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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by Volutional

  1. Seriously. Hi Cyndikate.

  2. The peasants worship you, m'loooord!

  3. Theon, what is wet may never dry.

  4. Might... make... pirate...

  5. I'm quite surprised how useful my Blissfoil lore has been. I'm gonna make a load more :)

  6. Dragons beg no kneel from no man. Dragons are fire made flesh, and fire is power.

  7. Over exaggerated exlaimation makes me squirm!

  8. -insert twine about Mogroka here-

  9. Birdy has reached my YouTube playlist once more

  10. Thaaaaanks Kal :D You're the only one to remember!

  11. SWTOR accounts are so secure. Covert username, password (with at least 1 capital and number), and an optional security key only obtainable via an Android or iPhone, or settable via their website. gg hackers.

  12. Oh... nearly at 3000 posts... Hmm.

  13. Dat feeling when you finish a soundtrack... omgbetterthanmagnums

  14. :l Still need that Dynamap.

  15. So um... I bought Skyrim again... Nostalga a little bit. Then I realized I bought all the DLC too, yet it was still cheap so like, omg. I mean OMG

  16. I've been working all day on this -> https://soundcloud.com/volutional/mhysa-game-of-thrones-1 Give some feedback if you can, this is a different version from 7 hours ago.

  17. Read the books damn you...

  18. Vol @Antagonist -

  19. appropriate name

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