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Posts posted by SpiritSpectre

  1. [[App just for fun, If im accepted, PM me]]

    MC Name: William_Talbot

    Character Name: Edward Talbot

    Character Race: Human

    Short 1 - 2 Paragraph Bio: (Resumed Background Story) Edward Talbot was born in the Town of Quel'Thalas. Son of William and Ximena Talbot he grew up in the town and left to learn more about magic and healing, although later he will find out he's destiny was battle and combat.

    (While in the Server Bio) Edward Talbot arrived to Aegis and was inmediatly hired into S.A best known as STORM'S ARMY. After a few weeks of working there he becamed Mayor of the Army and left in search of a home. He traveled to north of what was known as Alstion, there he bought a home. He participated in the battles with the undead at Snowy Fields and Alstion until they both where destroyed. After this he decided to come back to his hometown. A couple of years later he returned to Oren. He was hired then into The Guardians... After some time he becamed Lieutenant on the guild and left because of political problems. He camed to Alkhazar and was hired by Lord Pampo Perea as contractist... Then Perea and his wife lady Dawn Perea decided to travel and conquer the land of Winterfell, there is when he was named Captain of Winterfell. Some years and a couple of battles later Pampo Perea got lost. He was asigned to be Personal Guard of Lady Dawn Perea, his lieutenant, Conrad, took his place as Winterfell captain. Now he decided to leave the job as Personal guard and return to be a Winterfell Guard. He is now a skilled warrior ((with /skills)) and a loyal guard and friend.

    Why do you wish to join?: Not realy

    What Division do you wish to join?: Umm dont realy know because you dont specify the Divisions in the post.

    Do you have the Necessary Requirements to join that Division? (Only for Special Forces & Architects): 75 LVL at Swords and 55 at Arrows

    What will you bring to your chosen division?: I dont know... Umm... Help in battle.

    Will you serve Aeriel to your dying breath, as so many of our Brothers and sisters have?: Yes if I need to.

    Are you against the Undead? Please state Why: First they destoy my first home, then they destroy my city now they are comming to destroy my new home.

    Will you spread word of Aeriel & her Children, throughout Aegis?: Yes?

    Are you comfortable with the Server rules/ Guild rules?: Sure

  2. I guess with me farming New Alstion will survive unless actually attacked. We are fine on supplies, but low on men. We are not to friendly with Winterfell either which is a minus. We are having conflicts with them. In a dire situation like this we will need some more reinforcements.

    Personaly Ill like to talk to you and your people (empirerebel) Winterfell has a conflict with New Alstion. And im sure we'll need help from each other while we are alone in the north...

  3. Guards from Winterfell have successfully skirted Al'khazar and the miasma cloud and have reached Alras. Travel is possible but time-consuming. Connections to New Alstion and Winterfell would be beneficial overall, even if all that can be made are dirt paths.

    It would be best to begin shifting refugees out of Alras and sending them to diverse locations such as Winterfell and the other cities further south. Alras should remain only populated by armed forces and other notable residents now, being so close to Al'khazar.


    Winterfell is ready now to recieve civilians. My self is preparing to create a path south New Alstion leading to Alras crossing the Great Oren Lake... This will improve the comunication and will give more space to the army to work.

  4. We should strengthen defenses up north at Winterfell and New Alstion. Galahar should be our capital. It is strong enough to deal with enemy nations. Winterfell and New Alstion however are not strong enough to deal with the undead.

    Winterfell and New Alstion are now blocked by Alkhazar, the only way there is by water and then

    a great walk throught the frozen lake by foot. Although Winterfell isnt weak since his Guards are always watching and New Alstion Walls can hold a lot of people.

    Winterfell and New Alstions defenses cant be strengthened because in order to get troops from Galahar to either one, we would need to get through Al'khazar, and that's near impossible.

    As I said before the only way to get there is through Boat and a great walk now... But troops will be welcomed in both towns.

    No, I travel from New Alstion to Galahar... You need to go far around Al'khazar to do it though...

    True, Anyway New Alstion and Winterfell citizens now travel like that everyday. Its a (10 min) travel from Alras.

    Exactly so if soldiers move north using the longer trails, what if we arrive to late and only Galahar remains? Al'Khazar must be retaken at least as an outpost to send troops at a faster rate.

    Alkhazar has been condemned, the undead patrol the area and they have cursed the ground so every mortal who aproaches gets killed.

    Too risky, and we need more people to rally behind a single banner. I say that New Alstion's residents should move to Winterfell for protection, the walls are much stronger there.

