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Status Updates posted by SpiritSpectre

  1. Trying to make war with a peacefull nation... REALY? And the nation not even started!...

  2. 5 am... Tired... Im dead... Bye!

    1. Antharin


      I went to sleep 5 AM, hate my sleep schedual. ;_;

  3. Cinnamon... hehe... funny word... cinnamon... xD

  4. The peacefull nation of Salvus... Is about to rise...

  5. Happy new year Aegis!!!

  6. Undoubtedly, the best cookies arround!

  7. Was a cool battle,, although I died... I think we need better organization.

  8. I just discovered my PC is not so crappy and it can run Skyrim... Not like in 60 fps but its cool if I can Play!

  9. Have anyone noticed that the minecraft message is "Merry X-MAS" and hasnt changed...? LOL

  10. Merry christmas! Aegis!


  12. *sighs* The Oren goverment is screwed... Very soon, the goverment will fall... But now forever... *sighs*

    1. Dash_Rogers


      Yea I hope the admins overide stuff for the new map so we can have a clean rule and a just guard system

    2. salmeer


      Untrue...we are accualy because we anexed land, our armys are huge now!

  13. *a tide breeze aproaches from the north* ... Ella was born... *smiles*

  14. You know what dissapoints me of the ban appeals. That people dont realy know how to deal with something called DIPLOMACY... :(

    1. Kragnak


      Heh, yea.. people use ban appeals as a place to let off steam sometimes..

    2. KarmaDelta
  15. The undead took over New Alstion and Celestine... Winterfell stands up alone in the north

  16. LOTC... Seriously, the best RP experience, not only in minecraft, IN ANY GAME!

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