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Will (TauFirewarrior)

Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Will (TauFirewarrior)

  1. Civ 5 or Crusader Kings 2?

  2. EMT school officially starts this coming Saturday...

  3. You will be my Khalassar. I see the faces of slaves. I free you.

  4. *Ewan Gunda is banished from Abresi for stating his opinion on the captain*

  5. Oren should start being more like the Tudors again.

  6. Which is the only race that isn't affected by either Curse? :D

  7. *twirls blade.

  8. Remember when edginess just applied to the AC copycats?

  9. Instead of calling folks Edgy, point out it doesn't make sense in RP! "...I have not yet seen an Elf with blades from the East in all my years.."

  10. Will it blend?

  11. That was... That was fast

  12. This goddamn Witcher 2 boss. You have to dodge his tentacles, but when he puts them all down, **** if I know where they will end up, they don't go where you'd expect. And then you do the trap stuff and then there is a quicktime event. Ok, so it's the end then? NOPE. Another stage, where you have to dodge debris and undodgable tentacles? My god.

  13. Ordering pizza online is the best thing ever.

  14. You know you have an obession with Nike Air Max's when you buy 3 pairs when your out shopping...

  15. i found a dead cat on the side of the road and i picked it up and i took it home and i put some honey on it and i cooked it and i ate it is that bad doo dee doo da da doo dee doo da da

  16. Went $150 over my data cap... Ouch.

  17. Two words that sum up Anthos : "Civil War"

  18. CKII is the most impossible game ever, I hate it.

  19. My profile pic is actually the best.

  20. Who is the current king/emporer of Oren?!

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