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Status Replies posted by SpiritSpectre

  1. What to do when server's down? Look for Kitty Gifs in the internet, go arround Rp in other random servers, play some random games at omgpop.com

  2. Well guys. I don't have a clue on what to put here, but I felt the need to post this update. GM Apps? Villain Apps? FM Apps? APPS. I don't know. Bed time! Night all!

  3. Dat feel when your bored, get on LOTC, and instead of looking for good rp or making some, you run around in circles and jump around =/

  4. Baby-sitting my characters best friends kid didn't go well. As in... yeah...

  5. It's such a beautiful day in SC :)

    1. SpiritSpectre


      *looks out the window too*

      *notices he doesnt have a window*


    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  6. I need an FM who can change my forum title...

  7. Wait... there's gonna be a combat update? :O

  8. Happy Valentine's Day all!

  9. I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

  10. I have reputation of three, atleast its not bad.

  11. should I go to bed or do more applications...

  12. Wishes he had more time to play

  13. Aggh. Any mods to make my Minecaft lighter?

  14. I just remembered, I was banned before >_

    1. SpiritSpectre


      X-Raying... Wow... Thats hard to be unbanned. Although myself, I've been the only one who had a chance of being unbanned because of Fly Hacking. Ive been good since then. :D

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. Cinnamon... hehe... funny word... cinnamon... xD

  16. Happy New Year, everyone! Greet 2012 (and our possible but highly unlikely deaths by catastrophe, if you believe in that stuff) with smiles and a few drinky-drinks. :3 Cheers everyone! Have a good one wherever you are~

  17. Well i just got a corrupted chunk in Laurelin.............. First they got Galahar now there going to get Laurelin.... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH MYYYYYYYYY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!

  18. Look up MiracleofSound on Youtube. He creates excellent songs from games. Look for his Sovngarde song.

  19. Brilliant, another bloody corrupted chunk in Galahar.

  20. When I write, I write like hell.

  21. yesssssssss got accepted! :D finally

  22. Now I have been tricked into going down to the mating den by another male druid. I thought there were enough girls on the server that this harassment didn't take place :P

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