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Quiet Kitten

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Status Replies posted by Quiet Kitten

  1. Favorite magical entity? Eg. Clerics, mages, monks, liches, shades etc.

  2. I somehow have lost around 3500 Minas when I haven't been on..

  3. College in 2 days.

  4. Yesterday and today are like night and day...

  5. kayaking in the pool doesn't work very well

  6. Don't google 'The Rake' unless you hate laughing.

  7. Watching The Walking Dead, amazing. Almost better than the comic.

  8. looking for a new hairstyle ... any ideas?

    1. Quiet Kitten

      Quiet Kitten

      Of course Native is the only one who posts something serious, thanks Native! Definitely getting bangs! :)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  9. anyone know why my shockwave plugin is crashing all de timez?

  10. actually has the day off! WOOT! ... except now I don't know what to do with all this free time ....

  11. Gah, a couple more hours and i will be home... finally.

  12. felt like i just woke up from the dead ... not a nice feels.

  13. Since Minecon is in Paris, will LoTC have another booth? Pretty expensive.

  14. Who do you think the most well known LOTC character is?

  15. I come home from school. So much has happened today, and I feel so bad about it all.

  16. I know it's a little late but ... just saw Dark Knight Rises and LOVED IT! XD

  17. Take a walk about in old areas. Sob like a *****. Ah, memories...

  18. UP, y u make me Q-Q?

  19. I am set to EST on these forums. It is 10:20 right now. Why does all the times say 8 something?? -_-

  20. I am set to EST on these forums. It is 10:20 right now. Why does all the times say 8 something?? -_-

  21. Oh yeah, makin the monies! Back at work for another 12 hr shift. Next month I have over 160hrs of work. Woot!

  22. Oh yeah, makin the monies! Back at work for another 12 hr shift. Next month I have over 160hrs of work. Woot!

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