life, why you so confusing! One must understand life!

  9. Happiness has been gained, proceed to the next level... MCDONALDS!

  10. Happiness has been gained, proceed to the next level... MCDONALDS!

  11. Livestream with Native and Vaq :} Link in comments

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NekoDanie


      My stream will be over shadowed. I'll have to wait nao

    3. Eledyr


      Poor neko...

    4. Volutional


      *sweats slightly*

      Erm.. .err.... Okay

      *deletes Status*

  12. Don't worry, the posts were moved. It will be within good reason :] As Trevmo said

  13. Creative Cafe is just bau5. But the only problem is.... I haven't won... yet..

  14. Cave Spiders are OP. ;l

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Minst


      I fight the mall the time, trick is, dont get hit.

    3. Minst


      I fight the mall the time, trick is, dont get hit.

    4. Slic3man


      Cave spiders *shudders*

  15. Leaving the server

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Braxis


      Get me a cookie! ........Please?

    3. Braxis


      Get me a cookie! ........Please?

    4. Skippy
  16. Dat be a creeper Zarsies :>

  17. You have no idea how much I've wanted these biscuits all day :>

  18. Finally, I have found out how to make cool backgrounds...

    "After years of trials, attempts, and failures, the young tiger finally is ready for his birth, his reunion with his pride.

    The tiger shall become one with the Forums, and one with the tide, as the lion has learnt..."

  19. Bloody Pirates!

    1. AlphaCentaurus



    2. CosmicWhaleShark
  20. I so want a Rohan-style Town.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bircalin


      I would SO join that town.

      " Where was Renatus at the burning of the westfold?! "


    3. CosmicWhaleShark


      Great... More stuff that's bigger than dwarves... :P

    4. Arbrek the Ancient

      Arbrek the Ancient

      We'll get our time to shine my Frostbeard friend, don't worry...

  21. Ben, just a little message from me.

    I would first like to say, look up. Your reputation is almost intact. People clearly still like you. You can recover from this. If anything you can buy an alt account and start a new. Nobody needs to know. Though obviously, its up to you. I enjoy seeing your nice posts, like "PM me for a paragraph about you", just being nice. I still don...

  22. Being accused of Metagaming just because I knew somebody's name...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. danic


      Oops, guess I didn't expect a women to have a beard

    3. CraftPrime


      Of course they can!, have you seen Moira Magmaburn?

    4. danic


      Ehm, it was an elf

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