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Will (TauFirewarrior)

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Status Replies posted by Will (TauFirewarrior)

  1. Are there any proper criminal organistations? e.g. stealing, handling in drugs or whatever, etc.

  2. Just realized how moody I can be in the morning.

  3. Looking for a new and unique culture? Look no further and sign up today! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/99088-the-bristiric-culture/

  4. WHY ARE ALL YOU CONTINENTAL EUROS SO HUGE? My 5"8 UK brain can't handle all the 6ft+ Dutch people in my school right now!

  5. why do people take pride in not reading game of thrones/ a song of ice and fire books???

  6. why do people take pride in not reading game of thrones/ a song of ice and fire books???

  7. The White Tigers are back, Organized Crime is back :D

  8. Its time for some therapy.... I am going to say something and you respond with the first thing that comes to mind. Ready? Ok. "RP Default"

  9. I'm home alone. Nothing colder then that. :(

  10. The heating in my trailer went out. I live in ice box.

  11. I'd rather sit naked on an iceberg serenaded by Rebecca Black for the rest of my life than let anyone see the full history of things I've googled.

  12. I'm going to create a character called M.Night Shyamalan and become a play Director taking various characters from the past like Gaius Marius and misrepresent them to rustle some jimmies, the actors in the play will look directly into the audience and will only speak in monotone— Will Dorahy/Kaisuh, Today 7:47 AM

  13. I'm going to create a character called M.Night Shyamalan and become a play Director taking various characters from the past like Gaius Marius and misrepresent them to rustle some jimmies, the actors in the play will look directly into the audience and will only speak in monotone— Will Dorahy/Kaisuh, Today 7:47 AM

  14. I'm feeling rebellious.

  15. Down with the fourth wall! DESTROY IT! BRING IT DOWNNN!

  16. Wtf soulstones got wiped AGAIN?

  17. Wtf soulstones got wiped AGAIN?

  18. Wtf soulstones got wiped AGAIN?

  19. Wtf soulstones got wiped AGAIN?

  20. So you can't be rude about people when you're in a Rebellion. It's naughty.

  21. Hey guys whats the rp hub?

  22. So apparently I'm a gay Asian that should go die... Right then...

  23. If Lord of The Craft had an anime I would watch it xP

  24. Uguu kawaii desu animu hotto-dogu

  25. If Lord of The Craft had an anime I would watch it xP

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