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Will (TauFirewarrior)

Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Will (TauFirewarrior)

  1. I'm bored so.. anybody want some character art? Link me a picture of your skin on a comment. I might do one or two.

  2. After consulting with the playerbase, we have decided that Skravia is no longer canon lore.

  3. baltimore chimpcon 2015 NOW

  4. I think the Green Party is a viable alternative to the current two party system.

  5. my signature is apparently a place where all the GM's and admins put their name.

  6. http://i.imgur.com/ZdGzz30.png I'm doing commissions for $$$ please let me know if you want some. We discuss prices in rp!!111
  7. I actually thought High Elves were all inactive...

  8. I actually thought High Elves were all inactive...

  9. I actually thought High Elves were all inactive...

  10. Wait... I just realized you're also restricting who become shamans... Literally end yourselves.

  11. tsuyose is a banned player.

  12. tsuyose is a banned player.

  13. Tbh I'm really disapointed on staff. The server isn't crap solely because of the players, the staff is bogging shite too. How many times do I have to say, DICTATORSHIPS DON'T WORK TAKE YOUR HEADS OUT YOUR ASSES. That's all, if I get banned I got tons of fun and friends on this server, and I love you all.

  14. tsm or c9?

  15. Applications exist because staff is too ***** to grow a pair and ban people who clearly roleplay with no quality whatsoever.

  16. Applications exist because staff is too ***** to grow a pair and ban people who clearly roleplay with no quality whatsoever.

  17. You will be missed Elven moderator!

  18. Ever since house horen was founded, tons of people have thought that Horen is only their ancestor. He is every human's ancestor and saying your house is descended from him means sweet **** all. Even the lowliest of peasants are descended from him.

  19. Ever since house horen was founded, tons of people have thought that Horen is only their ancestor. He is every human's ancestor and saying your house is descended from him means sweet **** all. Even the lowliest of peasants are descended from him.

  20. Ever since house horen was founded, tons of people have thought that Horen is only their ancestor. He is every human's ancestor and saying your house is descended from him means sweet **** all. Even the lowliest of peasants are descended from him.

  21. Ever since house horen was founded, tons of people have thought that Horen is only their ancestor. He is every human's ancestor and saying your house is descended from him means sweet **** all. Even the lowliest of peasants are descended from him.

  22. Kinda sad, I thought the wood elves were doing fine!

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