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Quiet Kitten

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Status Replies posted by Quiet Kitten

  1. Is mad that his VA was revoked for using a lever to break open a locked door >.

  2. I bet people like Shiftnative and Robin don't have to deal with bandits

  3. just saw The Grey with Liam Neeson..good movie, but leaves you feeling lonely and hopeless..

  4. Sooo tired! Must finish making skins!

  5. Sigh, log in once more greeted with a dead forest and no rp. I miss my old rp, but it isn't coming back, should I move cities?

  6. Sigh, that feeling when you just realize someone is banned, and they shouldn't be banned, and you want to rp with them =*(

  7. YOU are not your character! YOUR CHARACTER IS !

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