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Status Replies posted by Esterlen

  1. Just spent the last hour and a half herding a ******* moth out of my room.

  2. once i get back on server i will actively combat slavers

  3. Beyond the shattered realm their descendants stumble. Fate not altered, time hath fumbled. After a time of Draakar's ire Cover the fringe, torrid winds and fire. Traverse the the maker's mark and seek. A truth that Ancestors beseech

  4. marcitos robbed me

  5. I'm about to go insane. If this lore gets denied again, I'll have to PK two of my characters.

  6. are you ******* serious

  7. are you ******* serious

  8. Why do you talk like you wear a fedora?

  9. I like taking screenshots of King Cailin crucified in Dragon Age. It's funny. I left him to rot.

  10. I would like to congratulate Esterlen on his reply in the latest leaving thread.

  11. Finally added Khabbi to the wiki, everyone rejoice.

  12. i know these things

  13. How'd Pyro get banned..?

  14. Was the kharajyr capital shown in the livestream

  15. For Vulcus so he can't delete my ALPHA argument: 1.) You of all people should know that cropped screenshots can't be used as evidence. 2.) The screenshot proves nothing. All it shows is him CREATING a block FIRST and then BREAKING it LATER. It also doesn't show him placing a ladder or otherwise.

  16. Time to think of district names for the elven housing areas of 4.0... tahu? akaln? maehr?

  17. The walls exist because if they don't; people walk into Haelun'or and wont leave until they're killed... Which they then use as justification to come back with more people and try to kill the elves a second time.

  18. You can't marry Zerlina. I'm marrying Zerlina.

  19. We should get the whole lotc community into the same ts channel and talk about our feelings.

  20. are all female gems some type of nobility?

  21. are all female gems some type of nobility?

  22. are all female gems some type of nobility?

  23. "Oh ****, I'm sorry!"

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