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Status Replies posted by SpiritSpectre


  2. Getting some wierd message every time I try to log on? Anyone else getting this?

  3. Solace is now a Ghost city... Full of holes of an Enderdragon who passed days ago, only bandits or fool people enter the city this days. But well war is war, and consequences of war are always the same... Sad....

  4. Global Moderator sounds extremely lame, why not just "Game Moderator."

  5. Thinking of making a secondary charecter. I wanna be a researcher, so what race should I be?...

    1. SpiritSpectre


      Elf or Halfling. Or a very smart orc with a lab coat... :)

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  6. 1740 profile views? I'm not that famous. O_o

  7. Building this http://goo.gl/uIZf3 On private server and then if lore agrees I'll build on LoTC! :D Yay!

  8. To all those that died in the Titanic a hundred years ago from now, when the Titanic hit the iceberg.

  9. " You were banned permanently from the server by "Freya" (Brazil troll)"

    1. SpiritSpectre


      <18:44:12>  "Bing bong" was banned permanently from the server by "Freya" (Brazil troll)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. So...where's the best place to grind my weapons skill up?

  11. Parents cut my Ethernet cable. I am very sad. It will take at least 3 week till I get a new cable. T.T

  12. Hey! Salvus! Where'd you get your clothes, the, toilet store?

  13. -Insert animal noise here-

  14. The Dwarves think we're leading the assault on Salvus because we have the most posts on our warclaim :D little do they know, Alras was the most hesitant nation to go to war.

  15. Salvus has a PVP train server for their characters.. Orcs go on and we get banned.

  16. Make that 5 War Claims

    1. SpiritSpectre


      5 Warclaims for 1 battle?... Tell me how it makes you feel outnumbered...

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. Alras may be a peaceful nation, but we will peaceful the hell outta you.

  18. Come on! 1 more and 1050!!

  19. First day back to LotC after maybe 3 weeks but feels like a life time

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