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Will (TauFirewarrior)

Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Will (TauFirewarrior)

  1. Just saw Prometheus interesting concept, I look forward to seeing the sequels if there are going to be any

  2. Off to go babysit a kid that looks (and acts) exactly like Mr. Chow, wish me luck!

  3. MFW people think No PVP = No Fun. Not hating, but.... :P.

  4. had the most batmany party ever..

  5. It's funny how people whine about how now they can't instantly craft their precious diamond armor, and that now they can only 9heart hit people instead of 10hearts :3

  6. Chocolate Donut, or a Honey-Bun? Decisions...

  7. How long will the server be down for

  8. Thisi s why Panda took up drawing... Those sever crashes. She just needs a new legit request now... :

  9. Secret attack supposed to happen in Arethor= Dozen men fully armor standing around a closed gate acting nonchalant for no reason -.-

  10. Need.... workers....

  11. As the server has crashed...How are we all?

  12. Server down for anyone else?

  13. I'm sick. Cure me.

  14. I feel left out not being listed as someone xmrsmoothx conflicts with, I even think he left out NED LUD! Dumbarse...

  15. LoTC has its first chinese moderator.

  16. 16 more profile views till I get 3000! :D

  17. And who are you, the proud lord said, That I must bow so low? Only a cat of a different coat, That's all the truth I know. In a coat of gold or a coat of red, A lion still has claws, And mine are long and sharp, my lord, As long and sharp as yours. And so he spoke, and so he spoke, That lord of Castamere, But now the rains weep o'er his hall, With no one there to hear. Yes now the rains weep o'er his hall, And not a soul to hear.

  18. Someone brought this up in OOC chat: Are brothels legal?

  19. Hey guys, quitting LoTC (Maybe Permanently, maybe not). Probably won't be on the forums or on TS, but I will make a post tomorrow explaining what happend to both my characters. I'd make my goodbye longer, but I am horrible at goodbyes. Bye to all my friends and good luck to all the new members!

  20. Newest game of thrones, most epic thing I've ever seen. If you don't watch the show, dear god what is wrong with you..

  21. Davos is the best Hand of the King ever. Onion Knight foeva

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