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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by Volutional

  1. The site I notate my music on has updated. YEY

  2. There is no reason for 3.0 to end, let's all not wish away the opportunity for a thriving, and constantly growing world this time

  3. https://soundcloud.com/volutional/the-host-of-the-eldar Gotta love the Galadhrim... Noldadrim shall be our name... it is foretold.
  4. I like playing Idriel because she can saying anything she wants.. Celthorn has to keep it shut until it needs to be said. :)

  5. Contemplating a new character... to add to my current two... shouldn't... but... want...

  6. "Save me from the stubbornness of the Dwarves..." - Gandalf

  7. Home alone = Blasting Birdy as loud as you can until all emotions explode.

  8. Sala brings the kindness in Idriel out

  9. Celthorn and Bircalin killed two Iblees worshipers yesterday, the old way you'd kill an Undead in Malinor, too. :)

  10. Don't care much for it any more, but Game of Thrones' soundtrack is purely amazing to listen to.

  11. Sudden urge to replace Celthorn with Rogash... HNNNG.

  12. 0 days, 6 hours, 59 minutes, 15 seconds

  13. Villain application format seems... somewhat broken..

  14. Kids these days, don't even know how to play as Irelia...

  15. So much detail on one weapon, I think I'm goin' mad!

  16. Hehe, being an FM means I can't put people in their place. /sadface

  17. I love being tired, but only when I've got nothing to do >.>

  18. When I was a young warthog!

  19. Damn it Taylor, made me even more excited for Season 3.
  20. Remember, you can do /join h and /h to join the in game help channel.

  21. Fixed my internet, sorry I was gone >.

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