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Will (TauFirewarrior)

Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Will (TauFirewarrior)

  1. Hm, thats why lore that is not implemented should not be leaked to the public, the lore is made by me and a group of people so that the staff to consider if we wanted to start fresh with no lore new races etc, but the idea was not accepted its like millons of google docs we got for brainstroming nothing comes of them, most of the time as for the spires there not implemented and wont end the world.

  2. What if in the new update we make potato wine? Vodka.

  3. How many posts do you have to make before your an Old Hat?

  4. Might create a highwayman character because of this new money system, as well as I haven't seen one since aegis

  5. Anyone other than me still on Summer Break?

  6. R.I.P our dearly Beloved, Burkester. His kind mannerisms and his innocent laugh of a thousand children will always be in our hearts. The times where he would make you smile in your times of strife, the times where he would eminate his laugh across the teamspeak channel when you were sad...those times are the times that show us the good side of Burkester...and not the evil money laundering scoundrel that he was found out to be.

  7. For the people who have lost money, They had a log kept of all moneiiz before the update, you will get it back.

  8. R.I.P our dearly Beloved, Burkester. His kind mannerisms and his innocent laugh of a thousand children will always be in our hearts. The times where he would make you smile in your times of strife, the times where he would eminate his laugh across the teamspeak channel when you were sad...those times are the times that show us the good side of Burkester...and not the evil money laundering scoundrel that he was found out to be.

  9. Okay, LotC. I'm going to have a break from this. I'll regularly do my job on the forums with pride, but as for IG, I give up. I cannot take immaturity, blatant disrespect to others, GMs and constant rule breaking which goes unnoticed. Some people here need a reread of the rules and to not be greedy to the extend of other player facing anguish.

  10. So, is everyones current minas getting wiped?

  11. Now if you'll excuse me I have a city to destroy.

  12. Now if you'll excuse me I have a city to destroy.

  13. It seems I am quite the romantic

  14. My rep is now 69 awwww yeah

  15. 37 people online... I was gonna rob people but it appears that Lotc has become just another minecraft server....

  16. Someone go bungie jumping with me.

  17. You may think yourself safe and complain about the VAT. But we are always listening. We will find you. And we will deny you.

  18. Don't you just wish you were an Arcane Delver?

  19. Did you know there was emerald in Asulon? Well there is.

  20. n00bs, I'm not leaving yet. It was a cool animation was all. That guy clearly put his all into it.

  21. Parent fights.. Gotta love em >.>

  22. Weekend = YAY. BUT weekends are SOOO short, so Weekend = a taste = Cry.. Logic = to much.

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