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Will (TauFirewarrior)

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Status Replies posted by Will (TauFirewarrior)

  1. I hurt myself today.

  2. Why does every character in LOTC drink tea? Because it is the designated 'fancy' drink? What if I like coffee or hot chocolate? Or what if I don't like hot beverages? Who is growing all this tea anyway?

  3. My math instructor just said the US and two small island countries use Imperial. Rest in peace. Stomped her ass and told her the Brits invented it and use it to this day while America is officially metric.

  4. realism rp is the best rp

  5. realism rp is the best rp

  6. I recommend we launch an OFFICIAL investigation and those found of perjury and misuse of GM powers both will be dragged into the streets and SHOT for this MOST HIDEOUS, and quite frankly, UNBELIEVABLE crime.

  7. Cappy's merit of being promoted to admin was that he follows rules to a tee. Surely recent events have proven he is just as impulsive and prone to acting without consideration for any rules actually being broken as any other?

  8. Why do warclaims always have a "No hacking" condition set? Shouldn't that be obvious?

  9. Why do warclaims always have a "No hacking" condition set? Shouldn't that be obvious?

  10. I think we should be focusing on getting raids back.. Not VAs..

  11. I think we should be focusing on getting raids back.. Not VAs..

  12. How do I appeal for the removal of my Warning Point?

  13. Raptor now worships Guru Laghima.........

  14. Say a char of mine was 36 in The mid Fringe, how old would he be now in Athera?

  15. You fiend, have I never encountered such corrupted and foul-minded perversity! Have you ever considered a career in the Church?

  16. Hi, my name is Will and I'm a Dragoboo

  17. Kais, send me a PM, I noticed a bit of metagamed information in your Ultimatum and wish to address it in private mate! Clear your inbox.

  18. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What form of transportation linked Laurelin and Ravenhold?

  19. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Which faction had the warclaim The Midnight in the war against Salvus in Asulon?

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