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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by Volutional

  1. I'm going to sit for 2 hours, trying to put together, an original, long lasting character. x.x

    1. Volutional


      I've got character's block.

    2. Soldrin Woodaxe

      Soldrin Woodaxe

      I think I might join you. That or run around in circles...

  2. I'm nearing my 500 posts, Finally.

  3. It's official Ogar is on the hunt for the fountain of youth, yet, really he doesn't know it IC. *thinks of how he could know it

    1. Volutional


      Don't worry, I'm not PotC copier. Much. Cataris said it exists.

  4. Just made a Wood shop called "Board To Death"

  5. Made a nice little skin, here we go, pirate character, I CHOOSE YOU!

  6. LoC, will you marry- *falls over, almost dies.

  7. Got some work to do! 4 Sigs in 1 hour, lets see...

  8. Has thought of a very in-depth character. In a way it's good the other one didn't make it :D

  9. Isn't liking all the VA beggers.

  10. Just popping out to kill a few mortals, berb.

  11. I'd like to apologize if any of my posts are derpy, I'm tired -.-

  12. Has started a Livestream! May be too laggy for me to let people watch it just yet, so I'm testing it out.

  13. PM For a free Signature :D

  14. Volutional's Shop Of Sigs, now Open! :DDDDDDDDDDDD

    1. Volutional


      PS:Sigs are free!

  15. Gonna make my own seal of approval, and stick it around the ideas forum. Such a troll

  16. Meh, switching back to Vokul.

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Yesh! Do you get your villian app accepted?

    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Yesh! Do you get your villian app accepted?

    3. Volutional


      No, I can't get a hold of a GM

  17. Making a new character....................................................again.

    1. Religious_Pie



    2. Volutional


      Hahahhahahahahahhahahahhaha Vokul.

  18. Grr... It's like LoC doesn't want me to be Diamond VIP :P

  19. Accepting Sig requests, PM me. Just whilst the Server is down :D

    1. Serah


      I want a signature but I don't really know what I want, sooo.. *wasting your time :3*

    2. Wizard


      Can you make me an avatar as well? Even if it is just an awesome dark elf pic.

  20. Is enjoying seeing Diamond VIP everywhere :D

    1. KarmaDelta


      I could make a meme for that....

    2. Volutional
    3. Pliz



  21. No LoC until I sort my character. I'll be off until tonight, though I will be checking PMs.

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Har har! Maybe offer to write lore for your character.

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