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Status Updates posted by SpiritSpectre

  1. Solace is now a Ghost city... Full of holes of an Enderdragon who passed days ago, only bandits or fool people enter the city this days. But well war is war, and consequences of war are always the same... Sad....

    1. ℓαтєяяє ~

      ℓαтєяяє ~

      I'm pretty sure Salvan's do not have to fret. I'm pretty sure Edwin is surrendering, and Renatus is taking it over, which will increase RP by 100%.

    2. Skippy


      Well, blame the guards. :P

    3. SpiritSpectre
  2. SOPA just begun... Megaupload is now Down... And Anonymous just started #OpMegaupload against UniversalMUSIC.com , the US congress page and a lot more

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. everblue2er101


      No, it didn't. Apparently they were planning to take down megaupload for two weeks, and not under SOPA.

    3. Ogedi


      It was unliked by congress. Being reformed....

    4. Yamnothere


      hadn't passed, Federal forces raided mega upload, for some reason, and took it down , and now https://twitter.com/anonops reads eeet

  3. Sorry for my bad spelling...


  5. Started the technic pack yesterday and I still cant stop! Its infinite! I need a challenge....

  6. Teamspeak laaagyyy!!

  7. Technic Pack is so much better and fun than regular Minecraft... :D

    1. EmeraldStag


      +1 this status

    2. loakmendbe


      It is by far one of the best mod packs out there!

  8. Testing Photoshop CS6 Beta.... Yay! :D

  9. That akward moment when you die next to the temple by Alcohol Poisoning....

  10. The Crimison Pirates now own the ship the dwarves brought to Asulon from the Portal "The Wrench" Still building the Compass Rose

    1. Jarkarll


      Congratulations you own a stone boat. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before you circumnavigate the globe with it.

  11. The peacefull nation of Salvus... Is about to rise...

  12. The undead took over New Alstion and Celestine... Winterfell stands up alone in the north

  13. The week of the bans... :(

  14. They should expand the player capacity when World Events, many people cant login and VIP Donors are chrashing while trying to enter

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Antharin


      There's 270/250 too!

    3. trotski24


      270!!?? most I saw was 253 any way I agree.

    4. Enthreri


      It's ridiculous, I will browse the forums for a bit, and then try to get back on. When one slot does open up, I can never get it. I have been browsing the forums for an hour if you catch my drift.

  15. This guy is and was awesome... And will! :D

  16. This makes me feel so sad... http://i.imgur.com/9xSiR.png Its like World War II and France just got owned...

    1. TRAY


      How sad, how hilariously sad.

    2. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      So. Basically Salvus sub-froum threads are gone?

      I have nothing to say.

  17. Trying to make war with a peacefull nation... REALY? And the nation not even started!...

  18. Unbanned... I feel bad

  19. Undoubtedly, the best cookies arround!

  20. Vaq... I was just wondering... Availer had a Topic in the MC forums... That topic brought more than the half of LOTC members including.me... That post had a lot of views each day... What it will be of it... You cant just start a new one...

  21. Was a cool battle,, although I died... I think we need better organization.

  22. We build this nation! We build this nation on BEEEEDROOOOOCK!!... BS!

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