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Will (TauFirewarrior)

Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Will (TauFirewarrior)

  1. There's no such thing as a Gluten allergy.

  2. death to all the peach-skinned wood elves

  3. I love when people demand I break character for them. Kek.

  4. Is there camels on lotc?

  5. Who will oppress people now that Knox is banned?

  6. Taking over the world one person at a time.

  7. Can the Game Moderators please stop trolling status updates, please?

  8. What to name the new stable.. Any suggestions?

  9. I quit smoking I am so angry all the time

  10. Man, props to the folks RPing a religion in LotC- The e-athiests just shyte down your throats :3

  11. New MTG post, we're coming back.

  12. What if I gave up my crown and started a democracy?

  13. ghosts apparently have rights IC now

  14. Your tearing me apart Lisa!

  15. Why is cybering a perma ban?

  16. i am thinking of making this new female dark elf character. she would be very beautiful with red eyes and use her beautiful appearance to assassinate her enemies with her double edged katanas that she had been training diligently with since the age of 8 years old

  17. Being someone that has been chill with [most] staff and [most] players, is it harmful and/or trollish to request that the staff collectively give a final and solid post to clarify the "concept of cyber-harassment'? What I don't believe the staff are prepared to deal with is the fact that many on the forums act without any idea of "critical thinking", and so feedback threads can inadvertently elicit "harassment" claims. Are the staff willing to talk people through...

  18. first mogroka, now aiim. i dont think gms like humans

  19. Someone should make a villain... that only commits the crime of stealing "Leather Pants"...

  20. Does anyone have the coords for Yamatai?

  21. Who would win, Crows or Tigers?

  22. What would win, Crows or Swans?

  23. Are there any proper criminal organistations? e.g. stealing, handling in drugs or whatever, etc.

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