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Will (TauFirewarrior)

Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Will (TauFirewarrior)

  1. I take it everyone will be wearing tinfoil hats in the war today? http://i.imgur.com/JEyWYEq.jpg

  2. Is it bad that I'm just a little bit smug?

  3. Birdwhisperer and the High Elves are the only Elfish Elves around, all the others do /setrace Elf and muck around with anime influences. Tolkienn was more legit than Sasuke.

  4. Birdwhisperer and the High Elves are the only Elfish Elves around, all the others do /setrace Elf and muck around with anime influences. Tolkienn was more legit than Sasuke.

  5. whats with all the Winged Hussar avatars?

  6. #KaisForSalvus

  7. We should make a LotC facebook page..

  8. Japanophiles and Asianophiles, you shall witness firespirit44 going Ham on thee. Good Day to ye!

  9. Although premade PC's suck this whole getting it built for you business is so slow

  10. Anyone up for a livestream tonight? and if so, what would you want to see?

  11. 11th working day of my desktop being ordered. Still not here...

  12. Which came first, the Tyranid or the Zerg?

  13. My school made no sense today.

  14. Russia would be perfect if it had a tsar. Otherwise, best policies in world!

  15. I can't feel my legs, sometimes I hade pre season training

  16. the dog dies at the end

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