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Posts posted by SpiritSpectre

  1. Mog is in the Hospital and you have the gall to speak ill of him in a post? Very mature. Blaming things on Mog when he cannot even make a statement to defend himself? Cowardly. I recommend you take a break from the internet and cool off.

    For all the hate that I knew I was going to recieve because of this... I claim I posted it as cowardly as he has done many times.

    Sorry but I had to do it...

    EDIT: Also man, I really dont feel bad about him, he looked for it. Drinking a lot is bad and he knew something like that was going to happen. And indeed you have to get your hands dirty sometimes to deal with people that are worse.

    *grabs popcorn*

  2. The information given to the player that caused the hate was mis informed and was very quickly made to explain availer leaving. Now I hope we all can get past the event and look forward.

    Edward, please send any information my way or towards robin drake so we can compile the evidence.

    Im sure he is already up to date of what I've mentoned...

  3. This is my first post in months and its for a good reason... If Availer is comming back Im certainly looking foward the server as it was with him...

    Im comming back in 3.0 if he stays! And for what I've heard of many Ex-LOTC Members they are as well...

    EDIT: If Mogroka is gone of the Admin and GM Team by that time, its sure most of us are comming back. And thats the only thing we are asking Availer... Mogroka has been kicking LOTC's Old members out since he became Administrator, he has even claimed that he used cheats, harrased people in teamspeak while drunk, and ruined roleplay in so many awefull ways that Im really lucky he is on hospital right now because he would probably delete this. No one has dared to deal with him and many LOTC Current Members know what Im talking about.

    Count of Original LoTC Member's Lost: 43 Players since January 2012 (All of them because Mogroka's Constant Grief)

  4. I just want to say, the RP reason are stated already, and also slapa got the cordinates ICly by himself by names im not gonna mention. Also Warclaims are for claiming a land, if you want to fight is good, and if you dont want to is also fine. Its not forced to fight, we just want the land. We are pirates, we do what our RP get us to, and also why cant we fix this ICly and no OOCly like the rest of the problems on this server has been handled with... I really hate people that see something is being bad for them and they decide to stop RP because it doesnt benefict them or their mates. RP is RP, and a good RPer knows when to strike and be striken ICLY!

  5. app

    minecraft name: watyll

    age: 14


    VA: No but I will get one

    Full name: Scag Miller




    Profession: Knifethrower

    A brief description: Grew up in the slums of Renatus. He and his father never got along, so he ran away to join a sailing ship. Along the way he learned to throw knives with pinpoint accuracy. He is a killer, but always tells the truth. He is a thief, but he never takes from the poor. He does love to get rich though. Which is why he wants to join the Crimson Pirates. He has blonde hair and green eyes, and often wears a red bandana.

    I made a new character for this!


  6. Rodrigo Stark walks up through the main gate of Solace. Arround him there's no-one. Not even a soul lives on that place anymore.


    As he walks through the desolated streets he looks down. In the floor ashes of a burned tree lies dispersing as he walks through.


    He arrives at the once called Dawn's Bakery just to find himself a buffet of Rotten Food and all the place looted and disordinated.


    Rodrigo enters the palace which walls seem torn apart and chests empty everywhere. Not a single light is seen. Salvus flag lies in the floor of the throne room.


    Exits the city wandering what happened to such a wonderfull place, wandering... Why?


    MC Name: William_Talbot and TauFirewarrior

    RP Name: Rodrigo Stark and Robert Howe

    Village Name: "The Compass Rose"

    Why is your character starting this village/settlement? What is its purpose?:

    By chance Roberd Howe met Rodrigo Stark who wanted to help him with his piracy operations he to wanted to become a legend on the sea. Robert then made contact with several exiles from Salvus and other skilled men to act as his crew on the ship they have plans to build. The ship is to better than his old ship which was called “The Sea Beast the new ship was to be called “The Compass Rose” a name soon to strike fear into the merchants of Alras and the sailors of any ships that do not pay him tribute or are his competition and the villages who are in his route and his men need a good fight. For too long Robert had suffered at the hand of those who would call themselves his betters. It is now his time to immortalize himself into the history books and be the one true King of the Sea.

    What type of political system or leadership is within the village?:

    Hierarchy. The crew will stay under the rule of Captain Howe.

