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Quiet Kitten

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Status Updates posted by Quiet Kitten

  1. making a new char ... need ideas...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Quiet Kitten

      Quiet Kitten

      lol umm Genriel committed suicide.

    3. Dante



      Mori? A bit restraining, but we need them all the same... Kind of...

    4. Quiet Kitten

      Quiet Kitten

      Mmmm I'm kind of looking for a little more freedom.

  2. is considering leaving LOTC because of the ridiculous politics and uptight people who are so concerned about getting their two cents in.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Brevias


      I can't tell if Danic is stupid or trolling.

    3. danic


      Possibly both.

    4. Quiet Kitten

      Quiet Kitten

      le sigh.. thanks guys .. I guess I am raging a bit, it can be hard not to when random people you don't know critisize you and try to ruin your reputation. I'll try to hang in there. :)

  3. is sad that I only get to play when there is a total of 24 people online :'(

  4. Just for the record I was online tonight...except my tonight is your tomorrow...

  5. Hahaha I know! I want to get online, but I'm at work! XD

  6. Suuuuhhhhpriiiize!!

  7. wish that I had time for LOTC these days... haven't been on in weeks...

    1. V0idsoldier


      =( I knowwwww making meh cry

    2. shiftnative


      We miss you !

  8. hand, foot, and mouth disease? O_o

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Quiet Kitten

      Quiet Kitten

      Yeah, it sucks, I have sores all over my hands and feet..none in my mouth though thankfully. Such a weird disease.

    3. Quiet Kitten

      Quiet Kitten

      Yeah, it sucks, I have sores all over my hands and feet..none in my mouth though thankfully. Such a weird disease.

    4. Cereidon (Tetsuzaru)

      Cereidon (Tetsuzaru)

      I had that in October . It was so bad that my doctor said I cant use my computer...but I still did :P

  9. just got over a fever/headache/cold/cough/sore throat! So wasn't fun.

    1. Dyn


      Hope you are feeling better.

  10. Hey, site looks awesome! Looking forward to meeting you in game now that I'm back!

  11. Your profile is telling me to say hello...so...hello!

  12. Yaaaay! Can't wait to be filled in on Rusen's story! And I'll be back on sometime this week!

  13. :( Sowwy! It's been good, been visiting with my family, they came home from vacation.

  14. took a little break from minecraft...but I'll probably be coming back soon :)

  15. Thanks! I'll probably start playing around with those programs and see if I can't make a movie of decent quality!

  16. I wish there were more time in the day...

    1. Braxis


      There is! Just do not sleep :P

  17. Ahh I know what you mean...my laptop isn't ancient however, I just lack the programs to do it..I may try to commandeer my fiance's mac though...

  18. You say you've been wanting to make a promotion video for LOTC for months now...whats holding you back?

  19. ...really want to make a video to promote LOTC.

    1. Sinstrite


      I've wanted to for months now, someday... someday...

    2. brvhrt1005


      Already doing it!


  20. As do I! They are the greatest beauty in both minecraft and real life!

  21. Looking for inspiration...

  22. Thanks for the five stars! :) I shall light up the sky with them!

  23. Old Scorsby! You're still alive!

  24. ..falling...asleep...at..keyboard..!

    1. Lee Scorsby

      Lee Scorsby

      Go... too.. bed.... ;)

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