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Will (TauFirewarrior)

Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Will (TauFirewarrior)

  1. Someone link me the downgrader again

  2. Well, the summer will be over in 5 days where I live.. That means I can't stay up for all hours of the night to nerd it out anymore... SAD Sad sad

  3. Well, the summer will be over in 5 days where I live.. That means I can't stay up for all hours of the night to nerd it out anymore... SAD Sad sad

  4. What's the weirdest name you've encountered in RP?

  5. Why doesn't anyone want to be a ruthless Ninja for Millennium?

  6. I accidentally updated my Minecraft! D: WHY!!!!

  7. So, what would you like to see added to LOTC?

  8. so how is everyone today?


  10. I'm ready to do Warclaims again. I put my GM app back up too. I can actually do this I think now. Thank you to everyone who helped me out. You stopped me from doing quite a bit of stupid ****. Thanks.

  11. I'm ready to do Warclaims again. I put my GM app back up too. I can actually do this I think now. Thank you to everyone who helped me out. You stopped me from doing quite a bit of stupid ****. Thanks.

  12. Watch Out Asulon Lion's Kid "Tiny Terror" has been Born

  13. Prince AKA August Flay is the most notorious bandit of all time.

  14. My swearing level increases from extreme to ultra when playing BF3.

  15. Apparently, I'm now King Marcys Targaryen, first of his name, and Highborn, Rightful ruler of the Iron Throne. Now, wheres Renly, I think I might behead him.

  16. Back in America, Now, for the jet lag

  17. Emperor Horen ( Godfrey) = Emperor Palptine

  18. Don't expect me home for dinner. Gonna watch the new Batman movie this evening.

  19. Ich bin ein Berliner.

  20. Proud to be British after that opening ceremony :P

  21. Dun worry, about a ting, cause every little ting, is gonna be alright, ya man.. Oooh ooh.. Is gonna be alright

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