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Posts posted by SpiritSpectre

  1. * reads the note, and leaves another little piece of parchment *

    "It's rather difficult to report them, when they attempt to arrest me in the middle of the wilderness, is it not?"

    Leaves another piece of paper.

    Please define "wilderness". Where exactly they attempted to arrest you and why?

  2. Reads the note

    You'd best also let them know that they don't have jurisdiction outside your lands, they think they do! Lessons on respect, and manners would be useful, after all they're barely even soldiers, just a bunch of kids in armour.

    Although this is true, I haven't knew of a Peacekeeper trying to arrest someone outside our borders.

    Leaves a note down the paper

    "Please if you feel you're being mistreated by a Peacekeeper report to an officer on duty. Also notice that most of our Peacekeepers are Recruits, only Peacekeepers can arrest people, recruits are being fired everyday."

    -Edward T.

  3. *scribbles down a small reply to the note*

    I do not want anyone's possessions to be taken at the gate. It makes things much too confusin'. Please refrain from doin' this in the future. Just make sure people remove their armor and sheathe their weapons.

    "Very Good then, thats way much better..."

  4. Pins a note in Solace's Guard Keep

    "For all the Peacekeepers, I've made a ((Google Docs)) chart where you'll be needed to fill while in Gate Turn. You have to write down the name of the person, his armor and weapon left (if so), your name and if the armor or weapon was succesfuly returned... This is for organization pruposes only and have a record of our chests"

    ((The link will be provided once you PM me with your email...))

  5. Edward Talbot post some flyers and maps in the entrance of Solace.

    "Edit: Will be Updated each 2 weeks"

    "Me, Edward Talbot with the help of some monks of the cloud temple, have made this acurate map of The Nation of Salvus, here you can see the borders of the nation, towns, roads and biomes."



    Towns and Cities






  6. ((

    2. You MUST make a warclaim, ( found in the “economy and war” section ) In order to have a proper battle or assault on a settlement.


    Next time you come to Solace, I DONT CARE THE REASON, I hope you have a proper WARCLAIM. Otherwise face the consecuences.



  7. ((

    I cant find the way to answer this IC but I'll respond OOCly...

    I: The Walls are insufficient. The gate is a good start, but ultimately pointless...

    At the beggining Salvus was ment to be a peacefull nation, and it still is. Natural walls would somehow fit with the RP on this. Better than Big o' Walls in the middle of farming areas.

    II: The Peacekeepers lack supplies. We are not paid, we are not given food...

    Queen Dawn is currently paying Peacekeepers when she sees them. Also if you need food, it is supplied free by Dawn's Bakery.

    III: The Peacekeepers are undertrained.


    VII: Peacekeeper Apprentice Aldawolf has alerted me to a possible traitor in the Peacekeepers.

    Thats a realy serious accusation. We'll see what happens.



  8. Answers to the note stated:

    Alan Locker has been accused for the murder of 1 family. He resist the arrest and as consequence one Peacekeeper was killed. At the same time, he killed his own family.

    Alan Locker is dangerous and he must be ether jailed or executed.

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