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Will (TauFirewarrior)

Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Will (TauFirewarrior)

  1. Profile views spiked 300 in 2 days. Go away. :P

  2. Just got back home. Awesome evening with friends. I forgot how stunning RL can be ^^

  3. Just got back home. Awesome evening with friends. I forgot how stunning RL can be ^^

  4. I think everyone should post in show yourself... I for one shall post more soon once I'm done babysitting or something. Well.. Maybe not.. -Looks as Shais-

  5. I don't want to beg for you guys to bring back health regen... But I'll do it

  6. What on earth is the human religion? Can someon give me a link?

  7. Sometimes when I'm alone I like to rub vasaline all over my body and pretend I'm a slug

  8. I think we've got to know the difference between powergaming, and being more powered than your enemy.. :)

  9. Have you ever awkwardly held the door open for someone that was very far away...and you just stood there....waiting... and they are like "Uhh..." Happened today at Walmart.. :/

  10. Passed her exams with flying colours. I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!!!!

  11. I feel like Undead coming back is very unoriginal and an easy way to switch maps or create an antagonist. Not to mention we have been told many times they will never return ever.

  12. Just walkin round Arethor lookin for my friends, cant find any. Did I ever have any?

  13. Stop calling me Italian or Assassin! I put my name in my display name for a reason. It bugs me when people call me "Italian" or "Assassin"

  14. And my laptop dies in the middle of RP. I have no idea why it was unplugged... Fantastic. It's probably best. I need to sleep badly.

  15. Its not who you are underneath .... its what you do that defines you.

  16. Its not who you are underneath .... its what you do that defines you.

  17. Its not who you are underneath .... its what you do that defines you.

  18. And so a relationship ends. Alex dead and Kali hiding. What more could a story ask for as an awful cliffhanger?

  19. :/ Ehh... Today wasn't the best of days...

  20. My organization is getting people joining it! I am so happy!

  21. So yeah started virtual school today. I see this will be easy. I'm ahead of my schedule. But while I have free time, LETS GET ON THE FORUMS! Woot

  22. There are no VAs left to review. Maybe I should try joining the App Team <_>

  23. Let the bitching of the new update begin.

  24. Why was MrZombie's VA denied!?

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