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Will (TauFirewarrior)

Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Will (TauFirewarrior)

  1. I'm hungry for flapjacks now...

  2. Logs on after being MIA for 15 days, magically has a castle....

  3. Danny, flapjacks are pancakes >:3

  4. And wow. That text I just got was the last thing I needed... And this only furthes my belief of love.

  5. Wont be on for a while perhaps, my parents believe minecraft was the reason I broke my laptop a year ago and think it will release viruses onto my computer *rolls eyes* well what are ya gonna do, parents-gotta love 'em

  6. Gotta say, Freya's a pretty chill GM. You deserve some cookies and milk.

  7. Ok seriously who the hell did we piss off so much?

  8. The Dwarves are DDoSing because they are scared of losing.

  9. We could be trolling by saying we are trolling... Maybe we trolled by saying we trolled so people would think it was a joke but it really happened.

  10. Happy Friday the 13th, trolololol

  11. Happy Friday the 13th, trolololol

  12. Lol, silly DDoSers... We'll just put down the server, ban your ips, and put it back up!

  13. pok is a Zimbabwean midget

  14. Dude... I'm gonna miss a huge party today because I have Strep throat... Le sigh... I guess... I will just have to stay here... I really wanted to go to this party too. I put some work into planning it...

  15. Not nice, 'Failed to verify username.'

  16. Sever is down for the moment, no one can log on.. so stay logged!


  18. Ahh! You can't tame animals! I want kitties! I captures two kitties for nothing! Agh! Time to kill every cat I see!

  19. Just downloaded Dawnguard for Skyrim. You wont be seeing much of me today ;)

  20. Played Skyrim for 20 hours straight~~ on to LoTc

  21. Why is this the logic of every person that posts a ban report "Ban report posted *Waits for his/her items back" GET OVER THE ITEMS AND RP. Dont drop the ban if he/she returns the items, it doesn't stop the person from breaking the rules.

  22. I'm off the see the wizard! The wonderful Wizard of Oz!

  23. Pheonixpro1 has been defeated (in Rome: Total War) I won with Germania whilst he was playing House of Julii Romans :3

  24. God I hate steam's alert siren, gonna go deaf from it one day...

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