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Will (TauFirewarrior)

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Status Replies posted by Will (TauFirewarrior)

  1. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Which faction had the warclaim The Midnight in the war against Salvus in Asulon?

  2. Why is Iblees called the "Arch-Daemon"? The title of Arch implies a leadership role, much like Aerial or Gazardiael were Archaenguls (I may be mistaken for Aerial), as they had other Aenguls beneath them with similar goals and ideals. Iblees, however, has no one but himself and maybe Ikuras, and a single seperate Daemon does not register him as a valid Arch-entity. He would be the opposite, in fact. He's a fallen immortal.

  3. Why is Iblees called the "Arch-Daemon"? The title of Arch implies a leadership role, much like Aerial or Gazardiael were Archaenguls (I may be mistaken for Aerial), as they had other Aenguls beneath them with similar goals and ideals. Iblees, however, has no one but himself and maybe Ikuras, and a single seperate Daemon does not register him as a valid Arch-entity. He would be the opposite, in fact. He's a fallen immortal.

  4. Warlord212 is mad because I constantly stop, start the Easterners and he wants to let out his secret Weeabu and play a Samurai.

  5. I hear Raptor supports Orlais.

  6. Eyad told me he likes to look at this thing called 'clopping' so I looked it up.

  7. Let's play European Guessing Game: Which country is this? http://i.imgur.com/eHreVbi.jpg

  8. I AM THE GOD EMPEROR GERALT OF RIVIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Funny I just talked to Mog #RuiningTrend

  10. Justice? Please. Justice would have been banning half of you still trying to troll about it by the third status update. We've gotten too lenient ;)

  11. Justice? Please. Justice would have been banning half of you still trying to troll about it by the third status update. We've gotten too lenient ;)

  12. What exactly does a Developer do/get...?

  13. It's always raining...

  14. if youre good at coming up with names for games/worlds and **** comment pls ty

  15. Anime Expo Day Two in L.A. Anyone going to be there?

  16. Snelves are a Culture not a costume

  17. Just a little note, if you want to say your warriors guild is good at what it does never use the word "Unmatched" try to use different words implying they are good but the the best as it can be embarrassing if you lose.


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