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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by Volutional

  1. Inception has prevailed over the support forum.


    1. Volutional



    2. Volutional
    3. Lucas


      :D What fun!

  3. I want to formally request that the map doesn't end until GMT peoples can be present. I DUN WUNNA MISS>

    1. ShadowoKing


      ^ Agree, don't make it unfair for us. *puppy eyes

    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Aye! Us Pacific Timers too! We deserve this damnit! We need all the help we can to kill the damned Undead! Also, go to my new thread! Link on my page! Remember the lost!

  4. Is officially the Jack Sparrow Of Aegis, thanks Member Title :0

  5. One more post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Volutional
    2. Ogedi


      Challenge accomplished. Initiate me gusts face.

  6. Gunna start quoting madagascar for the giggles

  7. Must. Reach. 500. Posts

    1. Volutional


      Soooooooooooo close 491

  8. Just got home from a good night out... YES

  9. LOL Action Failed: You've reached your quota of negative votes for today. hahhahhaha Trolol

    1. Antharin


      It always tells e that -.-

    2. argonian


      Haters gonna hate.

  10. Do messages auto-delete when the inbox is full, or am I gunna have to delete some stuffs?

    1. Ever


      Yer gonna have to delete.

  11. Will be off tonight guys, I've got "Family" round -.-

  12. Star Wars, Old Rep' In tha bayg.

  13. Angry Birds is over rated in the UK

  14. Argh... I need motivation again. Somebody lighten my day pl0x

    1. susitsu


      Lighten your day huh...

    2. Rilath


      I just commented. Your day has been lightened.

  15. I wanna be the harbinger from ME2 ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL!!!!!!!!!! jushgnlauh efskhnsukdfjg,vsnjegdhdc

  16. 60 Posts needed for 500 :(

  17. Happy New Year Aegis! uʍop ǝpısdn ɹɐǝʎ sıɥʇ pǝʇɹɐʇs ı

    1. Antharin


      Happy new year to you too!

  18. Yo Ho! Yo Ho! A Pirates Life For Me

    1. Taiga


      And a Bo'ole of rum~!

    2. Antharin


      Arrr' me hearties, arr.

    3. KarmaDelta


      To the poopdeck with ya! After that jump of the plank!

  19. This is a troll, ignore the troll as he trolls you, this is for having 500 posts, as this troll doesn't, and is unable to change his title to "Jack Sparrow Of Aegis"


  20. I troll all day, I troll all night, but nothings every right. BAH BAH SHEEP, Pop, BAH BAH SHEEP, Ping.

  21. LoC Feel my trolly wrath!

  22. I am the Official Jack Sparrow Of Aegis

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