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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by Volutional

  1. The people you least expect will show compassion and care.

  2. Danny, Y U NO ON TEAMSPEAK. Cereally. Nah but cereally, I cereally...want to repeat the word cereally.

    1. Danny


      You silly. <3

  3. First RP peck on the cheek >.>

    1. danic


      Love is in the air~

    2. Jarkarll
  4. Oh my, that Cat joke in your member title = Pro.

  5. My character like pie and money, when to be honest, I don't.

  6. "And so, we shall go to war!"

  7. Going to be posting my Pirate Guild in a mo, look forward to finally building that ship ~

  8. I feel the need for an IRL LoC konga line with Alcohol

  9. This is where I want to run two characters at the same time, yet only have one MC account. Might ask my parents for another tonight...

  10. Btw Dash_Rogers, I found your fishing boat. It's a pirates life for me ~ Savvy?

  11. We need an AIC Section :-l

  12. It is now my task to find the fountain of youth of Asulon, I need some kind of map...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Volutional


      <3 I'm going there now.

    3. domainoft


      Perhaps you don't need a map, only a guide. But you'd have to find me first.

    4. Volutional


      I highly doubt you've found it....

  13. Simon, it happened again.... Allen was reading it for 50 minutes, and BOOM he went offline.

  14. Whoever deleted some of my Wiki page = Fixed, don't do it again

  15. i'm scared, If I moved to America, I'd be fearful that the whole school would bounce into song and sing "What time is it?" "It's summer time"

    1. Ever


      I stopped reading at 'America' just so I could say MURRIKAH.

  16. Don't you hate it when you read something will All The Capitalised Letters Like This, I do.

    1. Ursolon


      God When People Type Like That It Bugs Me So Much... Sometimes I Just Wonder What They Were Taught In School... Or Rather - If They Went To School! D:

  17. GET ON. DAT TS.

  18. *Happy face as he found out that he is now on the Asulon Improvement Committee

    1. Danny


      Well done, my piratey friend.

    2. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      Congratulations, I am sure you will do well.

    3. Hiebe


      *HIGH FIVE*

  19. Writing out dat Villain App...

    1. Volutional


      On the open response, SOOOOOOOOOOO LOOOOOOOONG. Which isn't what she said to Justin Beiber.

  20. Oh my, looks like Renatus is in some trouble... I best be there to "Pick up the pieces".... OF LOOT!

  21. Hmmm.... Where is my precious OOC channel?

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