    What sort of behavior will residents exhibit? (Race relations, nation relations, etc.):

    The ship will most probably be hostile. Attacking on other vessels that cross in "The Compass Rose", stealing from mercant ships and trade ships.

    Where would you prefer the town’s region be? Including a screenshot of the land would be nice (of game or map).


    Any other details (architecture, races, culture, etc): P4_1352805.jpg

    Also the place where the ship is being built is already regioned. We need the charter for region the ship when its done and also to make it an official settlement.

    Probably more litte.

    Players who have agreed to sign this charter (5 name minimum):

    1.-Rodrigo Stark [William_Talbot]

    2.-Robert Howe [TauFirewarrior]

    3.-*Pending Pirate Name*[Charlie4vb]

    4.-Fauls [connorr1]

    5.-Pete Amici [Daniel_J]

    6.-Crow [Denivire]

    7.-Rio Korujas[yellowdrew11]

    8.-Ciar Dranday[Dranday]

    9.-*Pending Pirate Name*[ElfeyBro]

    10.-Engineer Billow Irongut[slapacookie]

    11.-*Pending Pirate Name*[csalz96]







  8. Previous Posts: 1% / 10%

    A crowd of people stands looking up to a mountain in Greywise Valey. On the top Leonardo Talbot ties his test subject Silent Drayzont to a strange looking glider machine.

    "You can do It my apprentice. I trust you. You are about to become the first person to ride the clouds and travel beyond our current limits."

    Silent looks back to Leonard with a pale face. He winks his eye as Silent turns ready to jump.

    Silent seems nervous as he aproches the edge of the cliff. He swallows as he looks down to the crowd of people talking and laughing.

    "He will not make it..."

    "This old man is crazy as hell..."

    "Oh poor young man..."

    Silent finaly jumps, as he flaps the wings fastly he manages to glide a few inches before the gravity traps him and drags him down the cliff. He fortunately manages to land on water. As soon as he emerges the crowd starts laughing at him. The device lies torned in pieces in the water. Leonard comes down as fast as he cans and helps his apprentice come out of the water. They leave while the crowd of people follows them laughing.

  9. Previous Posts: 1%

    Leonardo’s Personal Log: Entry 132

    "My final design is ready. The design bases upon the flight of a bird. The movement of the wings up and down will give the Pilot the ability to control the air and ride the skies of Asulon. Although the design is ready, I’m an old man now, and I can’t test it myself. I need someone young, willing to help me in my experiments.

    Today I posted an advertisement in Solace’s Noticeboard. Directed to anyone who is willing to help me for a considerable amount of minas. The test subject also will have the honor to be the first man to pilot the first air machine. I just hope someone answers soon."


    Leonardo’s Personal Log: Entry 133

    "Someone finally answered to my request. His name is Silent Drayzont. he is a young man of 26 years old. He is perfect for my project. I talked to him about the project and showed him my notes and design patterns. He isn’t well convinced but he trusts me.

    Tomorrow we are going to climb the highest of the Greywise mountains and test my first prototype. I hope my test subject doesn’t die, but that’s why he signed to. I should go to sleep now, there’s a lot to do in the morning. I hope this works, I really hope."

  10. Leonardo Talbot is sit in Solace Library, staring at the roof, wandering.

    “The trade in Salvus isn’t going well with the war over us, and Asulon economy going deeper and deeper. Many traders have lost their lives trying to sell bread for a few minas. People has lost faith on the economy and If we don't fix that, nations will start starving, and people to die. We need to find a better way of transport, a faster and easier way to travel between cities, without the risks of being attacked by the rebels, the army, or just bandits. Although boats already exist and travel from port to port they are still useless to travel on land, and even worst, they are exposed to pirates who will take the people’s belongings and sink the boat on fire after this.”

    A bird flies through the window with a letter on his paws, the letter is from Shas’O Kais. Talbot stares at the bird for a while, thinking.”

    “Birds can carry letters from far away to their destinies, and the are not threatened by any kind of predator because, they fly. They are fast, efficient and can travel large distances. If we, the people could fly, we would be able to transport cargo and trade faster from far away cities that have no access to a port. Thats the solution, we need to rise up in the sky like birds and we will not longer suffer again.”

    Leonardo exits the room leaving the letter Kais sent him in the floor and which he never read.

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