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Will (TauFirewarrior)

Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Will (TauFirewarrior)

  1. Buying Bedrock

  2. It's raining.. I hate the rain

  3. Is anyone else having trouble logging in?

  4. Is anyone else having trouble logging in?

  5. Windows Vista. Beats everything.

  6. Lol, Banned a ****-ton of Good Rp'ers Why? Just why?

  7. *Claps that no GM's care that Salvus was aloud to no RP kill all of house flay and everyone near them...

  8. *Claps that no GM's care that Salvus was aloud to no RP kill all of house flay and everyone near them...

  9. Done making RP posts because I guess I have to spell names and words the English way where y replaces i. No more posts from me I guess.

  10. #Freyaforpresident2012

  11. I DEMAND YOU ALL GO GET THE UPDATED VERSION ON HAWKS MODPACK! It is sooo kewwllllll. Tell your friends it is out!

  12. I finally thought I could try praying to Iblees for once, to see what would happen... this message appeared http://i.imgur.com/QRpKR.png

  13. Adding piece by piece to my Major Proposals for War Claims :3

  14. *Cracks his knuckles, looking at his posts the last 12 hours, grinning madly* "I'm baaaaaaack! Muhahaha! Muhahahahahahaha!"

  15. Who doesn't like a good wedding, hm?

  16. Dance Party in Holy Oren Empire TS Channel

  17. Does anyone want to roleplay with me in Skype?.. I am "Bloodlest".

  18. Still in the hospital. Gonna be in here for a while.

  19. I know it will only be a matter of time before the forums are down...

  20. If these DDoSers think they are so cool because they can make computers do this why don't they get tech jobs and benefit people?

  21. Quit my career to play on this server.

  22. Why does everyone hate the flays?

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