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Quiet Kitten

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Status Replies posted by Quiet Kitten

  1. Getting married a month from today!!! Hurrayyy!! :D

  2. Getting married a month from today!!! Hurrayyy!! :D

  3. Who will be with 50,000th vistor on my profile? Only 45,684 to go!

  4. Who will be the 13,000th visitor on my profile? Only two more to go~

  5. I'm a little tea pot, short and spout. Is this a good song to be working on my Va to?

  6. Getting married a month from today!!! Hurrayyy!! :D

  7. I'm horrible. I think of this message board as twitter -____-

  8. I'm a little tea pot, short and spout. Is this a good song to be working on my Va to?

  9. I'm a little tea pot, short and spout. Is this a good song to be working on my Va to?

  10. Well, I was supposed to be up at 1am...kinda fell asleep for another hour or so. In total I had around 5 hours awake yesturday x.x and I'm STILL tired.

  11. I'm a little tea pot, short and spout. Is this a good song to be working on my Va to?

  12. Just had some AMAZING RP, With voidsolider~

  13. Yes or no? Will you say no?

  14. That moment, when you log off unnder a tree and you log on ontop of the tree,

  15. Just had some AMAZING RP, With voidsolider~

  16. Yes or no? Will you say no?

  17. ..sooo I just tried to post a new topic and it's not showing up..??

  18. That feel when you haven't had rp in forever and it is finally coming back!

  19. All of my old friends never seem to log on anymore :I

  20. It's hard finding single women who are not idiots in RP. . .

  21. is getting married IRL to Bravepaw in a month and 4 days!!! XD

  22. just watched a video released from the fashion show I was in..my mom is telling me to add it to my resume...Yes..I can work for you as a secretary, and model your office uniform too! XD

  23. is getting married IRL to Bravepaw in a month and 4 days!!! XD

  24. Going to apply for a job at "Adventography" a photography company not too far from my house - let's see how this goes ~

  25. Note to self, if I ever want to fall asleep while studying, bring a pillow.

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