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Will (TauFirewarrior)

Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Will (TauFirewarrior)

  1. Well Kais just got engaged now I just need to organize the wedding

  2. Well Kais just got engaged now I just need to organize the wedding

  3. Well Kais just got engaged now I just need to organize the wedding

  4. Well Kais just got engaged now I just need to organize the wedding

  5. Well Kais just got engaged now I just need to organize the wedding

  6. Cappy just blacklisted two people for killing inside the temple. firstly, they were provoked kills, which aren't villainous. and secondly, if their Char doesn't respect the monks, why would he listen to them when they say 'dont fight'?

  7. I would talk about British Politics, but people would get angry if they can't admit that I am right

  8. I would talk about British Politics, but people would get angry if they can't admit that I am right

  9. I would talk about British Politics, but people would get angry if they can't admit that I am right

  10. I would talk about British Politics, but people would get angry if they can't admit that I am right

  11. It's monday folks. The happiest day of the week!

  12. Alright you dirty peasants. I've been home now for 2 hours and all ready bored so am on here for a little bit.

  13. I've been with LOTC for a year now, and I have to say, I do not regret my last year, with LOTC. I

  14. On a scale of 1-10, what's your favorite color of the alphabet?

  15. My response to another boring Purge. http://i.imgur.com/KIcEr.gif

  16. Pretty Woman, walking down the street, Pretty Woman :3

  17. *Pulls out his Guitar* "Why Cant we be friends~"

  18. Everyone calm down, take a moment to chill. Its a game, its a game that takes time and effort to get good at. But in the end it is still a game. Just take a few deep breaths and calm down and assess the situation.

  19. If there's one thing that riles me up more than TF2 Engineers its people telling me to calm down. It doesnt calm anyone down. It makes it worse.

  20. Just out of interest. What kind of cannons do Oren have? I wasn't part of the war claim I'm just generally interested.

  21. Just out of interest. What kind of cannons do Oren have? I wasn't part of the war claim I'm just generally interested.

  22. Holy Crap, i was just at the DMZ in North Korea... it was the coolest thing ever :D

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