    Winterfell walls are "almost" imposible to break through. But with the new discover of a great mage, now with Enderpearls you can just jump out the wall without any effor...

    Anyway Im speaking for Winterfell and New Alstion, both of them are Isolated of the rest of aegis... Winterfell is reciving refugies right now but its just a matter of time for the undead to strike the last land of oren left in the north.

  5. Comon Awesomeninja, S.A is part of Aegis History. Anyway here is my RE-RE-APP! =D If you allow me to join again...


    MC Name: William_Talbot (I dont use whiteberry14 anymore)

    RP Name: Edward_Talbot

    Age: 30

    Desired Position on the Army: Surprise me!

    RP Experience:

    -Ex Winterfell Captain

    -Ex S.A Mayor (remember?)

    -Ex Guardians Lieutenant

    -Ex Personal Guard of Lady Dawn and Steward Robin Drake

    -Ex Alstion Guard

    -Currently: Random Jobs arround Winterfell, sometimes Guarding, sometimes taking care of Dawn and Robin, sometimes just Chillin.

    Hope to see that redesigned HQ!

  6. Note: I already have an Account in LOTC.. I made a new MC Accont especialy for LOTC so people stop telling my MC name than my Character name... It was Whitelisted by MR ZOMBIEZ itself here http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/5597-application-edward-talbot-william-talbot/page__p__20353__fromsearch__1#entry20353


    -Minecraft Account Name: Edward_Talbot

    -How old are you?:15 years

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: CST/Mexico

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar? Yes

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: Im a student from Mexico City. I have 15 years and I like to play Football...

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: 2-4 Hours

    -How long have you played minecraft?: 3 months

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: I know everything about Roleplaying. Ive been roleplaying for a Year. Ive roleplayed at Minecraft Servers and other games. I roleplay alot in the GTA SA servers. I know how to deal with OOC/IC situations and I know the OOC and IC commands of the server...

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect it to be good because it only admits serious Roleplayers and nice people who dont go arround griefing.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I've played in BattleCraft and I left cause there are many Noobs griefing arround with a Diamond sword and Kill you without reason. I've played also in Herocraft and I left due the same thing.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? Yes

    -Name the 4 races on this server: Humans, Orcs, Dwarves and Elves

    -How did you hear about us?: Minecraft Forums Videos while I was looking at the Server Videos.

    -Did you vote?: Yes (you can check)

    -What was your favourite Law?:The Political Division of the Kingdoms

    -What was your least favourite Law?: Punishments

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? whiteberry


    -Character Name: Edward Talbot

    -What is your Race?: Human

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: Um... whiteberry... But why this question in IC?

    -Biography: Son of Ximena Rodriguez and Mark Talbot. Edward Talbot born in a little town in the Wilderness called Quel'Thalas. His father Mark Talbot was the town Keeper and he guard the entire town from his tower. His mother Ximena Rodriguez had a great food shop where everyone in the town go there and eat their dinner.

    At the age of 10 years he started learning the basics of magic from the town's Farmer Lian Freeman who was a Healer Magician. He learned everything about making grow the seeds faster with bones and how to farm an entire varity of plants that can be used for Potions.

    Later at his 18 years he got very interested about learning the Healing Magic so he left his town and his family to visit William Feather who was the best magitian known in that time.

    He found him and asked him to teach Edward all what he could know about Healing Magic. William teached the young magician all what he knew about magic in 10 years. Now that he learned everything that the Old William could taught him he left him

    Now he is in search of people to help and diseases to beat with his magical knowledge.

    -Character Age: 28

    -Character Appearance: 6 ft tall, Brunnette hair, White skin, Brown eyes, and very cared hands.

    -Character Personality: He is nice and helpfull. Always try to help when someone is hurted. He doesn't like to fight and he is peacefull. Although if someone atacks him he will defend with the magical force and knologement but never hurting the other.

    -Your ambitions: Defeat all the diseases in the world.

    -Can your character read or write?: He can write and read.

    -Can your character mine?: No he can't. His hands are made to Heal not to hit stone...

    -Are you a capable builder? Im capable of building basic structures with Wool like Tents but nothing beyond it.

    -Can you wield a sword?: No I can´t and I will never.

    -Enjoy Farming?: Very Much... There is where he get the weed for the potions and more seeds.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: Healing and Farming]

    -A screenshot of your skin: skin.png

    -Other Information: He cares his hands too much. :P

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