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Posts posted by SpiritSpectre

  1. (( I honestly don't understand why people like to say the people of Salvus are being abused and can't get away. When has Salvus ever forced their people to do anything? when have they hurt their own people who were just living their lives, i'm sorry if I'm flaming but really grow some brains, in all of the history of Salvus only 2 people ever left because they were displeased and they were happily let free to do their own thing. so I kindly ask why people think we are doing this and if I'm right please at lest find a valid reason to dislike us.

    Thank you ))

    (( <3 Daniel ))

  2. ((BTW... Kais never touched a single block from your shop, he doesn't even have perms to the region so yeah... It was me, but you just want to mess up with the first guy you find dont you?.... Anyway Ninja is right, no VA is needed to burn down a building of his own property...))

  3. Edward Talbot aproaches Solace's Gazebo and clears his voice while he directs to Salvus Civilians.

    Citizens of Salvus, Today I speak to you in a moment of war.

    Some hours ago, my close contacts confirmed me of an Incoming attack to our lands from the part of many that we thought alies and friends.

    The Kingdom of Renatus, The Realmist of Hanseti, The Orc Clans and many other factions have joined forces to bring down our Glorious Nation and with it, our Honorable leaders: The always beloved Dawn Perea, our friendly Baker that cooked the most delitious bread and cake back in Aegis and in Asulon. The strong Dawn Perea that always looked for her people, during her ruleship on the once upon a time Kingdom of Oren along with the Honorable Pampo Perea, rest in peace. The strong Dawn Perea who gave her childhood home to her people in order to keep them safe and away during the threatfull war against the undead and two human brother kingdoms in war. The Dawn Perea that, with the always remembered King Enor, funded the Kingdom of Salvus to keep harmony on the land, even when this goal was never achieved.

    Because our Queen, Dawn Perea represents something that I will always protect. The kindness of Dawn when she feeds the needed one for nothing else in change. The leadership of a strong woman who always supported her people and friends, even when the situation doesn't seem to end well. The friendship of a person that trusted me her life and that made my day more than once. Becase Dawn represents all of it and more, I shall defend her, and my Kingdom today and tommorrow even before my last breath.

    Let It be known that corruption and chaos in the Kingdom of Salvus never camed from Queen Dawn... Instead it came from us. Us, the once called Peacekeepers who now call theirselves Ordinators because this name couldn't and will never fit on its description. Let it be known that now, in this moment of pain and chaos, I will enmend my errors and I will protect my kingdom and my Queen with my Blade and my shield, to protect them agaisnt the once called Friends and Allies who decided to betray us because of someone hungry of power.

    Let it be known that the Kingdom of Salvus growed from the first seed that was planted to what is today. And if we skip our sight from our Military, we would be able to see a glorious kingdom who rises and shines. The city of Solace which architecture devotes on one of the most beautifull of the Continent. The Kingdom who's food outcome grew over the years more and more. Feeding the people of Asulon until today. Because thats what separates the Kingdom of Salvus from the rest of the land.

    Let it be known that we, the people of Salvus will never fight for the one called "witch". Although we will fight for the Glory of the city of Solace, the Glory of the Perea Family, the Glory of our sons and families, the Glory of the Kingdom of Salvus. Because thats what matters.

    I shall raise my sword today, and let it be known that whatever will happen after, we fought for the Glory of the Kingdom of Salvus.

    Edward Talbot rises his Golden Sword to the sky while the sunlight shines with it.

  4. (I would like to see Salvus get rid of their Peacekeepers and adopt a system like the Venetians had. They have a foreigner lead their military forces so he won't be biased in his use of the soldiers, and also have foreign mercenaries guarding them. I think it'd add more depth to Salvus so there will be a larger disconnect between the citizenship and their military. If the mercenaries attack a nation they are fired or lose pay, that way Salvus can still call themselves peaceful as they themselves do not maintain a military force.)

    Just to clarify one single point, since the begining of the Peacekeepers, we have barely recieved a Payment, most of Recruits have been fired because of incompetence or they just simply left because they got bored. If we were to adapt the system to a more complicated one, we will indeed, have to be more than the few left who just work for their love and dedication to their nation and their will to protect their people.

  5. Edward Talbot pins a paper in the News Board of Solace

    "Today, an important announcement was made. Enor Sheffield, the last King, sent a letter from far away, an unkown place to our maps. In his letter, Enor stated his desire of giving up the crown. The new was shocking and his intentions are still unknown.

    Edwin Sheffield, was then proclamed King of Salvus, since he is Uncle of King Enor and brother of the decesed King Edmund Sheffield. Formal member of the Sheffield family he has been choosen by Queen Dawn to co-rule the nation with her.

    Although as Queen and King, Edwin and Dawn wont join their houses, although as stated before, they will co-rule the nation.

    Edwin Sheffield stated at the Announcement that while in his Kingship, he will bring peace to the Human Kingdoms."

    Edward Talbot

    ((Some Images from the Event))








  6. ((There's no way to the gatehouse... Just by password and Block Jumping... Which is bannable... If you see someone again please report it to myself... Im most time online and willing to help...

    MC NAME: William_Talbot (send bird)


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