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Will (TauFirewarrior)

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Status Replies posted by Will (TauFirewarrior)

  1. What abbreviations are commonly used in LOTC?

  2. Apparently, black ops 2 will be set in the future :/

  3. We build this nation! We build this nation on BEEEEDROOOOOCK!!... BS!

  4. Rome: Total War owners, install the mod 'Europa Barbarorum' and come hither so that I may whip that a--!

  5. Well, had to stay up till 5 AM to watch the newest Game of Thrones but...WORTH IT.

  6. War Claim to be written tonight ;) Subudai we shall have first blood!

  7. Your daily reminder (◐ ◡ ◑ ) I am always watching you

  8. Some guy power gamed to get away from every emote we preformed... He was up against 3 gaurds armored, and myself armored, And yet still we couldn't even touch him...

  9. Our numbers are growing, the Lore is beautiful, come one, come all, join a LoreMaster in defeating tons of guilds, join the Mighty Subudai! Send a PM, comment below, or comment on the Your Ideas & Lore thread!

  10. Within approximately half an hour, the Subudai have reached approximately 8 Kotansmani!

  11. "Bronn, next time Sir Owen speaks, kill him. See, that was a threat. See the difference?"

  12. Pre-Ideas&Lore Poll: Should I resurrect my position in the Subudai and attempt to add a player-made threat to Guilds?


  14. Holm, Renatus has been given their RP Note on Guilds, I think I got Hanseti, Malinorean Elves, Alras, Seventis, Kharajyr, Halflings maybe

  15. Holm, Renatus has been given their RP Note on Guilds, I think I got Hanseti, Malinorean Elves, Alras, Seventis, Kharajyr, Halflings maybe

  16. Receiving a town for services in the Renatus vs. Salvus war, about to propose IG, and having a kid soon. Damn my character's life is good! :3

  17. My face when I call upon the Alrasian military http://i.imgur.com/9GEMk.jpg

  18. My face when I call upon the Alrasian military http://i.imgur.com/9GEMk.jpg

  19. It would seem that this war is one we were not meant to win, idk how Aeries is gonna react to this :P

  20. watching game of thrones for the first time

  21. Yaaaaay, people harassing me via profile comments! Wooooo!

  22. I got murdered today in Salvus. A drunken guard watched. Then after I died after being simultaneously attacked by 3 people he called for backup and arrested 2 of them. However so incompetent were the Salvus guards that while under watch of 2 guys wearing diamond armor both of them escaped. However it was all great fun, but the ordinators really need to step it up. The prisoners weren't searched and one was not shackled.

  23. The Druids Grove next to Salvus now has an army of ents guarding it. I shall acquire two halflings to befriend the ents and show them Salvus' corruption thus resulting in the ents breaking a dam that floods Salvus and begins the siege.

  24. You know, with all the war claims on Salvus, there is the chance that Salvus can win the, even with all the seiges and stuff that are bound to happen, what will happen then? what will it say about them.

  25. You know, with all the war claims on Salvus, there is the chance that Salvus can win the, even with all the seiges and stuff that are bound to happen, what will happen then? what will it say about them.

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