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Will (TauFirewarrior)

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Status Replies posted by Will (TauFirewarrior)

  1. "Honey, grab my continental uniform... the one I should've never put down..." - Benedict Arnold, on his Death Bed.

  2. Looks like my computer is broken :/

  3. Do we really need Wither Skeletons?

  4. goodbye terrible silverblade keep.

  5. Hey, some antags get to the Tower of Curiosity

  6. Cloud Temple event was fun as ****

  7. Let us improve rather than hold grudges from the past.

  8. I do miss this place from time to time

  9. http://i.imgur.com/Ho7ctTV.png And dis is why children, we do not let me near photoshop. My first use of it ever...
  10. Is it bannable to RP delivering a baby, or do I have to fade to black

  11. Just a peaceful status posting my opinions,...................Wait.....what thats not allowed. ?

  12. Feel the power of....MARKUS! WORSHIP HIM!

  13. It's weird when you find out someone that plays Lotc lives about 5 minutes away from you O.o

  14. It's weird when you find out someone that plays Lotc lives about 5 minutes away from you O.o

  15. I find the LOTC forums extremely depressing and full of arguing. I actually wonder if anyone plays the game anymore or if we're just stuck in an endless loop of complaining when we could just be playing.

  16. make real characters with legitimate motives not anime

  17. Thus the construction of Abresi Castle begins! (or at least the front ward) http://i.imgur.com/1WzzUKV.png

  18. Why do you hate us elves?

  19. Which race should my next character be?

  20. Lawrence of Arabia

  21. Kais why are you looking at Justin Bieber again!!!!

  22. Borrred. Played elf, orc, and human. Dwarf I nub want to try cause they seem inactive alot of the time and halflings are too migit sized for meh. IM BORED! SUGGESTIONS! BORRRREDDD! Seriously, LoTC is boring for me right now.

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