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Will (TauFirewarrior)

Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Will (TauFirewarrior)

  1. Well I suppose there is one good thing about the Server being down. I am actually focused on finishing up some lore

  2. Hey people, give LOTC all your money; stop the DDOSers.... Kthanxbai!

  3. So I find out I have lost £50 out of my bank account.

  4. Posts 2nd VA + No reference yet = Forever ignored T.T

  5. I really thought that we were done slandering staff. I guess not. It's not acceptable to slander any member, ever, especially behind their back. It's very low to say things about any staff member. If you have a problem, talk to them. I for one used to /hate/ Mogroka, then I actually talked to him. Just chill and leave the hate.

  6. Still haven't made a gm app... though I am tempted. But it's so mainstream now. :P

  7. -Cataris emerges from the far forests of Northern Asulon. Comically, he sits atop the shoulders of his enslaved Giant. His skeletal fingers grip the iron chains tightly, tugging on them, the Giant gets the hint and continues moving south.- ((Back from my break. I won't be on as much due to work but eh, you may see me around ;D ))

  8. Ola-hey-heya! Ola-hey-heya! Ola-hey-heya! And we danced, and we cried,and we laughed, and had a really really really good time. Take my hand, let's have a blast, and remember this moment for the res of our lives!

  9. Posted in the show yourself thread. Do your worst.

  10. I really do hate it when people call LOTC a hardcore factions server. Its not even funny.

  11. Having a LOTR marathon gonna watch em all.

  12. This is Will, Chikaea, and I. Will is the one with glasses.
  13. I don't handle hangovers well :(

  14. I did it! I stood up!

  15. I don't handle hangovers well :(

  16. Drink before school.. Or after school... Hmm... I think now is best. Is six o clock somewhere...

  17. I'm such a mug and it's so cold. Jesus h Christ.

  18. Whats everyone up to?

  19. Whats everyone up to?

  20. Whats everyone up to?

  21. Life lesson #1- treat a girl with respect of they deserve it. I spent 4 years trying to keep my ex happy to be ended with by text. Life lesson #2- alcohol does not fix your problems. Life lesson#3 never EVER end a relationship by text. It's the worst move you can make.

  22. Hmm I just did something I haven't done for a while. Be completely f**king stupid and not think before I posted something

  23. *brings out his Mogroka Beacon, he breaks a sweat as he aims it to the sky, he turns the light out sending a signal out to the night sky that emulates a picutre of Mogroka, the man hollars*"MOGROKA!!!! WE NEEED YOUU!!!"

  24. Hmm I just did something I haven't done for a while. Be completely f**king stupid and not think before I posted something

  25. Hmm I just did something I haven't done for a while. Be completely f**king stupid and not think before I posted something

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